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断陷盆地陡坡带新近系目标圈闭优势运移路径与汇聚能力分析: 以渤海海域庙西北凸起东侧陡坡带为例

张捷 于海波 彭靖淞 肖锦泉 岳军培

张捷, 于海波, 彭靖淞, 肖锦泉, 岳军培. 断陷盆地陡坡带新近系目标圈闭优势运移路径与汇聚能力分析: 以渤海海域庙西北凸起东侧陡坡带为例[J]. 地质科技通报, 2024, 43(2): 52-61. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220435
引用本文: 张捷, 于海波, 彭靖淞, 肖锦泉, 岳军培. 断陷盆地陡坡带新近系目标圈闭优势运移路径与汇聚能力分析: 以渤海海域庙西北凸起东侧陡坡带为例[J]. 地质科技通报, 2024, 43(2): 52-61. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220435
ZHANG Jie, YU Haibo, PENG Jinsong, XIAO Jinquan, YUE Junpei. Analysis on migration path and convergence ability of Neogene target traps in steep belt of rifted basin: A case study of the eastern steep slope of the Miaoxibei Uplift in Bohai Sea[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2024, 43(2): 52-61. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220435
Citation: ZHANG Jie, YU Haibo, PENG Jinsong, XIAO Jinquan, YUE Junpei. Analysis on migration path and convergence ability of Neogene target traps in steep belt of rifted basin: A case study of the eastern steep slope of the Miaoxibei Uplift in Bohai Sea[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2024, 43(2): 52-61. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220435

断陷盆地陡坡带新近系目标圈闭优势运移路径与汇聚能力分析: 以渤海海域庙西北凸起东侧陡坡带为例

doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220435

    张捷, E-mail: zhangjie2006913@outlook.com


    于海波, E-mail: yuhb3@cnooc.com.cn

  • 中图分类号: P618.130.2

Analysis on migration path and convergence ability of Neogene target traps in steep belt of rifted basin: A case study of the eastern steep slope of the Miaoxibei Uplift in Bohai Sea

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  • 图 1  庙西北凸起东侧陡坡带结构纲要图


    Figure 1.  Structural outline of the eastern steep slope side of the Miaoxibei Uplift

    图 2  庙西北凸起东侧陡坡带深层砂体发育示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of the deep sand bodies in the eastern steep slope of the Miaoxibei Uplift

    图 3  庙西北凸起东侧陡坡带深层砂体发育特征

    Figure 3.  Development characteristics of the deep sand bodies in the eastern steep slope of the Miaoxibei Uplift

    图 4  主干运移断层垂向输导能力参数定量评价图

    Figure 4.  Quantitative evaluation diagram of the vertical transport capacity parameters of the main migration faults

    图 5  庙西北凸起主干运移断层垂向输导能力评价图

    Figure 5.  Vertical transport capacity evaluation map of the main migration faults in the Miaoxibei Uplift

    图 6  庙西北凸起东侧陡坡带次级断层搭接关系图

    Figure 6.  Secondary fault lap relationship of the eastern steep slope of the Miaoxibei Uplift

    图 7  次级断层充注能力评价及充注段划分图

    Figure 7.  Evaluation of the charging capacity and charging section of secondary faults

    图 8  庙西北凸起东侧陡坡带浅层构造层油气运移模拟分析

    Figure 8.  Simulation analysis of oil and gas migration in the shallow structural layer in the eastern steep slope of the Miaoxibei Uplift

    图 9  庙西北凸起东侧陡坡带明化镇组下部3号砂体油气运移模拟分析

    Figure 9.  Oil and gas migration simulation analysis of the No.3 sand body in the lower section of the Minghuazhen Formation in the eastern steep slope of the Miaoxibei Uplift

    表  1  次级断层充注能力综合评价表

    Table  1.   Comprehensive evaluation of the charging capacity for secondary faults

    次级断层编号 1号 2号 4号 6号 8号 9号 10号 11号
    对应主干断层充注能力 强充注 强充注 强充注 强充注 强充注 弱充注 弱充注 中等充注
    T02层断距/m 50.3~63.9 53.0~63.9 74.0~111.52 61.2~199.9 145.5~174.0 53.4~183.1 65.4~117.7 163.5~220.1
    有效延伸长度/km 0.86 1.64 1.35 4.42 2.26 2.33 5.61 3.57
    综合评价 中等充注 中等充注 强充注 强充注 强充注 弱充注 弱充注 中等充注
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