Effect of freeze-thaw cycles and water content on the mechanical properties of moraine soil
处在季节性冻土区的冰碛土受冻融循环作用影响显著, 极大地影响工程的稳定和安全。为了探究冻融循环作用及初始含水率对冰碛土静力学特性的影响, 以川西甘孜州海螺沟的冰碛土为研究对象, 通过开展不同冻融循环次数及初始含水率条件下冰碛土不固结不排水三轴试验研究冻融循环作用对冰碛土力学参数的影响。试验结果表明: 冻融循环作用下冰碛土应力-应变曲线为弱应变软化型; 随冻融循环次数增加, 冰碛土弹性模量、抗剪强度均呈现出先快速衰减后趋于稳定的变化趋势, 且初始含水率越大其力学指标衰减程度越大, 黏聚力呈负指数型函数降低, 而内摩擦角无明显变化; 采用指数型函数对抗剪强度、弹性模量试验值进行多元非线性拟合, 建立冰碛土力学参数与围压、含水率及冻融循环次数的关系表达式, 拟合效果理想, 可用于推算经历冻融循环后土体力学参数值; 冻融循环作用会使冰碛土力学性质显著劣化, 且劣化程度与含水率呈正相关。研究成果可为高寒山区工程设计与建设提供科学支撑。
Abstract:Objective Moraine soil in seasonal permafrost areas is significantly affected by freeze-thaw cycles, which greatly affects the stability and safety of projects.
Methods To investigate the effect of freeze-thaw cycles and water content on the static mechanical properties of the soil, the influence of freeze-thaw cycles and water content on the mechanical parameters of Hailuogou moraine soil was studied via an unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test.
Results The results show that the stress-strain curves of the moraine soil before and after freeze-thaw cycling exhibit weak strain softening. With an increase in the number of freeze-thaw cycles, the elastic modulus and shear strength of the moraine soil first rapidly decrease and subsequently tend to stabilize. The higher the water content is, the greater the decay degree of the mechanical parameters. As the number of freeze-thaw cycles increases, the cohesion decreases exponentially, while the friction angle does not change significantly. The exponential function is thus adopted for multiple nonlinear fittings of the shear strength and elastic modulus. The relationship between mechanical parameters and confining conditions pressure, water content, and freeze-thaw cycles are obtained and show good correlation, which can be used to deduce the mechanical parameters of moraine soil after freeze-thaw cycles. The freeze-thaw cycles weaken the mechanical properties of moraine soil, and the higher the water content is, the greater the degree of attenuation.
Conclusion The obtained results and analyses can provide scientific support for engineering design and construction in alpine regions.
Key words:
- moraine soil /
- freeze-thaw cycles /
- water content /
- mechanical property /
- attenuation pattern
表 1 冰碛土基本物性参数
Table 1. Basic physical properties of the moraine soil
干密度/(g·cm-3) 天然含水率/% 最优含水率/% 塑限/% 液限/% 相对密度 1.7 9.7~16.4 14.3 8.6 15.5 2.82 表 2 静三轴试验方案
Table 2. Test procedure for static triaxial test
含水率w/% 围压σ3/kPa 冻融循环次数N/次 试样个数/个 10
1850,100,150,200 0,1,2,3,6,9,12,15,20 36
36 -
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