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宋飞 石磊 樊明尊

宋飞, 石磊, 樊明尊. 土工格室加筋正常固结粉质黏土应力应变响应[J]. 地质科技通报, 2024, 43(1): 184-193. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220428
引用本文: 宋飞, 石磊, 樊明尊. 土工格室加筋正常固结粉质黏土应力应变响应[J]. 地质科技通报, 2024, 43(1): 184-193. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220428
SONG Fei, SHI Lei, FAN Mingzun. Stress-strain response of geocell-reinforced normally consolidated silty clay[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2024, 43(1): 184-193. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220428
Citation: SONG Fei, SHI Lei, FAN Mingzun. Stress-strain response of geocell-reinforced normally consolidated silty clay[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2024, 43(1): 184-193. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220428


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220428

国家自然科学基金项目 52278328

中建新疆建工科技研发课题 65000022859700210197


    宋飞, E-mail: songf1980@163.com

  • 中图分类号: P642.16

Stress-strain response of geocell-reinforced normally consolidated silty clay

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  • 图 1  应力应变关系计算分析流程图

    Figure 1.  Flowchart to predict the stress-strain responses of geosynthetic-encased soil

    图 2  土工格室及其加筋黏土试样

    Figure 2.  Geocell and the reinforced clay specimen

    图 3  土工格室条带拉伸曲线

    Figure 3.  Load-strain curve of the geocell sheet

    图 4  素土及格室加筋土应力应变曲线

    Figure 4.  Stress-strain curves of unreinforced and reinforced clay specimens

    图 5  模量增强系数随轴向应变变化

    Figure 5.  Variation in the increasing coefficient with the axial strain

    图 6  素土及格室加筋土摩尔圆

    Figure 6.  Mohr circles of unreinforced and reinforced clay

    图 7  素土计算参数标定

    Figure 7.  Calibration of calculation parameters of unreinforced soil

    图 8  理论分析方法验证

    Figure 8.  Validation of the proposed method via triaxial compression tests

    图 9  参数敏感分析

    Figure 9.  Parameter sensitivity analysis

    表  1  填土主要物理性质指标

    Table  1.   Physical properties of the backfill used in the test

    比重 液限/% 塑限/% 最优含水量/% 最大干密度/(g·cm-3)
    2.67 29.5 18.1 16.0 1.66
    下载: 导出CSV
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