Large-range geological block modeling method
三维地质建模是一种通过计算机技术将多源地质数据转化为三维地质模型的技术, 它揭示着地下各类地质体之间的空间分布关系, 可以帮助地质工作者更直观地理解地下地质结构, 并为资源勘探、灾害预测和工程建设等工作提供一定支持, 然而复杂的地质环境、有效地质数据的稀缺、巨大的计算量等因素使得大范围地质体的构建成为了三维地质建模发展过程中亟待解决的问题之一。针对该问题, 提出了一种大范围地质体分块建模方法, 该方法基于模型包围盒的水平分布范围将大型建模区域平均划分成若干个相对小型的区块分别进行建模, 引入虚拟钻孔和地层分区自动追踪算法实现了对区块模型顶底部及中间地层分块边界的一致性约束, 同时, 在对每个区块进行建模时, 对其建模数据范围进行一定扩充以确保合并后的区块间地层在分块边界处能够实现平滑过渡。研究结果表明各区块模型能合并成为一个地层衔接连贯、顺滑的完整地质模型, 进而实现大范围地质体建模。以厦门马銮湾新城区的浅层地下模型为例, 构建了厦门马銮湾新城区三维地质模型, 并对该方法的建模效果进行了检验。对该模型剖切得到的地质剖面与真实钻孔进行了对比, 并从建模效率、地层衔接的连贯性和顺滑性等方面进行了分析, 证实了该方法的可行性。
Abstract:Objective 3D geological modelling is a kind of technology that converts multisource geological data into 3D geological models through computer. It reveals the spatial distribution relationship between various underground geological bodies, which helps geologists understand underground geological structures more intuitively, providing certain support for resource exploration, disaster prediction, engineering construction.However, complex geological environment, scarcity of effective geological data, large amount of calculation and other factors make the construction of large-scale complex geological bodies become an urgent problem to be solved in the development of 3D geological modelling.
Methods To address these issue, this paper proposes a large range of complex geological body block modelling methods. Based on the model horizontal distribution scope of bounding box, large range of research area will be divided into several relatively smaller ones to perform modelling. At the same time, virtual borehole and stratum partition automatic tracking algorithm will be introduced for the block model at the bottom, top and middle part for the consistency of boundary constraints.At the same time, when modelling each block, the range of modelling data is extended to ensure that the strata between merged blocks can achieve smooth transition at the boundary of block.
Results Each block of model is combined into a complete one with coherent and smooth stara so that a large range of complex three-dimensional geological body modelling can be realized.
Conclusion Taking the shallow underground model of the Xiamen Maluan Bay New urban area as an example, this paper constructed corresponding geological model to test the modelling effect. The model is dissected and compared with the real borehole. The feasibility of proposed method is verified in terms of modelling efficiency, continuity and smoothness of strata connection.
表 1 厦门马銮湾新城区钻孔涉及到的标准地层编码及级别编码
Table 1. Standard strata and grade codes for drilling in the new urban area of Maluan Bay, Xiamen
年代地层 岩性 地层编码 级别编码 第四系 水体 G0 1-1-0 杂填土 1-1 1-1-1 素填土 1-2 1-1-2 吹填土 1-3 1-1-3 耕植土 1-4 1-1-4 全新统 淤泥 2-1 1-2-1 淤泥质土 2-2 1-2-2 淤泥 3-1 1-3-1 淤泥质土 3-2 1-3-2 粉砂、细砂 3-3 1-3-3 中砂、粗砂、砾砂 3-4 1-3-4 含淤泥砂 3-5 1-3-5 淤泥质砂 3-6 1-3-6 黏土、粉质黏土、砂质黏土 4-1 1-4-1 粉土 4-2 1-4-2 粉砂、细砂 4-3 1-4-3 中砂、粗砂、砾砂 4-4 1-4-4 角(砾)石 4-5 1-4-5 碎(卵)石 4-6 1-4-6 砂质黏土 5-2 1-5-2 上更新统 黏土、粉质黏土、砂质黏土 8-1 1-6-5 粉砂、细砂 8-3 1-6-7 中砂、粗砂、砾砂 8-4 1-6-8 角(砾)石 8-5 1-6-9 碎(卵)石 8-6 1-6-10 黏土、粉质黏土 10-1 1-8-1 残积砂质黏性土 11-1 1-9-1 残积砾质黏性土 11-2 1-9-2 火山岩残积土 11-3 1-9-3 脉岩残积土 11-4 1-9-4 透镜体 T 1-10-1 填石 Ts 1-11-1 全风化凝灰熔岩 12-1 2-1-1 强风化凝灰熔岩 12-2 2-1-2 中风化凝灰熔岩 12-3 2-1-3 微风化凝灰熔岩 12-4 2-1-4 全风化花岗岩 17-1 2-6-1 土状强风化花岗岩 17-2 2-6-2 碎块状强风化花岗岩 17-3 2-6-3 中风化花岗岩 17-4 2-6-4 微风化花岗岩 17-5 2-6-7 孤石 G 2-9-1 表 2 2种不同建模方法在时间上的横向对比
Table 2. Comparison for two different modeling methods in time
建模范围/km2 网格精度/m 钻孔数量/个 分块参数 模型构建方法 建模耗时/s 20 100
1002 981 5块×3块; 0.95 km×1.4 km
29.2920 50 50 2 981 5块×4块; 0.95 km×1.05 km
45.9640 100 100 6 489 3块×5块; 1.58 km×0.84 km
85.0340 50 50 6 489 4块×7块; 1.19 km×0.6 km
无法构建注:分块参数分别指横向块数×纵向块数,长×宽 -
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