Numerical simulation studies on monitored natural attenuation of phenol in aquifers considering the biodegradation effect
监测自然衰减(MNA)是一种应用较广的经济有效的土壤和地下水污染修复技术, 而非水相液体(NAPL)在非均质地层中的运移过程是自然衰减效果评估的重要内容。为了准确刻画多相流体在土壤及地下水中的生物降解过程, 以我国北方某典型苯酚污染场地为例, 基于连续三年的地下水质动态监测数据, 利用多相流数值模拟软件TOUGH3/TMVOCBio构建了考虑Monod生物降解过程的苯酚运移的多相流数值模型。模型再现了现状条件下多相态苯酚的空间分布和时间变化过程, 分析了吸附和Monod生物降解参数的敏感性。最后, 讨论了吸附和微生物降解参数不确定条件下, 溶解、挥发、吸附和生物降解作用去除苯酚贡献率, 对污染源处置的2种情景进行了模拟预测。研究发现, 苯酚呈现间歇性泄漏, 在地下介质中以吸附相为主, 其次为液相和气相, 最少为自由相。在参数不确定性影响下, 生物降解作用为17.91%~58.02%, 并且降水条件会影响苯酚浓度的季节性变化。在未来20年内, 在苯酚污染源完全去除和保持现状泄漏条件时, 第20年末苯酚总质量去除率分别达到98%和80%以上。识别了多相流模型中敏感性较高的生物降解参数, 为石化场地有机物生物降解过程数值模拟提供参考, 同时可为我国MNA技术的应用提供理论依据。
Abstract:Objective Monitoring natural attenuation (MNA) is a widely used, economical and effective remediation technique for soil and groundwater contamination. The migration of nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) in heterogeneous strata is an important element in the assessment for the efficiency of MNA.
Methods Based on three consecutive years of dynamic groundwater quality monitoring data, the purpose of this study is to accurately characterize the biodegradation processes of multiphase fluids at a typical phenol contaminated site in northern China. A multiphase flow numerical model of phenol transport considering Monod biodegradation processes based on TOUGH3/TMVOCBio software was developed and applied. The model depicted the spatial distribution and temporal variation of phenol under the current conditions well and analysed the sensitivities of the adsorption and biodegradation parameters. The paper also discussed the removal contributions of dissolution, volatilization, adsorption and biodegradation effects under uncertainty of adsorption and microbial degradation parameters and predicted two different natural attenuation scenarios for source disposal.
Results The contribution of phenol removal varies over a range under the influence of parameter uncertainty, with 17.91% to 58.02% for biodegradation, and precipitation conditions affect the seasonal variation in phenol concentrations. In the future 20 years, under the conditions with complete removal of the phenol source and the present leakage model, the total mass removal rate of phenol will arrive at 98% and 80% at the end of the 20th year, respectively.
Conclusion This paper identifies the biodegradation parameters with high sensitivity in the multiphase flow model, which provides a reference for the numerical simulation of the organic matter biodegradation process at petrochemical sites and can also provide a theoretical basis for the application of MNA technology in China.
表 1 模型分层和孔隙度与渗透率参数列表
Table 1. List of model layers, porosity and permeability
分层岩性 分层号 厚度/m 垂向饱和渗透率/m2 孔隙度/% 人工回填土 2~11 2~27 5×10-12 15 全-强风化层 12~16 10 3×10-12 12 中风化层 17~18 7 1×10-12 11 弱-微风化层 19~28 50 1×10-13 10 Table 2. Major parameters related to phenol adsorption and biodegradation
参数 基准取值 敏感性范围 固-液分配系数/(m3·kg-1) 0.146 0.0146~1.460 介质有机碳质量浓度/% 0.05 0.01~0.2 微生物最大利用速率/10-7s-1 1.27 0.25~6.35 基质半饱和常数/10-6(kg·kg-1) 2 1~4 微生物产出系数/(kg·kg-1) 0.5 0.1~2.5 氧气利用率/(mol·mol-1) 7.5 3.75~15.0 氧气半饱和常数/10-7(kg·kg-1) 10 2.0~50 微生物死亡速率/10-9s-1 23.1 4.10~102 -
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