Fractal characteristics of displacement and cracks in the Baishuihe landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area
地表位移与裂缝发育是滑坡变形演化最为直观的表现形式, 因此, 通过位移监测数据与地表裂缝发育状况来揭示滑坡变形破坏特征与演化阶段对于滑坡灾害的分析防治具有重要的现实意义。选取三峡库区白水河滑坡为研究对象, 系统搜集并分析了2003-2016年滑坡监测数据, 选取ZG93和ZG118监测点, 首先基于
R /S 分析计算了位移数据的分形参数Hurst指数; 其次以每年为时间间隔对2个监测点位移进行多重分形维数计算研究; 最后引入滑坡裂缝分期配套理论, 对白水河滑坡目前裂缝发育状况进行裂缝分形维数计算。结果表明, 2个监测点位移分形维数H 指数均大于0.5, 说明滑坡位移序列存在一定的正相关性; 白水河滑坡演化过程分为平稳变形状态(2003年6月-2007年6月)、加速变形状态(2007年6月-2009年12月)、平稳变形状态(2009年12月-2015年12月); 对比地表裂缝分形维数与滑坡裂缝分期配套规律可知, 白水河滑坡目前裂缝发育仍然处在初始变形阶段。研究成果对于揭示水库滑坡的演化状态具有一定的指导意义。Abstract:Objective Surface displacement and crack development are the most intuitive manifestations of landslide deformation and evolution. Therefore, revealing the characteristics and evolution stages of landslide deformation and failure through displacement monitoring and surface crack survey is highly practical.
Methods In this study, the Baishuihe landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area is selected as the research case, and monitoring data from 2003-2016 for this landslide are systematically collected and analyzed, taking monitoring points ZG93 and ZG118 as example. First, the fractal parameter Hurst index R/S analysis is carried out for the displacement data. Second, the multiple fractal dimensions of the displacement of the two monitoring points are calculated every year. Finally, the theory of stage matching of landslide cracks is introduced, and the crack fractal dimension of the Baishuihe landslide is determinated.
Results The results show that there is a certain positive correlation between the landslide displacement sequences, and the fractal dimension
H index of the two monitoring points is greater than 0.5. The evolution process of the Baishuihe landslide can be divided into a steady deformation state (from June 2003 to June 2007), an accelerated deformation state (from June 2007 to December 2009), and a steady deformation state (from December 2009 to December 2015). According to the matching law of crack stages, the development of the landslide is the initial deformation stage.Conclusion The research results have a certain guiding significance for revealing the evolutionary state of reservoir landslides.
Key words:
- fractal theory /
- Baishuihe landslide /
- displacement /
- crack /
- Three Gorges Reservoir Area
图 6 牵引式滑坡裂缝分期配套示意图(据文献[22])
Figure 6. Schematic diagram of crack stage matching of the retrogressive landslide
表 1 滑坡各阶段平面裂缝分形维数
Table 1. Fractal dimension of plane cracks in each stage of the landslide
裂缝发育阶段 初始时刻 阶段Ⅰ 阶段Ⅱ 阶段Ⅲ 阶段Ⅳ 裂缝分形维数 1.240 1.379 1.403 1.429 1.483 -
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