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张新乐 平宏伟 杨鑫 陈红汉 李纯泉 何发岐 齐荣

张新乐, 平宏伟, 杨鑫, 陈红汉, 李纯泉, 何发岐, 齐荣. 鄂尔多斯盆地南缘泾河油田长7段烃源岩生、排烃期与油气成藏期对比[J]. 地质科技通报, 2024, 43(1): 108-121. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220409
引用本文: 张新乐, 平宏伟, 杨鑫, 陈红汉, 李纯泉, 何发岐, 齐荣. 鄂尔多斯盆地南缘泾河油田长7段烃源岩生、排烃期与油气成藏期对比[J]. 地质科技通报, 2024, 43(1): 108-121. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220409
ZHANG Xinle, PING Hongwei, YANG Xin, CHEN Honghan, LI Chuanquan, HE Faqi, QI Rong. Comparison of hydrocarbon generation, expulsion periods, and accumulation periods of source rocks in Member 7 of the Yanchang Formation in the Jinghe Oilfield, southern Ordos Basin[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2024, 43(1): 108-121. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220409
Citation: ZHANG Xinle, PING Hongwei, YANG Xin, CHEN Honghan, LI Chuanquan, HE Faqi, QI Rong. Comparison of hydrocarbon generation, expulsion periods, and accumulation periods of source rocks in Member 7 of the Yanchang Formation in the Jinghe Oilfield, southern Ordos Basin[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2024, 43(1): 108-121. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220409


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220409

国家自然科学基金项目 42072176

国家自然科学基金项目 42272169


    张新乐, E-mail: xinle.zhang@qq.com


    平宏伟, E-mail: howping@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: P618.13

Comparison of hydrocarbon generation, expulsion periods, and accumulation periods of source rocks in Member 7 of the Yanchang Formation in the Jinghe Oilfield, southern Ordos Basin

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  • 图 1  鄂尔多斯盆地(a)泾河油田区域地质图(b)与延长组地层简表(c)

    Figure 1.  Regional geological map of the Jinghe Oilfield (a) in the Ordos Basin (b) and stratigraphic table of the Yanchang Formation (c)

    图 2  校正参数图

    Figure 2.  Calibration parameters chart

    图 3  典型井热史模拟结果


    Figure 3.  Thermal history simulation results of typical wells

    图 4  泾河油田长7段烃源岩镜质体反射率(a)与生烃转化率等值线图(b)

    Figure 4.  Isograms of vitrinite reflectance (Ro) (a) and generate rate (b) source rocks in Member 7 of the Yanchang Formation of the Jinghe Oilfield

    图 5  长7段烃源岩生烃潜力指数随Ro的变化关系

    Figure 5.  Variation in the hydrocarbon potential index of source rocks with Ro in source rock of Member 7 of the Yanchang Formation

    图 6  典型井长7段烃源岩转化率与Ro演化史模拟结果

    Figure 6.  Simulation results of the generation rate and Ro evolution in Member 7 of the Yanchang Formation for typical wells

    图 7  鄂南长7段烃源岩生烃强度图

    Figure 7.  Hydrocarbon generation intensity in Member 7 of the Yanchang Formation in the southern Ordos Basin

    图 8  盆地中心典型井热史模拟结果

    白406井模拟结果来自文献[33];庄10井模拟结果为本次研究成果; 地层代号图例同图 3

    Figure 8.  Thermal simulation results for typical wells in the center of the basin

    图 9  泾河油田烃类包裹体特征

    a.穿石英裂纹中的油包裹体,泾河9井,1 053 m,透射光,50×,长8;b.与a同视域,显示黄色荧光,紫外线激发;c.穿石英裂纹中的油包裹体,泾河9井,1 052.8 m,透射光,50×,长8;d.与c同视域,显示蓝绿色荧光,紫外线激发;e.石英内裂纹中的油包裹体,泾河12井,1 227.5 m,透射光,50×,长7;f.与e同视域,显示蓝色荧光,紫外线激发

    Figure 9.  Characteristics of hydrocarbon inclusions in the Jinghe Oilfield

    图 10  泾河12井长8段储层(1 364.65~1 365.41 m)与油同期盐水包裹体均一温度直方图

    Figure 10.  Homogenization temperature histogram of oil-associated brine inclusions in the reservoir in Member 8 of the Yanchang Formation (1 364.65-1 365.41 m) in the Well Jinghe 12

    图 11  泾河油田延长组储层油气充注时期

    Figure 11.  Oil and gas charging period of the Yanchang Formation reservoirs of the Jinghe Oilfield

    图 12  生排烃期与成藏期对比图

    Figure 12.  Comparison of the hydrocarbon generation, expulsion, and accumulation phases

    图 13  泾河油田现今油质分布与推测运移方向

    Figure 13.  Present-day oil quality distribution and predicted oil migration direction in the Jinghe Oilfield

    表  1  泾河油田地层划分及沉积、剥蚀发育时期

    Table  1.   Stratigraphic sequences, deposition and denudation stages in the Jinghe Oilfield

    地层 沉积时间/Ma 剥蚀时间/Ma
    油层组 开始 结束 开始 结束
    第四系 2.6 0
    白垩系 下统 志丹群 145 96 96* 2.6*
    侏罗系 中下统 安定组 164.7# 161.2# 161.2* 145
    直罗组 167.7 # 164.7#
    延安组 175.5# 168 168* 167.7
    三叠系 中上统 延长组 长3 220# 215# 215# 215
    长4+5 227 220# # #
    长6 237# 227# # #
    长7 238.5 # 237# # #
    长8 240# 238.5# # #
    长9 241# 240# # #
    注:$数据来自国际地层年代表;#数据来自文献[13];* 数据来自文献[14]
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    表  2  模拟样品地球化学特征与生烃动力学参数

    Table  2.   Geochemical characteristics of samples and kinetic parameters of hydrocarbon generation

    编号 井号 w(S1)/
    Tmax/℃ w(TOC)/% HI/
    母质类型 Ro/% 活化能主频/
    1 泾河4 0.66 81.78 440 19.37 422.2 1 0.76 265 1020
    2 泾河6 8.17 110.1 440 24.68 446.11 1 0.79 265 1020
    3 泾河9 6.45 80.46 437 11.06 727.49 1 0.60 260 1017
    4 正2 3.99 74.87 430 11.49 651.61 1 0.61 260 1019
    5 正2 5.53 90.32 435 13.38 675.04 1 0.60 260 1018
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  • 收稿日期:  2022-07-26
  • 录用日期:  2022-11-30
  • 修回日期:  2022-11-25


