Numerical simulation of masonry building deformation and failure characteristics in landslide tension areas
为保证滑坡上居民的生命和财产安全, 揭示滑坡上砌体房屋的变形破坏规律, 开展滑坡作用下砌体房屋的变形破坏过程模拟研究十分必要。试验基于ABAQUS接触分离式建模方法建立了砌体房屋精细化模型, 利用黏性接触界面来模拟砂浆在墙体中的作用,并将数值模拟结果与物理模型试验结果进行了对比分析。结果表明:通过物理模型试验和数值模型试验中砌体房屋宏观变形特征及微观应力应变数据的对比, 物理模型试验和数值模型试验的载荷-应变曲线拟合度较好、应变云图基本一致, 证明了该数值模拟方法的有效性;揭示了滑坡张拉变形区房屋墙体裂缝的扩展规律和应变分布规律。研究结果可以为滑坡张拉区砌体房屋防护设计提供依据。
Abstract:To ensure the safety of life and property of residents on landslides and reveal the deformation and failure law of masonry buildings on landslides, it is necessary to carry out a simulation study on the deformation and failure process of masonry buildings under the action of landslide deformation. A refined model of a masonry building was established based on the contact separation modeling method in ABAQUS, and the viscous contact interface was used to simulate the effect of mortar in the wall. Comparing the results of the numerical simulation with the physical model test results, the main conclusion is as follows: through the comparison of macroscopic deformation characteristics and microscopic stress and strain data obtained from physical and numerical model tests, the load-strain curve of the numerical model test agrees well with that of the physical model test, and their strain clouds are consistent, proving the validity of the numerical simulation method. The law of crack propagation and strain distribution of building walls in landslide tension areas is revealed, which can provide a basis for the protection design of masonry buildings in landslide tension areas.
图 3 滑坡变形三阶段[14](a)和对应加载曲线(b)
Figure 3. Three stages of landslide deformation(a) and corresponding loading curve(b)
表 1 主要材料参数
Table 1. Main material parameters
部位 材料 杨氏模量/MPa 泊松比 密度/(kg·m-3) 浅基础 C15混凝土 2.2×103 0.20 2 400 砖块 烧结砖 4.4×103 0.15 2 000 -
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