Major and trace elemental compositions and geological significance of sphalerite in the Fuxingtun Ag-Pb-Zn polymetallic deposit, Horqin Right Wing Front, Inner Mongolia
复兴屯矿床是近年来在内蒙古自治区科尔沁右翼前旗地区的勘探找矿工作中发现的大型银铅锌多金属矿床。鉴于该矿床的研究非常薄弱, 开展其成矿元素赋存特征、沉淀机制及矿床成因类型等问题的研究可为该矿床的成因研究提供理论依据。以复兴屯银铅锌多金属矿床不同阶段形成的闪锌矿为研究对象, 开展了矿相学、矿物主量元素和微量元素组成的研究, 探讨了成矿元素的沉淀机制和矿床的成因类型。结合野外调查和室内矿相学观察, 将复兴屯矿床的成矿过程划分为3个成矿阶段: 铜锌硫化物阶段(Ⅰ阶段)、铅锌硫化物阶段(Ⅱ阶段)、银锌硫化物阶段(Ⅲ阶段)。电子探针分析结果表明, 闪锌矿中Fe含量变化较大, Fe含量与Zn含量呈明显负相关关系。LA-ICP-MS分析结果表明, 由Ⅰ阶段到Ⅲ阶段, 闪锌矿中Fe, Mn, In含量逐渐降低, Ga, Ge, Sb含量略有增加。结合激光剥蚀曲线与元素间相关性图解, 元素Fe, Mn, Cd, Cu, In和Ag以类质同象形式赋存于闪锌矿之中; Pb以显微包裹体形式存在, 而Bi和Sb主要赋存于闪锌矿的方铅矿显微包裹体中。闪锌矿的微量元素组成还表明, 成矿过程中周期性的压力波动导致了闪锌矿中韵律环带的形成, 成矿流体的多次减压和降温是复兴屯矿床主要的矿质沉淀机制。综合矿床地质特征和闪锌矿微量元素特征, 我们认为复兴屯矿床为中硫化型浅成低温热液矿床。
- 复兴屯银铅锌多金属矿 /
- 闪锌矿 /
- 矿物化学 /
- 矿床成因
Abstract:Objective The Fuxingtun deposit is a recently discovered large Ag-Pb-Zn polymetallic deposit in Horqin Right Wing Front area, Inner Mongolia. However, the researches on the deposit are very scarce. The study investigates occurrence characteristics of ore-forming elements, precipitation mechanism and genetic type of the deposit, in order to provide theoretical basis for the genesis of the deposit.
Methods This study focused on sphalerite in different stages of the Fuxingtun Ag-Pb-Zn polymetallic deposit, and obtained metallography, major and trace elemental compositions of sphalerite, in order to discuss the precipitation mechanism of ore-forming elements and the genetic types of this deposit.
Results Combined with field investigation and metallography observations, the metallogenic process of the Fuxingtun deposit can be divided into three stages: Cu-Zn sulfide stage (Stage Ⅰ), Pb-Zn sulfide stage (Stage Ⅱ) and Pb-Zn sulfide stage (Stage Ⅲ). The results of electron probe microanalysis show that the content of Fe in sphalerite varies greatly, and there is an obvious negative correlation between Fe and Zn. The results of LA-ICP-MS analysis showed that, the contents of Fe, Mn and In in sphalerite decreased gradually from Stage Ⅰ to Ⅲ, whereas those of Ga, Ge and Sb increased slightly. Based on the diagrams of laser ablation signal curve and the correlation among different elements, this study constrained that Fe, Mn, Cd, Cu In, and Ag in sphalerite are present as the form of isomorphism. On the other hand, Pb exists in the form of micro-inclusions, while Bi and Sb mainly occur as galena micro-inclusions in sphalerite. The trace element compositions of sphalerite grains also show that the periodic pressure fluctuation in the ore-forming process is responsible for the formation of oscillatory zone in sphalerite. We proposed that the multiple decompression and cooling of ore-forming fluids are the main mechanism of mineral precipitation in the Fuxingtun deposit.
