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韩小梦 郭云成 段留安 王建田 赵鹏飞 王利鹏 喻光明

韩小梦, 郭云成, 段留安, 王建田, 赵鹏飞, 王利鹏, 喻光明. 胶莱盆地东北缘前垂柳金矿床S、Pb同位素组成:对成矿物质来源的指示[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(3): 210-221. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220659
引用本文: 韩小梦, 郭云成, 段留安, 王建田, 赵鹏飞, 王利鹏, 喻光明. 胶莱盆地东北缘前垂柳金矿床S、Pb同位素组成:对成矿物质来源的指示[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(3): 210-221. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220659
Han Xiaomeng, Guo Yuncheng, Duan Liuan, Wang Jiantian, Zhao Pengfei, Wang Lipeng, Yu Guangming. S and Pb isotopic compositions of the Qianchuiliu Gold Deposit on the northeastern margin of the Jiaolai Basin: Implication on the source of ore-forming material[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(3): 210-221. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220659
Citation: Han Xiaomeng, Guo Yuncheng, Duan Liuan, Wang Jiantian, Zhao Pengfei, Wang Lipeng, Yu Guangming. S and Pb isotopic compositions of the Qianchuiliu Gold Deposit on the northeastern margin of the Jiaolai Basin: Implication on the source of ore-forming material[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(3): 210-221. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220659


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220659

国家重点研发计划 2022YFC2903605

中国地质调查局金矿重点勘查区资源潜力评价工程项目“山东牟平辽上金矿资源潜力评价” DD20230392

重点勘查区战略性矿产资源勘查工程“胶西北地区金矿资源勘查”项目 ZD20220315


    韩小梦(1987—), 男, 工程师, 主要从事矿产勘查、矿床学研究工作。E-mail: 943062435@qq.com


    段留安(1976—), 男, 正高级工程师, 主要从事矿产勘查、矿床地球化学等方面研究工作。E-mail: liuanduan@163.com

  • 中图分类号: P618.51

S and Pb isotopic compositions of the Qianchuiliu Gold Deposit on the northeastern margin of the Jiaolai Basin: Implication on the source of ore-forming material

  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  前垂柳金矿区及周边金矿区地质简图[1]


    Figure 1.  Geological map of the Qianchuiliu Gold Mining area and nearby gold mineral deposits

    图 2  前垂柳金矿区16线和32线钻孔剖面图

    Figure 2.  Drilling profile of Line 16 and Line 32 in the Qianchuiliu Gold Mine area

    图 3  前垂柳金矿床矿石照片和显微照片

    Figure 3.  Photographs and photomicrographs of the Qianchuiliu Gold Deposit

    图 4  胶莱盆地东北缘典型金矿床硫化物δ34S值对比分布图(图中数据综合本文及文献[31-37])

    Figure 4.  Distribution of sulfide δ34S values of typical gold deposits on northeastern margin of the Jiaolai Basin

    图 5  前垂柳金矿床与区域典型金矿床硫同位素对比直方图(图中数据综合本文及文献[31-37])

    Figure 5.  Comporing histograms of sulfur isotopes in the Qianchuiliu Gold Deposit and regional gold deposits

    图 6  前垂柳金矿床矿石铅同位素模式图(a~b)及构造环境判别图(c~d)(底图据文献[42]; 投影点数据综合本文及文献[33-39])

    Figure 6.  Plumbotectonic model of lead isotope (a-b) and diagram for discriminating the tectonic setting (c-d) of the Qianchuiliu Gold Deposit

    图 7  前垂柳金矿床矿石铅同位素Δγβ成因判别图解(底图据文献[42]; 投影点数据综合本文及文献[33-39])

    1.地幔源铅; 2.上地壳源铅; 3.上地壳与地幔混合的俯冲铅: 3a.岩浆作用铅; 3b.沉积作用铅; 4.化学沉积型铅; 5.海底热水作用铅; 6.中深变质作用Pb; 7.深变质下地壳铅; 8.造山带铅; 9.古老页岩上地壳铅; 10.退变质铅

    Figure 7.  Δγβ genetic classification diagram showing ore mineral lead isotopic distribution in the Qianchuiliu Gold Deposit

