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赵丁丁 侯加根 王秀杰 刘钰铭 陈儒贤 张占杨

赵丁丁, 侯加根, 王秀杰, 刘钰铭, 陈儒贤, 张占杨. 致密砂岩气藏不同岩石相孔喉结构对气水相渗特征控制机理:以鄂尔多斯盆地东胜气田J72井区下石盒子组储层为例[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(3): 163-174. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220517
引用本文: 赵丁丁, 侯加根, 王秀杰, 刘钰铭, 陈儒贤, 张占杨. 致密砂岩气藏不同岩石相孔喉结构对气水相渗特征控制机理:以鄂尔多斯盆地东胜气田J72井区下石盒子组储层为例[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(3): 163-174. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220517
Zhao Dingding, Hou Jiagen, Wang Xiujie, Liu Yuming, Chen Ruxian, Zhang Zhanyang. Controlling mechanism of pore-throat structure of different lithofacies on gas-water relative permeability characteristics of tight sandstone gas reservoir: A case study of the Lower Shihezi Formation in the Well J72 block of the Dongsheng Gas Field, Ordos Basin[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(3): 163-174. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220517
Citation: Zhao Dingding, Hou Jiagen, Wang Xiujie, Liu Yuming, Chen Ruxian, Zhang Zhanyang. Controlling mechanism of pore-throat structure of different lithofacies on gas-water relative permeability characteristics of tight sandstone gas reservoir: A case study of the Lower Shihezi Formation in the Well J72 block of the Dongsheng Gas Field, Ordos Basin[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(3): 163-174. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220517


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220517

国家自然科学基金项目 42172154


    赵丁丁(1994—),男,现正攻读地质资源与地质工程专业博士学位,主要从事油气田开发地质方面的研究工作。E-mail: zddcuper187@sina.com


    侯加根(1963—),男,教授,主要从事油气田开发地质方面的研究工作。E-mail: jghou63@hotmail.com

  • 中图分类号: P618.130.2+1

Controlling mechanism of pore-throat structure of different lithofacies on gas-water relative permeability characteristics of tight sandstone gas reservoir: A case study of the Lower Shihezi Formation in the Well J72 block of the Dongsheng Gas Field, Ordos Basin

  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  研究区构造位置(a)及地层综合柱状图(b)

    Figure 1.  Tectonic location (a) and comprehensive stratigraphic histogram (b) of the study area

    图 2  东胜气田J72井区不同岩石相典型照片及测井相特征

    a.块状砾岩相,J21井,2 936.21 m,盒1段;b.块状砾质砂岩相,J116井,2 979.86 m,盒1段;c.块状含砾粗砂岩相,J116井,2 982.06 m,盒1段;d.槽状交错层理中粗砂岩相,J7井,2 823.41 m,盒1段;e.块状层理中粗砂岩相,J53井,2 894.10 m,盒1段;f.平行层理中细砂岩相,J72井,2 946.42 m,盒1段;g.块状泥岩相,J69井,2 952.47 m,盒1段;h.块状砾岩相,J7井,2 838.41 m,盒1段;i.块状砾质砂岩相,J54井,2 885.06 m,盒1段;j.块状含砾粗砂岩相,J116井,2 985.70 m,盒1段;k.槽状交错层理中粗砂岩相,J91井,3 005.60 m,盒1段;l.块状层理中粗砂岩相,J88井,3 002.32 m,盒1段;m.平行层理中细砂岩相,J72井,2 963.76 m,盒1段;n.块状泥岩相,J7井,2 746.95 m,盒3段

    Figure 2.  Typical images and logging facies characteristics of different lithofacies in the J72 well block of the Dongsheng Gas Field

    图 3  东胜气田J72井区不同孔隙类型所占百分比

    Figure 3.  Percentages of different pore types in the J72 well block of the Dongsheng Gas Field

    图 4  东胜气田J72井区下石盒子组不同孔隙类型照片

    a.残余粒间孔、粒间溶孔,J32井,2 942.24 m,含砾粗砂岩相,铸体薄片;b.铸模孔,J90井,2 969.7 m,含砾粗砂岩相,铸体薄片;c.残余粒间孔、粒间溶孔,J93井,3 021.81 m,含砾粗砂岩相,铸体薄片;d.粒间溶孔,J92井,3 066.1 m,含砾粗砂岩相,扫描电镜;e.粒间溶孔、粒内溶孔,J48井,2 534.92 m,砾质砂岩相,铸体薄片;f.粒间溶孔、粒内溶孔,J93井,3 060.93 m,砾质砂岩相,铸体薄片;g.粒内溶孔,J91井,2 985.02 m,砾质砂岩相,铸体薄片;h.粒间溶孔、微孔,J89井,3 087.05 m,砾质砂岩相,扫描电镜;i.微孔,J70井,2 907.93 m,中细砂岩相,铸体薄片;j.粒内溶孔,J21井,2 875.03 m,中细砂岩相,铸体薄片;k.微裂缝,J72井,2 950.13 m,中细砂岩相,铸体薄片;l.微孔,J9井,2 990.66 m,中细砂岩相,扫描电镜