Conclusion Combined with the geological characteristics of the deposit and the trace element characteristics of sphalerite, it is proposed that the Fuxingtun Ag-Pb-Zn polymetallic deposit is a medium-sized, epithermal sulfide deposit.
图 1 复兴屯矿床地质图(a)[9]及A-A′(b)和B-B′(c)勘探线剖面图
Figure 1. Geological map of the Fuxingtun deposit (a)[9], A-A′ (b) and B-B′ (c) profiles maps for the exploration line
图 3 复兴屯矿床典型围岩蚀变照片
Figure 3. Photos of typical wall rock alteration in the Fuxingtun deposit
图 4 复兴屯矿床典型矿石照片
Figure 4. Photos of typical ores in the Fuxingtun deposit
表 1 复兴屯矿床闪锌矿电子探针分析结果
Table 1. EPMA results of the sphalerite in the Fuxingtun deposit
样号 阶段 Fe Co Cu Zn As S Pb In 总量 化学式 wB/% FX84-2 Ⅰ 1.45 0.07 1.32 64.53 bdl 32.79 bdl 0.16 100.32 Zn0.96Fe0.03S FX84-5 Ⅰ 0.89 0.02 1.04 62.76 bdl 34.18 bdl 0.07 98.96 Zn0.9Fe0.01S FX89-2 Ⅰ 7.74 bdl 3.75 52.69 bdl 34.40 0.65 bdl 99.23 Zn0.75Fe0.13S FX89-5 Ⅰ 3.41 0.02 0.06 63.68 bdl 32.21 0.01 bdl 99.39 Zn0.97Fe0.06S FX91-5 Ⅰ 0.99 0.12 0.08 64.45 bdl 34.24 0.17 0.11 100.16 Zn0.92Fe0.02S FX72-2-1 Ⅱ 12.31 bdl bdl 53.33 0.01 33.72 bdl bdl 99.37 Zn0.78Fe0.21S FX72-2-2 Ⅱ 5.74 bdl bdl 60.62 0.03 33.08 bdl bdl 99.47 Zn0.9Fe0.1S FX72-2-3 Ⅱ 5.01 bdl bdl 61.51 bdl 32.62 0.07 0.03 99.24 Zn0.92Fe0.09S FX111-1 Ⅱ 2.40 bdl bdl 62.79 bdl 34.34 0.11 bdl 99.64 Zn0.9Fe0.04S FX183-3-2 Ⅱ 1.33 bdl bdl 64.47 bdl 32.55 0.15 0.01 98.51 Zn0.97Fe0.02S FX4-1 Ⅲ 0.20 0.13 0.10 66.83 0.02 32.76 0.04 bdl 100.08 ZnS FX4-3 Ⅲ 0.18 bdl 0.01 66.99 bdl 33.01 bdl bdl 100.19 Zn0.99S FX13-8 Ⅲ 0.35 bdl bdl 65.95 0.04 32.76 0.05 bdl 99.15 Zn0.99S FX13-12 Ⅲ 0.57 bdl 0.04 66.92 bdl 32.31 bdl 0.01 99.85 Zn1.02S FX13-15 Ⅲ 2.55 bdl bdl 64.1 bdl 32.92 0.02 bdl 99.59 Zn0.95Fe0.04S FX15-1 Ⅲ 1.25 bdl 1.12 64.32 0.02 32.76 0.07 bdl 99.54 Zn0.96Fe0.02S FX15-5 Ⅲ 1.37 0.11 0.34 64.55 0.01 32.76 0.03 bdl 99.17 Zn0.97Fe0.02S FX16-3 Ⅲ 1.12 0.12 0.29 64.84 0.05 32.87 0.04 bdl 99.33 Zn0.97Fe0.02S FX21-2 Ⅲ 2.30 0.01 1.70 61.55 bdl 33.35 bdl bdl 98.91 Zn0.9Fe0.04S FX34-3 Ⅲ 0.71 0.14 0.19 65.86 0.04 32.97 0.05 bdl 99.96 Zn0.98Fe0.01S FX34-6 Ⅲ 0.74 bdl 0.07 65.58 bdl 32.71 bdl bdl 99.10 Zn0.98Fe0.01S 注:bdl代表低于检测限,下同 表 2 复兴屯矿床闪锌矿LA-ICP-MS分析结果
