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党亚云. 莺歌海盆地东方区黄流组一段海底扇地震沉积学研究[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(6): 118-128. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220208
引用本文: 党亚云. 莺歌海盆地东方区黄流组一段海底扇地震沉积学研究[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(6): 118-128. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220208
Dang Yayun. Seismic sedimentology of submarine fan system in the 1st Member of the Huangliu Formation, Dongfang area, Yinggehai Basin, China[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(6): 118-128. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220208
Citation: Dang Yayun. Seismic sedimentology of submarine fan system in the 1st Member of the Huangliu Formation, Dongfang area, Yinggehai Basin, China[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(6): 118-128. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220208


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220208

中海石油(中国)有限公司海南分公司南海大中型天然气田形成条件、勘探潜力与突破方向资助项目 KJZH-2021-0003-00


    党亚云(1983—),女,工程师,主要从事南海海域石油地质与地震沉积学研究工作。E-mail: dangyy@cnooc.com.cn

  • 中图分类号: P618.13

Seismic sedimentology of submarine fan system in the 1st Member of the Huangliu Formation, Dongfang area, Yinggehai Basin, China

  • 摘要:

    莺歌海盆地东方区黄流组大型海底扇复合体气藏勘探近年来已获重大突破, 其低位体系域海底扇砂体储层发育期次及其分布演化规律尚不明确, 制约了该区下步油气滚动勘探进程。利用测井和三维地震资料展开地震沉积学及沉积学综合研究。研究表明: 黄流组一段顶底界面分别为T30和T31三级层序界面, 内部可进一步识别出T301地震标志层为代表的初始海泛面, T31和T301界面可限定黄流组一段低位体系域海底扇复合体。通过地震-岩性标定及地层切片, 自下而上揭示了4期海底扇复合体沉积特征及演化过程。第一期和第二期海底扇在平面上呈"人"字型, 主要发育深水水道及水道化朵叶地貌, 地震剖面上表现为大片弱振幅平行反射与零星强振幅反射地震相组合, 内部水道摆动剧烈, 薄层粉砂岩与泥岩互层为主。第三期海底扇内部水道体系占据主体, 岩性以细-极细砂岩为主, 储层类型优, 岩性圈闭条件好。第四期海底扇大幅萎缩, 整体以朵叶地貌为特色。在此基础上, 建立了黄流组一段低位体系域海底扇早期水道建设为主与晚期朵叶为特色的沉积模式, 认为低位体系域早期水道储层为下步油气勘探开发的主力对象。


  • 图 1  莺歌海盆地构造纲要(a)及黄流组综合柱状图(b) (据文献[15]修改)

    LST. 低位体系域;TST. 海侵体系域;HST. 高位体系域

    Figure 1.  Tectonic division of the Yingehai Basin (a) and stratigraphic column of the Huangliu Formation(b)

    图 2  莺歌海盆地东方区黄流组一段层序地层分布模式

    LST. 低位体系域;TST. 海侵体系域;HST. 高位体系域

    Figure 2.  Stratigraphic sequence architecture of the Huangliu Formation in the Dongfang area, Yinggehai Basin

    图 3  莺歌海盆地东方区黄流组一段井-震标定及体系域划分

    Figure 3.  Lithology-seismic calibration and system tract division of the 1st Member of the Huangliu Formation in Dongfang area, Yinggehai Basin

    图 4  黄流组一段井震剖面图(D-D地震测线,位置见图 3-c)

    Figure 4.  Well-seismic intergration of the 1st Member of the Huangliu Formation

    图 5  黄流组一段连井相分析图(D-D地震测线,位置见图 3-c)

    Figure 5.  Facies analysis chart among wells for the 1st Member of the Huangliu Formation

    图 6  莺歌海盆地东方区黄流组一段海底扇切片层位分布(B-BC-C地震测线见图 3-c)

    Figure 6.  Seismic sets of marine fan-lobe systems in the Huangliu Formation, Dongfang area, Yinggehai Basin

    图 7  东方区黄流组一段低位域第一期扇体RMS地层切片1 (a)及其沉积解释(b)

    Figure 7.  Amplitude stratal slice 1 (a) and associated sedimentary facies interpretation (b) of the lower system tract, 1st Member of the Huangliu Formation, Dongfang area, Yinggehai Basin

    图 8  东方区黄流组一段低位域第二期扇体RMS地层切片2 (a)及其沉积解释(b)

    Figure 8.  Amplitude stratal slice 2 (a) and associated sedimentary facies interpretation (b) of the lower system tract, 1st Member of the Huangliu Formation, Dongfang area, Yinggehai Basin

    图 9  东方区黄流组一段低位域第三期扇体RMS地层切片3 (a)及其沉积解释(b)

    Figure 9.  Amplitude stratal slice 3 (a) and associated sedimentary facies interpretation (b) of the lower system tract, 1st Member of the Huangliu Formation, Dongfang area, Yinggehai Basin

    图 10  东方区黄流组一段低位域第四期扇体RMS地层切片4 (a)及其沉积解释(b)

    Figure 10.  Amplitude stratal slice 4 (a) and associated sedimentary facies interpretation (b) of the lower system tract, 1st Member of the Huangliu Formation, Dongfang area, Yinggehai Basin

    图 11  莺歌海盆地黄流组一段海底扇沉积模式

    Figure 11.  Depositional model of the lower system tract, 1st Member of the Huangliu Formation, Dongfang area, Yinggehai Basin

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  • 收稿日期:  2022-05-09
  • 录用日期:  2023-02-13
  • 修回日期:  2023-01-16


