孕镶金刚石钻头广泛应用于各种硬岩钻进, 尤其是深部硬岩钻探钻井的工程实践活动中, 其碎岩机制表现为金属胎体包裹的金刚石出刃后压入、刻划和破碎岩石。金刚石钻头的磨损形式反映了孔底钻头-岩石的相互作用过程, 以及磨粒(包括岩屑、胎体碎屑和金刚石碎屑等)在孔底的存在状态, 它决定了金刚石钻头的钻进效率和使用寿命。目前关于孕镶金刚石钻头磨损理论、方法的研究大部分属于定性判断, 且常局限于区域特殊情况, 无法形成统一或可借鉴的实用指导体系。以地质钻探领域的孕镶金刚石钻头磨损相关研究文献为主, 讨论了孕镶金刚石钻头磨损的研究现状。首先结合地质钻探工业实践和行业规程归纳了钻头的非正常磨损类型, 然后从磨损图像、钻进信号2个方面介绍了钻头磨损评价方法, 从钻头整体、金刚石和金属胎体3个方面梳理了钻头钻进过程磨损机理与影响因素, 另外列举了主流的钻头磨损性能调控方法, 介绍了磨损分析方程的研究进展, 并探讨了机器学习方法如何辅助钻头磨损研究。孕镶金刚石钻头在深部硬岩钻探中有极大的潜力, 而其磨损性能是决定其最终使用效果的关键。为此, 对人工智能方法辅助数据分析、微观尺度计算模拟、增材制造和材料处理改性等研究方向进行了分析展望, 探索先进的金刚石钻头的磨损监测分析和调控方法, 以期满足地质深部钻探和地外星系钻探等远程监控钻进的需求。
Abstract:Significance Impregnated diamond bits (IDBs) have been widely used in various hard rock drilling activities, especially deep drilling. Drilling process with IDBs relies on diamond edge wrapped by metal matrices to break the rock formation, which means the wear pattern of the diamond bit reflects the interaction between bits and rock, as well as the existence form of broken particles, which directly determine the drilling efficiency and service life of the drilling tools. But up to now there have not been so much in-depth study on its wear mechanism and analysing method in geological drilling.
Progress and Analysis Therefore, this paper reviews the research literature on IDBs wear in the field of geological drilling, summarizes the abnormal bit wear problem according to engineering project experineces and industrial standards. Firstly, based on the experiences of geological drilling activities and industry standards, different types of abnormal bit wear of drill bits were summarized. Then, the evaluation methods of drill bit wear were introduced from the aspects of wear images and drilling signals. The wear mechanism and influencing factors of the drill bit in the drilling process were sorted out from three aspects: The overall drill bit, diamond, and metal matrix. In addition, mainstream methods of controlling drill bit wear performance were listed, and the research progress of wear analysis equations was introduced, besides, how machine learning methods can assist in the study of drill bit wear was discussed.
Conclusion and Prospect Thus, IDBs have great potentials in deep hard rock drilling, and their wear performance is the key influnencing the whole drilling activity. To this end, research directions such as artificial intelligence assisting data analysis, microscale computational simulation, additive manufacturing, and material processing modification were analyzed and discussed, aiming to explore advanced methods for monitoring, analyzing, and regulating the wear of diamond drill bits, so as to meet the needs of remote monitoring and controlling in drilling activities such as geological deep drilling and extraterrestrial drilling.
Key words:
- impregnated diamond bit /
- rock fracturing /
- bit wear /
- wear mechanism /
- wear evaluation /
- machine learning
图 1 钻头唇面的正常磨损[7]
Figure 1. Normal wear of bit working surface
图 3 金刚石钻头唇面磨损的实验、评价和统计[19]
a. s=200 mm, m=50 min时的微观图像(二维数据); b. s=200 mm, m=50 min时的表面测量(三维数据); c. s=300 mm, m=75 min时的微观图像(二维数据); d. s=300 mm, m=75 min时的表面测量(三维数据); s.累计钻进深度; m.累计钻进时间
Figure 3. Experiment, evaluation and statistics of diamond bit working surface wear
图 5 深度学习卷积神经网络模型进行胎体磨损图像分割[27]
Figure 5. Wear image segmentation of matrices using a convolution neural network model based on deep learning
图 8 深度学习辅助孕镶金刚石钻头热损伤研究[89]
Figure 8. Deep learning enabled impregnated diamond bit thermal damage research
表 1 钻头磨损影响因素
Table 1. Influencing facters of bit wear
磨损影响因素 影响形式 钻头参数 金刚石参数 金刚石品级 金刚石出刃状态;钻头唇面-岩石间的间隙高度、接触面积; 钻头唇面的清洁、冷却状态; 钻头唇面宏观磨损形态 金刚石粒度 金刚石浓度 抗冲击韧性 胎体性能 胎体强度 胎体硬度 胎体耐磨性 胎体把持力 钻头结构 唇面形状 唇面尺寸 水口分布 水槽分布 地层性质 岩层参数 岩石类型 岩屑的颗粒级配、形貌等差异; 岩屑的组成矿物及研磨性 造岩矿物粒度 矿物胶结程度 岩石强度 岩石硬度 岩石研磨性 岩石裂隙度 岩层完整性 软硬夹层 地层环境 地层温度 钻头的工作温度、压力; 钻头的孔底清洁状态 地层压力 钻进参数 规程参数 钻压 钻头的孔底冷却状态 转速 泵量 介质参数 pH值 腐蚀磨损程度 电解质种类与浓度 -
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