Fusion processing of multisource remote sensing images for extracting characteristic information from the Geladandong Snow Mountain area
2022年7月中国地质大学(武汉)冰川勘测组与登山组, 在格拉丹东雪山开展了“第二次大学生长江源科考”工作。为详细分析该区域冰川时空特征信息, 以此次科研数据为支撑, 结合光学遥感影像解译、InSAR形变信息提取、激光雷达测高及高精度大地测量, 进行了多源遥感影像融合处理研究。针对格拉丹东雪山及典型冰川, 采用高分卫星GF1、GF6、GF7、ZY3与Landsat7遥感影像, 利用空三加密、频域影像互相关匹配、波段比值法及目视解译,提取区域DOM、冰川面积及条数分布;利用Sentinel-1A、ICESat-2影像,以SAR影像空间域互相关偏移量追踪方法为支撑,分别提取冰川表面流速及高程变化;利用青海省域北斗CORS站点,采用Gamit/Globk双差无电离层组合模型、卫星星站差分(real-time extended, 简称RTX)及RTK(real-time kinematic)方法,计算所有控制点三维空间坐标及高程异常值。结果表明: 格拉丹东雪山共发育冰川512条,年均增长率为3.12%,面积1 111.96 km2,年均退缩速率为0.63%;姜根(古)迪如冰川日均最大流速为0.25 cm/d,年均最大流速为91.25 cm/a,其南支最大退缩值、堆积值及年变化速率分别为-74.63 m、38.44 m、-5.29~3.09 m/a,北支最大退缩值、堆积值和年变化速率-39.17 m、35.74 m、-3.02~2.85 m/a;所有控制点中误差及区域似大地水准面精化模型精度均达到了mm级。研究成果可以为后续在该地区开展相关冰川研究工作提供数据支撑。
Abstract:Objective In July 2022(Beijing time), the glacier survey group and mountaineering group of the China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) performed the "Second University Students' Scientific Expedition to the Yangtze River" in the Geladandong Snow Mountain area.
Methods To analyse the spatial and temporal characteristics of glaciers in this region, scientific research data were combined with optical remote sensing image interpretation, InSAR deformation information extraction, LiDAR altimetry measurements, and high-precision geodetic survey data to conduct multisource remote sensing image fusion processing research. Aerial triangulation encryption, frequency domain image matching, the waveband ratio method, and visual interpretation were used to extract DOM, DSM, glacier area and number distribution information from high-resolution satellite GF1, GF6, GF7, ZY3, and Landsat 7 remote sensing images of Geladandong Snow Mountain and typical glaciers.Sentinel-1A and ICESat-2 images were used, supported by the cross-correlation offset tracking method in the SAR image space domain, to extract glacier surface velocity and elevation changes, respectively. The 3D spatial coordinates and elevation outliers of all the control points were calculated for the BDS CORS station in Qinghai Province using the Gamit/Globk double difference ionospheric combination model, real-time extended (RTX), and real-time kinematic (RTK) techniques.
Results The results revealed 512 glaciers in the Geladandong Snow Mountain area, with an average annual growth rate of 3.12%, an area of 1 111.96 km2, and an average annual retreat rate of 0.63%.The average daily maximum velocity of the Jianggen (gu) Diru glacier is 0.25 cm/d, and the average annual maximum velocity is 91.25 cm/a. The maximum retreat value, accumulation value and annual change rate of Jianggen (gu) Diru glacier on the south side and north side are -74.63 m, 38.44 m, -5.29 m/a to 3.09 m/a, -39.17 m, 35.74 m, -3.02 m/a to 2.85 m/a, respectively. The precision of the regional quasigeoid refinement model and the errors at all control sites both attained mm levels.
Conclusion The aforementioned findings can provide data support for subsequent research on glaciers in this region.