Table 2. LA-ICP-MS results of the sphalerite in the Fuxingtun deposit
wB/10-6 分析点号 阶段 Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Ga Ge As Se Ag Cd In Sn Sb Tl Bi Pb FX72-1-3 Ⅰ 1 151 61 272 0.58 0.03 60.3 0.04 0.40 1.06 1.43 2 050 713 89.8 0.41 0.46 bdl 0.01 250 FX72-1-4 Ⅰ 1 254 53 139 0.24 0.05 133 0.12 0.34 2.8 0.93 13 619 847 45.3 0.86 5.40 0.02 0.05 6 972 FX72-2-5 Ⅰ 1 407 71 054 0.60 0.03 117 0.07 0.45 1.88 0.65 8 927 997 72.7 0.45 4.69 0.02 bdl 11 178 FX72-3-3 Ⅰ 1 915 79 565 0.08 0.02 77.6 0.22 0.41 1.14 1.34 2 896 1 149 30.5 1.70 1.40 0.01 0.02 2 063 FX72-3-4 Ⅰ 1 448 98 271 0.01 0.07 90.4 1.55 0.55 2.42 0.75 3 609 2 010 38.8 10.3 4.86 0.02 0.02 3 774 FX84-1 Ⅰ 418 10 337 0.67 1.51 11 398 0.19 0.71 42.5 1.36 27.1 1 297 5 572 15.4 0.15 bdl 5.49 27.5 FX84-2 Ⅰ 385 10 348 0.90 1.50 2 746 0.14 0.61 40.7 1.35 14.7 1 192 1 585 13.4 0.02 bdl 0.01 0.05 FX91-2-3 Ⅰ 80 4 858 1.14 bdl 4 457 0.43 0.26 3.64 0.83 297 1 226 573 1.31 2.18 0.05 149 5605 FX239-1 Ⅰ 8 699 42 445 38.5 1.04 306 0.04 0.49 6.70 1.32 46.2 2 511 481 2.13 2.58 0.05 0.01 2.35 FX239-2 Ⅰ 1 422 75 771 12.8 1.16 1 114 0.51 0.62 13.4 1.21 143 2 090 735 36.1 4.17 0.05 0.26 6.68 FX239-3 Ⅰ 1 594 68 416 0.04 1.19 442 0.25 0.62 4.01 1.23 64.5 1 986 633 2.15 0.39 0.01 0.01 0.68 FX239-4 Ⅰ 2 640 99 128 0.95 1.27 4 285 2.68 1.17 3.08 1.27 581 2 208 829 605 3.76 0.19 13.1 166 FX239-5 Ⅰ 2 462 91 938 0.11 1.26 386 3.44 4.67 0.94 1.33 127 1 726 243 127 30.0 0.05 5.98 90.2 FX12-1 Ⅱ 353 2 904 3.82 3.36 1 294 14.3 2.62 154 3.21 1776 163 1.09 22.4 664 13.5 0.04 12 153 FX12-1-3 Ⅱ 1 732 20 615 3.40 0.02 2 442 14.6 1.29 35.7 1.15 95.3 1 370 0.96 6.44 175 0.01 0.02 91.6 FX12-1-4 Ⅱ 1 477 2 044 0.06 bdl 1 132 9.13 0.33 48.9 1.13 1 234 253 0.52 13.8 587 0.70 0.01 1 174 FX12-2 Ⅱ 282 3 331 1.24 1.57 1 521 9.74 1.25 50.9 1.36 185 1 324 7.39 53.0 76.6 0.49 0.03 16 411 