Rapid identification method for the dangerous rock mass of a high-steep slope based on UAV LiDAR and ground imitation flight
我国西南地区山高谷深、斜坡高陡, 危岩落石灾害极为发育, 高陡边坡危岩落石由于高差大、坡面陡, 具有显著的突发性, 因此快速、准确、便捷地解译与识别危岩体源头成为高陡岩质边坡风险分析的首要问题。当前探测手段的进步使基于影像的地质灾害解译逐步从目视识别向人机交互式识别方向发展。其中, 无人机激光雷达(LiDAR)系统通过融合无人机载体与LiDAR测量技术的优势, 广泛应用于地质灾害调查中, 同时仿地飞行技术的引入可以使无人机LiDAR系统适应复杂的地形, 快速获取高精度、高密度的点云数据。基于以上技术对攀枝花某铁矿露天采场东侧边坡开展了无人机调查, 通过获取高精度DOM影像和三维点云模型, 量化提取点云模型中露头坡面粗糙度、倾向等危岩体几何特征参数作为DOM影像的补充材料, 提出了一套基于DOM影像和几何特征的危岩体人机交互式识别方法。通过对东侧边坡危岩体的应用表明: 提出的人机交互式识别方法通过在DOM影像的基础上叠加露头坡面几何特征, 对悬空危岩体的识别精度优于目视识别, 可以显著提高危岩体识别的效率和准确性。提出的方法通过结合创新的遥感技术, 为高陡岩质边坡危岩体识别提供了快速便捷的方案。
- 高陡边坡 /
- 危岩体 /
- 无人机LiDAR系统 /
- 仿地飞行 /
- 三维点云模型
Abstract:Objective In Southwest China, rockfall hazards are extremely developed in high mountains and deep valley areas with high and steep slopes. Due to the large elevation difference and steep slope, the dangerous rock mass on a high-steep slope has remarkable characteristics of suddenness. Thus, a rapid, accurate and convenient interpretation and identification for the source of dangerous rock mass becomes the primary problem of risk analysis of high-steep slopes. At present, the progress of detection makes image-based geological hazard interpretation gradually develop from visual identification to human-computer interactive identification. Among them, the UAV LiDAR system is widely used in geological disaster investigation by integrating both advantages of UAV carrier and LiDAR measurement technology, while the introduction of ground imitation flight technology can make the UAV LiDAR system adapt to complex terrain, obtaining high-precision and high-density point cloud data.
Methods On this basis, a UAV survey was carried out on the East side slope of open-pit mine, and a high-precision DOM image and 3D point cloud model were obtained by processing the UAV survey data. As the supplementary materials of the DOM image, the geometric feature parameters of outcrop, including surface roughness and dip, are quantitatively extracted from the point cloud model. On this basis, a set of human-computer interactive identification for dangerous rock masses based on DOM images and geometric features is proposed.
Results The application to the East side slope of open-pit mine shows that by superimposing outcrop slope geometric features based on DOM images, the proposed human-computer interactive identification method can significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of identification, and the identification of overhanging dangerous rock mass is much more robust than visual ones.
Conclusion By combining innovative remote sensing technologies, the proposed method provides a fast and convenient solution for the identification of dangerous rock masses on high and steep rocky slopes.
表 1 3类探测手段的对比
Table 1. Comparison of three detection approachs
探测技术 精度 速度 成本 应用范围 UAV激光雷达 非常高/cm 很快 高 大范围/102 km2 UAV摄影测量 较高/cm~m 较快 较高 较大范围/10 km2 遥感卫星 低 很快 较高 全球范围 表 2 CSF参数
Table 2. CSF parameters
参数 分辨率/m 最大迭代步 分类阈值 数值 0.2 500 0.2 表 3 4组结构面产状信息
Table 3. Four sets of discontinuities and their characteristics
点簇 倾向/(°) 倾角/(°) 密度/(个·cm-3) 产状点云占比/% J1 208.384 3 38.734 1 3.289 8 68.46 J2 358.556 0 88.600 1 0.121 1 7.94 J3 10.107 5 86.614 7 0.120 4 7.38 J4 340.624 3 86.044 1 0.095 9 6.15 -
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