    表  1  前垂柳金矿床矿石硫同位素组成

    Table  1.   Sulfur isotope composition of the Qianchuiliu Gold Deposit

    样品编号 采样位置 矿石中黄铁矿赋存特征 测试矿物 δ34S/%
    ZK3201-64 32线ZK3201孔117.2 m 细脉状黄铁矿 黄铁矿 11.20
    ZK3201-97 32线ZK3201孔204.2 m 条带状黄铁矿 黄铁矿 11.23
    ZK3201-128 32线ZK3201孔258.2 m 细脉状石英自形黄铁矿 黄铁矿 10.28
    ZK3201-131 32线ZK3201孔262.1 m 细脉状石英黄铁矿 黄铁矿 12.39
    ZK3201-338 32线ZK3201孔577 m 细脉状石英黄铁矿 黄铁矿 11.46
    ZK3201-340 32线ZK3201孔579 m 细脉状石英黄铁矿 黄铁矿 10.13
    ZK3201-343 32线ZK3201孔583 m 细脉状石英黄铁矿 黄铁矿 10.94
    ZK1603-391 16线ZK1603孔543.16 m 细脉状黄铁矿 黄铁矿 10.80
    ZK1603-393 16线ZK1603孔546.16 m 网脉状石英黄铁矿 黄铁矿 10.80
    ZK1603-395 16线ZK1603孔548.46 m 网脉状石英黄铁矿 黄铁矿 10.60
    ZK1603-401 16线ZK1603孔555.06 m 网脉状石英黄铁矿 黄铁矿 10.30
    ZK1603-403 16线ZK1603孔557.46 m 网脉状石英黄铁矿 黄铁矿 11.10
    ZK1603-405 16线ZK1603孔560.26 m 网脉状石英黄铁矿 黄铁矿 10.90
    ZK1603-407 16线ZK1603孔562.96 m 网脉状石英黄铁矿 黄铁矿 11.10
    ZK1603-409 16线ZK1603孔565.86 m 网脉状石英黄铁矿 黄铁矿 11.20
    ZK1603-411 16线ZK1603孔568.76 m 网脉状石英黄铁矿 黄铁矿 11.40
    ZK1603-413 16线ZK1603孔571.76 m 网脉状石英黄铁矿 黄铁矿 10.90
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    表  2  前垂柳金矿床矿石铅同位素组成

    Table  2.   Lead isotope composition of the Qianchuiliu Gold Deposit

    样品编号 测试矿物 206Pb/204Pb 207Pb/204Pb 208Pb/204Pb μ ω κ Δα Δβ Δγ
    ZK1603-391 黄铁矿 17.149 15.482 37.860 9.41 40.58 4.17 62.22 15.29 52.05
    ZK1603-392 黄铁矿 17.178 15.498 37.917 9.44 40.82 4.18 63.74 16.31 53.49
    ZK1603-393 黄铁矿 17.941 15.540 38.432 9.40 38.61 3.98 67.17 15.45 44.73
    ZK1603-394 黄铁矿 17.544 15.515 38.000 9.41 38.91 4.00 64.79 15.46 44.54
    ZK1603-395 黄铁矿 17.390 15.497 37.995 9.40 39.71 4.09 63.23 14.96 48.55
    ZK1603-399 黄铁矿 18.625 15.618 38.626 9.48 36.30 3.71 75.66 18.67 32.25
    ZK1603-401 黄铁矿 17.753 15.535 38.227 9.42 38.81 3.99 66.68 15.91 45.01
    ZK1603-402 黄铁矿 17.953 15.555 38.488 9.43 38.92 3.99 68.62 16.48 46.66
    ZK1603-403 黄铁矿 18.886 15.677 39.676 9.57 39.56 4.00 88.21 22.39 58.86
    ZK1603-404 黄铁矿 18.797 15.645 39.185 9.52 37.83 3.85 83.09 20.30 45.75
    ZK1603-407 黄铁矿 18.019 15.566 38.600 9.44 39.11 4.01 69.75 17.01 48.16
    ZK1603-408 黄铁矿 18.059 15.566 39.527 9.44 42.82 4.39 69.76 16.85 71.99
    ZK1603-411 黄铁矿 18.474 15.644 40.073 9.54 43.26 4.39 77.88 20.95 77.37
    ZK1603-412 黄铁矿 17.790 15.562 38.756 9.47 41.20 4.21 69.25 17.70 59.66
    ZK1603-413 黄铁矿 18.552 15.613 39.395 9.48 39.72 4.05 75.00 18.52 54.87
    注:Pb同位素特征参数μ238U/204Pb、ω232Th/204Pb、κ为Th/U、Δα为[α/αm(t)-1]×1 000、Δβ为[β/βm(t)-1]×1 000、Δγ为[γ/γm(t)-1]×1 000,其中αβγ为测定值、αm(t)、βm(t)、γm(t)为t时的地幔值,各参数使用GeoKit软件计算得到[26-27]
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