    Figure 4.  Images of different pore types of the Lower Shihezi Formation in the J72 well block of the Dongsheng Gas Field

    图 5  不同类型岩石相毛细管压力曲线及孔喉分布

    a.3类岩石相8块样品毛细管压力曲线;b.含砾粗砂岩相典型样品孔喉分布曲线,J91井,2 984.14 m,孔隙度为12.2%,渗透率为4.4×10-3 μm2;c.砾质砂岩相典型样品孔喉分布曲线,J72井,2 952.56 m,孔隙度为6.5%,渗透率为1.3×10-3 μm2;d.中细砂岩相典型样品孔喉分布曲线,J90井,2 988.36 m,孔隙度为5.5%,渗透率为0.43×10-3 μm2

    Figure 5.  Capillary pressure curves and pore-throat radius distributions of different lithofacies

    图 6  不同类型岩石相典型样品分形特征曲线

    a.含砾粗砂岩相典型样品,J91井,2 984.14 m;b.砾质砂岩相典型样品,J72井,2 952.56 m;c.中细砂岩相典型样品,J90井,2 988.36 m

    Figure 6.  Fractal characteristic curves of typical samples from different lithofacies

    图 7  不同类型岩石相气水相渗曲线


    Figure 7.  Gas-water relative permeability curves of different lithofacies

    图 8  研究区下石盒子组压汞参数与气水相渗参数交会图

    Figure 8.  Crossplot of mercury injection parameters and gas-water relative permeability parameters of the Lower Shihezi Formation in the study area

    图 9  不同类型岩石相黏土矿物含量直方图

    Figure 9.  Histograms of clay minerals content in different lithofacies

    图 10  黏土矿物含量与气水相渗参数交会图

    Figure 10.  Crossplot of clay minerals content and gas-water relative permeability parameters

    图 11  JX井下石盒子组不同岩石相含气性测井响应综合图

    Figure 11.  Comprehensive logging response of gas-bearing capacities of different lithofacies in the Lower Shihezi Formation of Well JX

    图 12  研究区下石盒子组有利岩石相厚度与累计产气量交会图

    Figure 12.  Crossplot of favorable lithofacies thickness and accumulative gas production of the Lower Shihezi Formation in the study area

    表  1  东胜气田J72井区下石盒子组岩石相归类

    Table  1.   Lithofacies classification of the Lower Shihezi Formation in the J72 well block of the Dongsheng Gas Field

    岩石相亚类 砾岩相 砾质砂岩相 含砾粗砂岩相 中细砂岩相 泥岩相
    岩石相类型 块状砾岩相 块状砾质砂岩相 块状含砾粗砂岩相槽状交错层理中粗砂岩相块状层理中粗砂岩相 平行层理中细砂岩相 块状泥岩相
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    表  2  不同岩石相高压压汞及气水相渗曲线参数

    Table  2.   Mercury injection and gas-water relative permeability curve parameters of different lithofacies

    井名 深度/m 岩石相 孔隙度/% 渗透率/10-3μm2 高压压汞曲线参数 气水相渗曲线参数/%
    排驱压力/MPa 最大孔喉半径/μm 平均孔喉半径/μm 最大进汞饱和度/% 分选系数 束缚水处含水饱和度 残余气处含水饱和度 等渗点相对渗透率 两相共渗区范围
    J91 2 984.14 含砾粗砂岩 12.20 4.40 0.22 3.41 0.36 85.65 0.51 47.27 70.91 0.03 23.64
    J72 2 942.93 含砾粗砂岩 11.10 1.47 0.29 2.52 0.38 91.53 0.41 55.95 84.58 0.03 28.63
    J93 3 036.49 含砾粗砂岩 12.90 0.84 0.19 3.95 0.55 93.36 0.66 66.49 84.54 0.02 18.05
    J72 2 952.56 砾质砂岩 6.50 1.30 0.43 1.73 0.08 86.12 0.16 67.74 83.87 0.02 16.13
    J90 2 986.61 砾质砂岩 6.10 0.90 0.83 0.90 0.12 74.12 0.10 63.86 81.93 0.03 18.07
    J93 3 022.34 砾质砂岩 8.70 0.20 0.54 1.37 0.19 85.12 0.18 57.79 74.03 0.02 16.24
    J90 2 988.36 中细砂岩 5.50 0.43 1.20 0.62 0.08 67.61 0.06 63.77 78.26 0.02 14.49
    J91 2 953.41 中细砂岩 3.90 0.69 2.58 0.16 0.03 41.18 0.02 65.24 78.61 0.02 13.37
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