Recharge coefficients and recharge mechanisms of precipitation to groundwater in karst areas of North China: A case study of Yangzhuang karst water system
为建立北方岩溶区水文地质参数系列, 提高岩溶地下水可采资源计算精度, 笔者团队于20世纪80年代开始, 在山东羊庄封闭式泉排型岩溶水系统开展了岩溶水均衡试验研究, 积累了40余年的监测试验数据。根据长期野外水均衡要素观测资料, 推导出裸露型、半覆盖型和覆盖型岩溶区降水入渗补给系数计算公式, 建立了岩溶区降水入渗补给系数
α 与降水量P 和地下水位埋深D 的相关方程, 以及可调控的最大降水入渗补给系数系列, 揭示了降水入渗补给过程与α 变化机制。结果表明:α 随水位埋深D 的改变而改变, 每个降水量P 段分别对应一个最大降水入渗补给系数α max和最大降水入渗补给量即补给极限G max, 相应的水位埋深便是最佳水位埋深D critical。D>D critical时, 包气带截留量随着水位埋深的增大而增大,α <α max;D <D critical时, 地表径流量随着地下水位埋深的减小而增大,α <α max。不同的降水量段对应不同的D critical, 降水量增大时, 对应的α max及D critical也增大。在任意水位埋深时,G max为蓄满产流临界降水量与包气带最大截流量之差。本研究解决了岩溶区降水入渗补给的关键科学问题, 即揭示降水入渗补给机制、建立降水入渗补给系数与降水量和水位埋深的定量关系, 提升了我国北方岩溶水资源基础性研究水平。Abstract:Objective To establish a series of hydrogeological parameter for karst areas in North China, an on-site experimental study on water balance has been carried out since the 1980s in a closed spring-drainage karst water system in Yangzhuang, Shandong Province.
Methods Based on long-term field observations of water balance elements spanning more than 40 years, the formulas for calculating precipitation infiltration recharge coefficients in bare, semi-covered and covered karst areas were derived. The correlation equations of the precipitation infiltration recharge coefficient
α with precipitationP and water table depthD , as well as the series of adjustable maximum precipitation infiltration recharge coefficients in karst areas, were also established. The processes of precipitation infiltration and recharge and the mechanism ofα change were explored.Results The results showed that
α varied withD . Each rainfall segmentP corresponded to a maximum precipitation infiltration recharge coefficientα max and a maximum precipitation infiltration recharge volume, namely, the recharge limitG max, while the corresponding depth of water table was the optimal depth of water tableD critical. WhenD was greater thanD critical, the interception of the vadose zone increased with increasing water table depth andα was less thanα max.WhenD was less thanD critical, the surface runoff increased with decreasing water table depth andα was less thanα max. Different rainfall segments corresponded to differentD critical, and the correspondingα max andD critical increased with increasing precipitation. At any water table depth,G max was constant and equal to the difference between the critical rainfall of saturation excess runoff and the maximum interception volume of vadose zone.Conclusion This study addressed the key scientific issues related to precipitation infiltration recharge in karst areas and improved the research level of karst water resources in North China.
图 2 范村奥陶系入渗试验场地形及监测试验设施分布图(位置见图 1)
Figure 2. Terrain and the distribution of monitoring and experimental facilities at the Fancun Ordovician infiltration experiment site
表 1 羊庄岩溶水系统降水入渗试验场基本概况及主要观测设施(位置见图 1)
Table 1. Basic overview and main observation facilities of the precipitation infiltration experimental sites in the Yangzhuang karst water system
试验场名 基本概况 主要监测试验设施 地层 岩性 面积/km2 岩溶区类型 降水量 地表径流量 地下水位、包气带截流量、入渗补给量、泉流量 羊庄 第四系,下伏奥陶系 黏质砂土、砂质黏土 0.01 覆盖 自记雨量计 量筒 地中计、重力水托盘、岩溶水观测孔、自记水位计、负压计、中子水分仪 范村 中、下奥陶统 灰岩、泥灰岩、白云岩 0.60 半覆盖 矩形复合堰、自记水位计 岩溶水观测孔、矩形堰、自记水位计 龙山头 上寒武统凤山组 灰岩 0.33 裸露 矩形复合堰、自记水位计 岩溶水观测孔、矩形堰、自记水位计 小李庄 上寒武统长山组、崮山组 泥质灰岩 0.82 裸露 矩形复合堰、自记水位计 观测泉、矩形堰 龙王堂 中寒武统张夏组 灰岩 1.09 裸露 矩形复合堰、自记水位计 观测泉、矩形堰 东鳧山 中、下寒武统徐庄组、毛庄组 砂质页岩夹灰岩 19.00 裸露 矩形复合堰、自记水位计 观测泉、矩形堰 青莲 下寒武统馒头组 灰岩、页岩 0.31 裸露 矩形复合堰、自记水位计 观测泉、矩形堰 石嘴子 太古宙花岗岩 花岗岩 49.50 非岩溶 水库水尺 观测泉、矩形堰 表 2 羊庄岩溶水系统各岩性区多年平均年降水入渗补给系数
Table 2. Multi-year average annual precipitation infiltration recharge coefficients for various lithologic regions in the Yangzhuang karst water system
地层 岩性 面积/km2 地表径流系数γ 包气带截留系数β 降水入渗补给系数α 第四系覆盖层 黏质砂土、砂质黏土 122 0.065 1 0.782 1 0.152 8 奥陶系 灰岩、泥灰岩、白云岩 16 0.085 0 0.708 1 0.206 9 上寒武统凤山组 灰岩 22 0.055 9 0.717 4 0.226 7 上寒武统长山组、崮山组 泥质灰岩 170 0.066 6 0.719 4 0.214 0 中寒武统张夏组 鲕粒灰岩 125 0.155 2 0.633 7 0.211 1 中寒武统徐庄组、下寒武统毛庄组 砂页岩夹灰岩 62 0.385 8 0.503 9 0.110 3 下寒武统馒头组 灰岩、页岩 23 0.035 4 0.761 9 0.202 7 新太古代变质岩、各期侵入岩 变粒岩、花岗岩、闪长岩 110 0.243 6 0.680 8 0.075 6 寒武系、奥陶系综合 418 0.138 9 0.663 6 0.197 5 全系统综合 650 0.142 7 0.688 8 0.168 5 表 3 羊庄岩溶水系统裸露型岩溶区不同水位埋深下多年平均降水入渗补给系数α
Table 3. Multi-year average annual precipitation infiltration recharge coefficients under different water table depths in the bare karst area of the Yangzhuang karst water system
水位埋深/m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 多年平均α 0.123 4 0.152 9 0.179 2 0.198 3 0.209 7 0.217 7 0.226 4 0.236 2 0.243 8 水位埋深/m 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 多年平均α 0.250 9 0.274 1 0.285 3 0.293 1 0.294 9 0.293 4 0.287 4 0.082 9 0.279 3 表 4 裸露型岩溶区不同水位埋深下地下水最大补给量
Table 4. Maximum recharge of karst groundwater at different water table depths in the bare karst area
地下水位埋深D/m 蓄满产流临界雨量R′o/mm 包气带最大截留量Emax/mm 地下水最大补给量Gmax/mm 2 29.90 17.59 12.30 5 50.87 25.55 25.31 10 76.04 31.98 44.05 15 96.20 35.84 60.36 20 113.67 38.60 75.07 25 129.37 40.75 88.62 30 143.80 42.51 101.29 -
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