FX12-2-3 Ⅱ 288 4 026 0.28 0.36 2 630 7.92 0.39 157 1.35 2 545 211 4.61 205 1 370 1.75 0.18 68 110 FX17-1 Ⅱ 719 2 524 0.84 1.44 128 0.09 0.35 5.18 1.20 13.1 1 021 0.21 1.63 0.53 bdl 0.01 0.30 FX17-1-10 Ⅱ 3 225 7 582 0.52 0.01 953 0.99 0.27 bdl 0.96 475 704 0.54 1.05 66.3 0.11 0.01 6.51 FX17-1-11 Ⅱ 81 779 3.03 0.01 19.7 0.12 0.22 bdl 0.98 20.5 564 0.32 0.24 2.02 0.01 0.01 2.34 FX17-2 Ⅱ 171 1 586 0.85 1.44 311 0.16 0.47 3.51 2.08 41.9 1 068 0.05 1.57 4.01 0.16 0.01 10 383 FX72-1-1 Ⅱ 1 055 25 246 0.24 0.15 39.0 0.96 0.28 53.7 3.13 631 581 53.4 3.08 152 3.54 0.02 528 FX72-1-2 Ⅱ 958 51 075 0.14 0.05 52.0 0.21 0.24 2.55 0.91 948 714 98.1 0.41 2.63 0.01 0.02 2 009 FX72-2-1 Ⅱ 3 007 12 815 0.04 0.02 40.9 0.67 0.35 106 0.91 700 354 32.5 1.29 357 8.43 0.01 427 FX72-2-2 Ⅱ 1 043 57 128 0.10 0.06 97.0 0.63 0.51 24.7 1.57 4197 1046 127 1.62 24.8 0.03 0.01 14 324 FX72-2-3 Ⅱ 366 26 424 0.20 0.06 34.3 0.08 0.31 3.59 0.92 128 697 78.7 0.44 2.72 0.02 0.02 9 613 FX72-2-4 Ⅱ 853 61 230 0.26 bdl 60.1 0.18 0.47 4.83 0.82 602 760 134 0.41 11.0 0.06 0.01 1 585 FX72-3-1 Ⅱ 810 63 985 0.05 0.04 58.0 0.21 0.47 0.94 1.12 122 864 133 3.08 0.46 0.01 0.01 62.7 FX72-3-2 Ⅱ 572 46 661 0.08 0.02 38.5 0.10 0.27 1.79 0.66 50.5 591 89.4 0.35 1.91 0.01 bdl 33.3 FX76-2-1 Ⅱ 1 138 51 539 4.87 1.41 890 0.10 0.59 46.7 1.25 127 1 828 215 1.92 0.50 0.10 187 12 335 FX79-1 Ⅱ 1 165 32 683 1.91 1.26 1 654 0.61 0.82 10.5 1.37 157 2 230 696 10.1 5.22 0.01 11.8 757 FX94-1-1 Ⅱ 512 1 421 1.74 bdl 508 0.04 0.19 1.00 0.84 26.5 734 924 1.22 0.66 bdl 0.75 7.85 FX94-1-2 Ⅱ 43 1 401 0.58 0.02 180 1.59 0.24 1.73 1.33 14.7 998 304 5.06 3.45 0.01 0.05 1.30 FX94-1-3 Ⅱ 95.3 3 001 0.73 0.03 1 512 0.07 0.23 0.82 0.83 24.1 785 2 652 9.37 1.01 bdl 0.06 0.81 FX94-1-4 Ⅱ 69.8 2 041 0.57 bdl 771 0.07 0.17 0.92 0.93 10.6 867 1 458 5.59 0.01 bdl bdl 0.02 FX94-1-5 Ⅱ 359 12 954 0.22 0.03 3 527 0.04 0.08 0.65 0.92 41.7 548 6 323 0.44 bdl bdl bdl 0.03 FX117-1 Ⅱ 995 27 937 4.67 1.54 48.9 0.46 0.66 7.58 1.66 1.84 1 907 71.2 1.43 0.02 bdl 0.01 0.67 