表 1 光学遥感影像数据源
Table 1. Optical remote sensing image data sources
序号 数据源 传感器 重访周期/d 波段数 分辨率/m 有效景数/景 现时性 数据覆盖度/% 用途 全色 多光谱 1 GF-1 WFV 4 4 2.0 8.0 49 2012-2021年 75 影像数据处理,冰川面积、边界及条数提取 2 GF1B/GF1C/GF1D WFV 4 4 2.0 8.0 65 2012-2020年 89 3 GF7 WFV 5 4 0.7 2.8 28 2012-2020年 85 4 GF6 WFV 4 5 2.0 8.0 32 2016-2021年 70 5 ZY3-01C/02C WFV 3 4 2.1 5.8 84 2016-2021年 68 6 Landsat7 TM/ETM+ 16 7 15~30 36 2000/2015/2020年 73 7 ALOS PALSAR DEM — — — 12.5 — 2011年 100 8 第二次冰川编目 — — — — — — 2007年 100 界线数据 表 2 不同时期冰川面积及变化情况统计
Table 2. Statistical table of glacier area and variation in different periods
监测年份 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 冰川数量/条 496 496 496 498 499 502 503 504 512 冰川面积/km2 1 176.65 1 173.71 1 162.75 1 148.23 1 145.05 1 137.92 1 132.84 1 121.64 1 111.96 较上年变化量/km2 — -2.94 -10.96 -14.52 -3.18 -7.13 -5.08 -11.20 -9.68 变化率/% — 0.25 0.93 1.25 0.28 0.62 0.45 0.99 0.86 表 3 姜根(古)迪如冰川不同时期面积及变化情况统计
Table 3. Statistical table of glacial area and variation during different periods for the Jianggen (gu) Diru Glacier
类别 不同时期冰川面积及变化 两支冰川不同时期面积及变化 北支冰川 南支冰川 年份 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 数量/个 2 2 1 1 1 1 周长/km 78.14 101.13 36.22 36.24 41.88 41.90 面积/km2 58.38 58.12 25.12 25.01 33.26 33.11 周长较上年变化/km — 22.99 — 0.02 — 0.02 面积较上年变化/km2 — -0.26 — -0.11 — -0.15 面积变化率/% — -0.45 — -0.44 — -0.45 表 4 不同海拔冰川面积变化情况统计
Table 4. Statistical table of variation in glacier area at different elevations
监测年份 平均海拔范围/m < 5 600 [5 600, 5 700) [5 700, 5 800] >5 800 冰川面积/km2 2012 173.80 288.18 492.82 221.85 2013 189.36 286.10 478.40 219.85 2014 171.00 286.35 486.78 218.62 2015 168.37 278.83 475.57 225.46 2016 213.29 278.42 428.50 224.85 2017 164.98 276.81 472.05 224.08 2018 162.46 274.85 471.76 223.79 2019 161.84 271.75 397.43 290.63 2020 149.21 276.46 396.68 289.61 表 5 Sentinel-1A数据统计表
Table 5. Statistical table of Sentinel-1A data
序号 轨道ID 升/降轨 采集时间 序号 轨道ID 升/降轨 采集时间 序号 轨道ID 升/降轨 采集时间 1 150 Descending 2018/01/15 9 150 Descending 2019/04/16 17 150 Descending 2020/10/31 2 150 Descending 2018/02/08 10 150 Descending 2019/05/10 18 150 Descending 2020/11/24 3 150 Descending 2018/04/21 11 150 Descending 2019/11/18 19 150 Descending 2021/01/23 4 150 Descending 2018/05/15 12 150 Descending 2019/12/12 20 150 Descending 2021/02/16 5 150 Descending 2018/10/06 13 150 Descending 2020/01/29 21 150 Descending 2021/04/17 6 150 Descending 2018/10/30 14 150 Descending 2020/02/22 22 150 Descending 2021/05/11 7 150 Descending 2019/01/10 15 150 Descending 2020/04/10 23 150 Descending 2021/10/26 8 150 Descending 2019/02/03 16 150 Descending 2020/05/04 24 150 Descending 2021/11/19 表 6 ICESat-2激光测高数据统计
Table 6. Statistical table of ICESat-2 laser altimetry data
序号 轨道ID 升/降轨 采集时间 序号 轨道ID 升/降轨 采集时间 1 294 降 2019/01/16 7 1239 降 2019/12/17 2 439 升 2019/01/26 8 294 降 2020/01/14 3 294 降 2019/04/17 9 294 降 2020/04/24 4 439 升 2019/04/27 10 439 升 2020/07/24 5 439 升 2019/07/26 11 439 升 2020/10/22 6 439 升 2019/10/25 12 294 降 2021/10/11 -
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