Field model tests of soil reconstruction in ecological restoration of open-pit mines
针对甘肃临洮县张家沟石灰岩矿Ⅳ矿区的地质环境破坏问题, 采用喷播复绿工艺对试验矿区进行了生态恢复治理。结合在露天矿试验区和实验室同时选择6种不同配比生态土(客土+有机营养土+土壤改良材料复合肥及其他)进行了种植, 分析了在不同湿度下4种草本植物和2种灌木不同混合比例的生长特征。试验结果表明: 不同配比的生态土影响植物生长过程, 其中在6种不同配比生态土中, 生态土配比为客土(40%)+有机营养土(36%)+土壤改良材料(20%)+复合肥及其他(4%)+草籽(草本、灌木)的环境状态下的植被生长更趋于稳定; 在湿度为17%~ 30%的环境条件下, 草本植物与灌木比例为40∶1的植被生长更趋于稳定, 而在湿度为30%~ 44%的环境条件下, 草本植物与灌木比例为20∶1的植被生长更趋于稳定。研究结果揭示了在不同生态土配比下植被的生长规律特征, 可为露天矿山的生态修复治理提供参考。
Abstract:Objective To address the problem of geological environment destruction in the Ⅳ mining area of Zhangjiagou Limestone Mine in Lintao County, Gansu Province, the spraying regreening technology was used to carry out ecological restoration and management in the test mining area.
Methods In this study, 6 kinds of ecological soils with different formulations of foreign soil, organic nutrient soil, soil improvement material compound, and fertilizer and others were selected for planting experiments conducted in the open-pit mine test area and laboratory at the same time, so as to analyse plant growth characteristics under different humidity levels and different mixing ratios of 4 herbs and 2 shrubs.
Results The results showed that the formulation of ecological soil affected the growth process of plants.The plant community was more stable when the percentage of foreign soil, organic nutrient soil, soil improvement material compound, and fertilizer and others were 40%, 36%, 20% and 4%, respectively, of the ecological soil and the grass seeds were planted. The plant community with a herb to shrub ratio of 40∶1 was more stable under environmental conditions of 17% to 30% humidity, while the plant community with a herb to shrub ratio of 20∶1 was more stable under the environmental conditions of 30% to 44% humidity.
Conclusion The research results can provide a reference for ecological restoration and management of open-pit mines.
Key words:
- open-pit mine /
- soil reconstruction /
- plant community /
- model test /
- ecological restoration
表 1 6个不同生态土配比类型的试验盒详细配比
Table 1. Statistics on the detailed ratio of 6 experiment boxes with different ecological soil ratio typeswB/%
生态土配料 试验盒编号 1 2 3 4 5 6 客土 100 50 45 50 50 40 有机营养土 0 50 35 48 30 36 土壤改良材料 0 0 20 0 18 20 多含量复合肥 0 0 0 1.4 1.4 2.8 保水剂 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 1.0 团粒剂 0 0 0 0.05 0.05 0.1 微生物菌剂 0 0 0 0.05 0.05 0.1 表 2 三易矿山现场进行模型试验田的划分情况
Table 2. Division of the model test field at the Sanyi mine site
试验田编号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ①自然不浇水 ①-1 ①-2 ①-3 ①-4 ①-5 ①-6 ①-7 ①-8 ②17%~30%湿度 ②-1 ②-2 ②-3 ②-4 ②-5 ②-6 ②-7 ②-8 ③30%~44%湿度 ③-1 ③-2 ③-3 ③-4 ③-5 ③-6 ③-7 ③-8 表 3 6个试验盒中草本植物生长的平均高度与种群密度
Table 3. Mean height and population density of herbaceous plants in six boxes
试验盒编号 平均高度/cm 种群密度/(个·m-2) 1 18.1 418 2 21.5 442 3 27.3 635 4 32.4 521 5 38.2 766 6 43.5 897 表 4 不同湿度条件下试验田植物生长80 d平均高度和种群密度
Table 4. Mean height and population density of plants in the experimental field during 80 days of growth under different humidity conditions
试验田编号 自然不浇水 17%~30%湿度 30%~44%湿度 高度/cm 种群密度/(个·m-2) 高度/cm 种群密度/(个·m-2) 高度/cm 种群密度/(个·m-2) 1 20.1 348 26.4 445 31.5 423 2 22.7 364 31.7 463 35.9 483 3 27.5 478 39.3 673 41.2 653 4 32.1 432 44.6 568 47.1 575 5 34.8 584 50.2 766 53.6 821 6 37.4 642 53.6 865 56.9 884 7 41.3 725 69.2 975 67.7 906 8 44.6 746 63.7 924 69.8 948 -
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