FX117-2 Ⅱ 713 20 260 1.70 1.52 29.5 1.04 0.74 8.97 1.64 2.41 2 002 45.2 2.00 0.62 0.01 0.01 1.17 FX117-3 Ⅱ 1 387 45 063 5.46 1.67 45.8 0.12 0.44 5.97 1.72 2.17 2 091 69.5 1.65 0.02 bdl 0.01 0.10 FX117-4 Ⅱ 670 28 065 1.00 1.69 1 760 0.55 0.65 12.2 1.84 27.6 1 746 238 38.5 3.37 0.07 0.75 5.94 FX121-2-1 Ⅱ 496 15 595 0.02 0.04 230 0.02 0.08 1.66 1.70 18.5 798 409 0.26 1.02 0.04 0.25 1.64 FX121-2-2 Ⅱ 1 179 38 388 0.01 0.01 22.2 0.15 0.32 0.39 1.35 4.12 1113 27.1 0.26 0.44 0.01 0.02 1.12 FX121-2-3 Ⅱ 144 12 536 0.03 0.03 120 0.46 0.32 0.90 1.82 12.8 1011 220 0.78 1.45 0.01 0.31 6.89 FX121-2-4 Ⅱ 1 269 44 596 1.58 0.03 328 0.21 0.27 0.78 1.76 6.52 1026 561 0.32 0.02 bdl bdl 0.03 FX121-2-5 Ⅱ 755 17 969 1.98 0.03 35.7 0.01 0.50 1.29 1.53 5.17 937 64.3 0.43 0.02 bdl 0.02 0.54 FX121-2-6 Ⅱ 350 8 308 1.25 0.01 134 0.05 0.26 1.07 0.69 9.12 893 246 0.36 1.16 0.01 0.16 1.19 FX121-2-7 Ⅱ 896 37 257 0.31 bdl 637 0.22 0.53 0.84 1.01 20.1 611 1 152 0.29 0.03 bdl 0.01 0.38 FX131-1 Ⅱ 232 17 757 0.04 1.09 1 778 0.04 0.34 4.70 0.89 7.26 1 076 2 263 2.22 0.79 0.01 0.08 0.65 FX131-2 Ⅱ 836 2 033 7.41 1.06 4.99 0.06 0.27 6.39 0.98 4.01 1 732 0.43 1.12 0.01 bdl 0.01 0.87 FX131-3 Ⅱ 1 224 3 275 9.85 1.06 10.0 0.12 0.26 3.72 0.90 7.91 1 757 0.14 1.25 0.16 bdl 0.02 4.70 FX131-4 Ⅱ 1 105 16 298 4.32 1.2 87.8 0.04 0.34 4.33 1.03 7.19 1 490 20.2 1.28 3.50 0.07 0.99 8.57 FX173-1 Ⅱ 1 450 19 379 8.75 1.71 4 095 0.08 0.87 29.6 1.63 19.1 1 188 33.8 5.04 0.57 bdl 0.02 29.8 FX173-2 Ⅱ 15 233 5 965 1.64 1.5 3 732 0.26 0.59 37.1 1.42 47.7 1 153 16.5 2.28 8.02 0.09 17.7 156 625 FX233-1 Ⅱ 1 617 47 242 1.80 1.33 860 5.82 1.22 42.4 1.27 1 677 2 313 112 214 13.8 bdl 7.40 10 590 FX233-2 Ⅱ 1 401 52 619 0.75 1.33 1 712 5.36 1.10 38.6 1.26 1 805 2 693 140 298 29.9 0.01 11.7 30 928 FX233-3 Ⅱ 944 69 393 0.34 1.42 818 6.34 1.54 36.5 1.36 132 2 238 530 1 710 27.1 0.01 1.17 566 FX234-1-4 Ⅱ 670 43 056 7.68 0.09 129 6.52 0.48 29.6 1.04 476 983 230 115 17.2 0.03 2.58 3 925 FX234-1-5 Ⅱ 1 232 51 986 1.23 0.15 391 3.39 1.17 52.1 