Geochemical factors affecting oxidation dissolution and permeability enhancement of Yichang gas-producing shale in Hubei Province
为探究湖北宜昌地区产气页岩氧化溶蚀增渗的地球化学影响因素, 以宜昌地区陡山沱组页岩为研究对象, 选取了H2O2(
w B=15%)和Na2S2O8(c B=0.5 mol/L)2种氧化剂开展了氧化溶蚀实验, 探究了不同pH值、温度、地下水水化学离子浓度对氧化溶蚀效果的影响。研究结果表明, Na2S2O8氧化溶蚀效果优于H2O2, H2O2和Na2S2O8在酸性条件下氧化溶蚀效果均优于碱性条件, 碱性环境不利于2种氧化剂的氧化; 升温会促进Na2S2O8和H2O2的热分解, 分别产生H2SO4和O2, 对页岩的氧化溶蚀有积极影响。外源Na+(氯化物)的添加能促进页岩在Na2S2O8和H2O2氧化过程下Ca2+和Mg2+的释放, 增强氧化溶蚀效果; 而外源Ca2+、SO42-的添加, 容易与碳酸盐酸蚀产生的SO42-、Ca2+形成石膏沉淀, 从而引起页岩孔隙堵塞, 降低页岩渗透性; 同时, 外源Mg2+易在弱碱性环境下生成硅酸镁沉淀, 对页岩的氧化溶蚀产生负面影响。建议今后在页岩气氧化压裂开采过程中, 预先调查开采地层的水化学参数, 根据地层温度、pH值和阴阳离子来选择氧化液和开采方式。Abstract:Objective Chemical oxidation and infiltration technology has become a mature method for shale gas exploitation. This study aims to investigate the influence of geochemical factors on the exploitation process.
Methods In this study, the Doushantuo Formation shale in Yichang, Hubei Province, which exhibits significant potential for shale gas exploitation and contains a high organic matter content along with pyrite, was selected as the research object. Two commonly used oxidants, 15% H2O2 and 0.5 mol/L Na2S2O8, were selected for oxidation corrosion experiments conducted at normal temperature and pressure. Post-reaction measurements included cation concentration, pH, Eh, mass loss and XRD analysis.
Results The results show that Na2S2O8 outperforms H2O2, and the advanced oxidation process driven by pyrite and the erosion effect of carbonate under acid production make the acidic environment more suitable for the dissolution of carbonate-rich shale. An increase in temperature enhances the thermal decomposition of Na2S2O8 and H2O2. The thermal decomposition of H2O2 produces O2, and Na2S2O8 produces H2SO4, O2 and SO4- with strong oxidation. Thus, the temperature's enhancement effect on Na2S2O8 is greater than that on H2O2. Sodium ions (chloride) can promote the release of Ca2+ and Mg2+ during Na2S2O8 and H2O2 oxidation, indicating that a high concentration of NaCl in groundwater plays a positive role in the oxidation and dissolution of shale. Both calcium ions and sulfate ions can cause gypsum precipitation by influencing the interactions between the reactions, thus affecting the oxidative dissolution of shale. Low concentrations of exogenous calcium ions reduce the buffering effect of carbonate and promote its dissolution, while high concentrations of exogenous calcium ions cause secondary mineral precipitation, block shale pores and hinder the oxidation and dissolution of shale. However, the effect of sulfate ions on the oxidative corrosion of shale differs from that of calcium ions. A low concentration of exogenous sulfate ions inhibits the oxidative corrosion of shale by generating secondary ore and impeding the oxidation of pyrite.
Conclusion Therefore, in the future process of shale gas oxidative fracturing for extraction, it is necessary to preassess the water chemical parameters of the exploitation formation in advance and select the oxidation liquid and mining modes based on the temperature, pH and cationions.
Key words:
- shale /
- H2O2 /
- Na2S2O8 /
- oxidation dissolution /
- Yichang area, Hubei Province
图 1 湖北宜昌地区地质构造简图[31]
Nh.南华系; Z.震旦系; ∈.寒武系; O.奥陶系; S.志留系; D.泥盆系; P.二叠系; T.三叠系; J.侏罗系; K.白垩系; E.古近系
Figure 1. Sketch map of tectonics in the Yichang area, Hubei Province
表 1 湘鄂西区海相地层水化学参数统计
Table 1. Statistical table of chemical parameters in marine formation water in western Hunan and Hubei Provinces ρB/(mg·L-1)
储层 井号 Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl- SO42- HCO3- 矿化度 水型 震旦系 宜3 1 597.90 568.45 201.98 1 156.11 3 786.30 166.43 7 460.50 SO4-Na 宜4 1 746.16 534.93 179.88 1 138.98 3 954.10 175.95 7 730.27 SO4-Na 宜7 1 590.27 538.69 194.54 1 083.88 3 783.06 153.77 7 348.37 SO4-Na 宜8 1 675.00 550.00 203.00 1 238.00 3 749.00 245.00 7 660.00 SO4-Na 均值(ρ) 1 652.33 548.02 194.85 1 154.24 3 818.12 185.29 7 549.79 SO4-Na 表 2 实验设计
Table 2. Experimental design
组别 pH值 温度/℃ 阴阳离子 质量浓度ρB A 1,2,3,7,9,11 25 — — B — 25,45,60 — — C — 25 Na+ 0,0.5ρ,ρ,1.5ρ,2ρ Ca2+ Mg2+ SO42- -
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