Coal mining collapse analysis of total caving method based on FLAC3D and UAV aerial surveying
内蒙古串草圪旦煤矿位于黄河中游上段,其全部垮落法采煤导致大面积塌陷,地表生态和环境问题频发。为研究采空区地表裂缝发育规律及塌陷应力与位移场演化特征以串草圪旦煤矿6102工作面为研究对象,利用无人机航测查清了地表裂缝分布范围及规律,构建了FLAC3D数值模型并计算分析了采空区围岩应力及位移变化,将分析结果与无人机航测结果进行了相互验证。结果表明:(1)塌陷主要以地裂缝为表现形式,主要分布于矿区西北部及中西部。工作面发育2类地裂缝,一类为弧形阶梯式裂缝群,呈平行分布且以间隔5~20 m出现,大部分形成阶梯式高度为15~130 cm的错台,裂缝以3°~5°的偏角垂直工作面推进方向发育;另一类为直线型边缘裂缝带,拉张破坏严重,平行工作面外围呈带状发育,少数可展布于工作面内部,最外围裂缝至工作面的距离分别为38,53 m。(2)由于地下煤层开挖,采空区顶板出现明显的"马鞍状"拉应力集中区,且随着开挖的推进地表集中区拉应力先增大后减小,最大值为0.181 MPa;(3)采空区顶部完全垮塌,地表垂直位移最大值在采空区正中间,最大值约5.5 m;地表水平位移最大值位于采空区煤柱正上方,最大值1.93 m。(4)数值模拟计算的沉降量、裂缝角与无人机航测数据基本一致。研究成果可为煤层开采带来的生态环境问题解决方案提供参考依据。
Abstract:Objective Total caving coal mining in the upper reaches of the Yellow River in Inner Mongolia has resulted in large areas of subsidence, causing frequent ecological and environmental problems on the surface.
Methods For the study of the surface crack development rule of the goaf and collapse stress and the displacement field evolution characteristics, for a string of the Chuancaogedan Coal Mine 6102 working face as the research object. The distribution range and rule of surface cracks were found by UAV aerial survey, a FLAC3D numerical model was constructed to analyze the variation of stress and displacement of surrounding rock in goaf.
Results The results of the analysis were combined with the results of UAV mutual authentication. The results show that (1) The collapse is mainly in the form of ground fissures, which are mainly distributed in the northwest and midwest of the mine. There are two types of ground fractures in the working face. One type of arc-shaped stepped fracture group is distributed in parallel and appears at intervals of 5-20 m. Most of them form staggered platforms with a step height of 15-130 cm, and the fractures develop in the direction of the vertical working face advance at a deviation angle of 3°-5°. For the other kind of linear edge crack belts, exhibiting severe tensile damage, were observed along the working face peripheral, belt development can occur, a few can be spread in the inside of the working face, and the distance from the outermost crack to the working face is 38.53 m. (2) During the excavation of the underground coal seam, an obvious saddle-shaped tensile stress concentration area appears in the roof of the goaf, and with the advance of excavation, the tensile stress in the surface concentration area first increases and then decreases, with a maximum value of 0.181 MPa. (3) Complete collapse occurred at the top of the goaf, with the maximum surface vertical displacement of approximately 5.5 m located at the middle of the goaf. The maximum surface horizontal displacement was located above the coal pillar of the goaf, with a maximum value of 1.93 m. (4) Numerical simulation results regarding settlement and crack angles were found to align closely with the UAV survey data.
Conclusion The research results can provide a reference for the solution of ecological environmental problems caused by coal seam mining.
Key words:
- total caving method /
- coal mining collapse /
- FLAC3D /
- numerical simulation /
- UAV /
- Chuancaogedan Coal Mine
表 1 CW-15无人机性能指标
Table 1. Performance indexes of CW-15 UAV
性能指标 参数 机长/mm 1 720 翼展/mm 3 610 飞行高度/m 5 000 整机重量/kg 16.5 航摄仪像素 4 200万 分辨率 7 952×5 304 巡航速度/(m·s-1) 19 3 kg载荷续航时间/min 160 抗风能力/级 6 降落精度/m 0.1 定焦镜头/mm 35 CCD全画幅 35.9 mm×24 mm 表 2 岩层物理力学参数
Table 2. Physical and mechanical parameters of rock strata
岩性 岩层厚度/m 密度/(kg·m-3) 内摩擦角/(°) 凝聚力/MPa 抗拉强度/MPa 泊松比ν 体积模量/GPa 剪切模量/GPa 黄土 35 1 860 28 0.03 0.18 0.31 1.96 0.75 砂质泥岩 19 2 720 42 2.30 6.80 0.23 7.44 5.07 细粒砂岩 14 2 580 45 1.40 4.50 0.22 7.80 5.14 砂质泥岩 32 2 690 43 3.20 2.80 0.23 5.31 3.95 细粒砂岩 9 2 570 40 2.70 1.90 0.22 5.04 3.43 砂质泥岩 14 2 770 38 3.30 3.20 0.22 1.56 1.05 细粒砂岩 16 2 910 40 3.00 3.20 0.22 5.54 3.45 砂质泥岩 6 2 740 39 4.20 3.10 0.24 3.69 2.52 6#煤 10 1 530 25 0.90 0.30 0.35 2.22 0.74 砂质泥岩 9 2 740 39 4.20 3.10 0.24 3.69 2.52 细粒砂岩 16 2 910 40 3.10 3.60 0.22 5.54 3.45 -
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