1.46 214 1 178 536 78.2 54.3 0.01 9.41 530 FX237-1-3 Ⅱ 1 305 62 973 1.15 bdl 51.1 0.90 0.68 1.12 1.25 25.7 1 057 89.4 0.70 1.38 bdl 1.36 189 FX237-1-4 Ⅱ 360 29 463 0.50 0.13 56.2 0.53 0.36 16.3 1.44 139 945 29.0 61.4 40.2 0.04 0.22 50.8 FX4-1-1 Ⅲ 130 1 525 0.05 bdl 775 5.78 1.84 9.21 0.93 89.3 1 406 0.02 2.04 24.7 0.43 0.01 9 906 FX13-2-1 Ⅲ 692 11 565 0.08 0.02 3454 0.55 1.88 60.2 1.04 181 1 323 0.05 2.3 455 0.04 0.20 1 657 FX29-1 Ⅲ 2 126 3 003 13.4 1.44 410 2.19 0.40 3.03 1.21 18.9 1 309 0.01 1.75 1.79 0.03 0.01 14.5 FX29-2 Ⅲ 2 182 3 011 12.7 1.48 27.6 0.88 0.61 2.90 1.26 5.26 1 323 0.01 1.77 0.10 0.01 0.01 0.68 FX76-2-2 Ⅲ 184 8 403 4.48 1.29 71.1 0.33 0.73 34.0 1.25 11.1 1 677 94.1 12.8 0.22 bdl 0.09 3.86 FX81-1 Ⅲ 572 18 422 1.83 1.49 15 175 2.11 0.85 12.4 1.59 428 1 450 496 18.5 2.05 0.16 4.24 312 FX81-2 Ⅲ 550 36 141 2.50 1.42 3 925 0.17 0.31 7.61 2.95 30.6 3 043 1 638 351 0.05 bdl 0.01 0.09 FX234-1-1 Ⅲ 166 11 026 0.61 0.01 20.2 2.38 0.64 2.56 1.08 52.9 556 1.88 2.62 22.9 0.01 0.04 23.9 FX234-1-2 Ⅲ 231 11 618 0.75 0.02 117 2.27 2.25 29.5 1.11 664 792 34.2 2.55 458 0.43 0.26 4 176 FX234-1-3 Ⅲ 155 11 217 0.33 0.02 44.3 0.85 1.06 5.36 0.91 178 731 97.0 1.80 37.6 0.03 0.50 14 228 FX237-1-1 Ⅲ 205 12 469 1.26 bdl 29.7 1.18 3.06 3.84 1.04 104 780 21.7 1.52 36.8 0.01 0.70 7 693 FX237-1-2 Ⅲ 257 14 331 2.10 0.05 77.3 1.86 5.35 16.0 0.69 185 745 38.2 1.57 85.8 0.01 0.30 5 884 Table 3. Summary of the characteristics of different types of epithermal deposits
特征 高硫化型 中硫化型 低硫化型 复兴屯矿床 硫化物组合 黄铁矿、硫砷铜矿、铜蓝、黄铜矿、砷黝铜矿、自然金、碲化物等 黄铁矿、闪锌矿、方铅矿、黄铜矿、黝铜矿等 黄铁矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿、毒砂、磁黄铁矿、银金矿等 黄铁矿、黄铜矿、闪锌矿、方铅矿、白铁矿、银黝铜矿、黝铜矿等 脉石矿物 多孔石英、梳状石英、块状细粒硅化物、重晶石 石英、菱锰矿、菱铁矿、含锰碳酸盐、绢云母、玉髓、赤铁矿 玉髓、冰长石、伊利石、方解石 石英、赤铁矿、菱锰矿、方解石、绢云母、玉髓等 闪锌矿中FeS含量xB/% <1% 1%~10%,个别可达20% >20% 1%~10%、13%、21% 主要蚀变矿物 石英、明矾石、叶腊石、高岭石、地开石 绢云母、伊利石、高岭石、冰长石(少量) 冰长石、绢云母 绢云母、菱锰矿、高岭石,方解石,玉髓 矿石形态 浸染状为主、脉状其次、少量网脉状 脉状、网脉状、角砾岩型、浸染状 脉状、网脉状、浸染状、角砾岩型 脉状、角砾岩型 -
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