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罗盼 高圆圆 王厚金 任建业

罗盼, 高圆圆, 王厚金, 任建业. 南海西南次海盆V型尖端地壳岩石圈最终裂解的特征及过程[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(2): 234-246. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220322
引用本文: 罗盼, 高圆圆, 王厚金, 任建业. 南海西南次海盆V型尖端地壳岩石圈最终裂解的特征及过程[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(2): 234-246. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220322
Luo Pan, Gao Yuanyuan, Wang Houjin, Ren Jianye. Characteristics and process of the final breakup of the crustal lithosphere at the V-shaped tip of the Southwest Subbasin in South China Sea[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(2): 234-246. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220322
Citation: Luo Pan, Gao Yuanyuan, Wang Houjin, Ren Jianye. Characteristics and process of the final breakup of the crustal lithosphere at the V-shaped tip of the Southwest Subbasin in South China Sea[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(2): 234-246. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220322


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220322

国家自然科学基金项目 41830537


    罗盼(1991—),女,工程师,主要从事地震资料处理解释方面的研究工作。E-mail: 446114137@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: P542

Characteristics and process of the final breakup of the crustal lithosphere at the V-shaped tip of the Southwest Subbasin in South China Sea

  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  西南次海盆V型尖端陆缘盆地区域地理位置图

    NWSB. 西北次海盆;ESB. 东部次海盆;SWSB. 西南次海盆;PK.中建南盆地;NCS. 万安盆地;DG.南沙地块;RB.礼乐滩; A, B, C. 地震测线(磁异常条带参考文献[30],OCB参考文献[31])

    Figure 1.  Regional geographical location map of the V-shaped tip of the Southwest Subbasin

    图 2  西南次海盆V型尖端陆缘盆地地层对比图(据文献[42, 49, 62-64]修改)

    Figure 2.  Stratigraphic correlation diagram of epicontinental basin at the V-shape tip of the Southwest Subbasin

    图 3  岩石圈非瞬时破裂模式(据文献[13]修改)

    Figure 3.  Non-instantaneous breakup mode of the lithosphere

    图 4  岩石圈临界破裂区的相关概念和构造单元划分方案

    Figure 4.  Related concepts and tectonic domains at the critical breakup zone of the lithosphere

    图 5  横跨西南次海盆V型尖端地震测线A

    a. 时间剖面;b. 素面剖面及解释的一级界面:盆地基底和Moho面;c. 对测线A的地层、构造、基底属性及沉积序列的解释方案;d. 测线A的深度转换剖面及不同构造单元带的一级划分:箱型域、楔形域,原洋洋壳域,以及这些不同构造单元带之间的边界WB

    Figure 5.  Seismic line A at the V-shaped tip of the Southwest Subbasin

    图 6  测线A的部分素剖面、素描图及解释方案(位置见图 5-a)

    Figure 6.  Seismic line, time line drawing and interpretation of part of Line A

    图 7  测线B的时间剖面和素描图及解释方案(位置见图 1)

    Figure 7.  Time profile, time line drawing and interpretation of part of Line B

    图 8  南海西南部Line C沉降史模拟图

    Figure 8.  Simulation map of the subsidence history of Line C in southwestern South China Sea

    图 9  南海西南部测线C在不同构造单元带内的构造演化阶段、断层活动性和沉降速率

    Figure 9.  Tectonic stages, fault activities and subsidence rate of Line C within different domains in southwestern South China Sea

    图 10  横跨南海西南部V型尖端剖面演化过程

    Figure 10.  Evolution process of the profile approaching the V-shaped tip of the SW Subbasin in Southwestern South China Sea

    图 11  双拆离模式下的地壳岩石圈伸展破裂演化过程

    Figure 11.  Evolution process of crustal lithosphere breakup caused by a double detachment fault

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