A methodology for determining the optimal well spacing in sandstone geothermal reservoirs through production-reinjection equilibrium simulation
为实现地热能可持续开发利用的目标, 需要明确不同采灌条件下合理的采灌井间距。为此, 以鲁北馆陶组热储为研究对象, 建立了层状热储开发的概念模型及数学模型, 采用COMSOL Multiphysics多场耦合模拟软件建立了地热对井采灌井距计算器。通过参数拟合及模拟结果对比, 验证了模型的准确性; 进而以软件APP编译功能为基础, 以普通用户使用为导向, 简化相关参数输入, 建立了地热采灌井距计算APP。为适应实际生产需求, 计算了不同采灌量条件下对应的合理采灌井距。计算结果表明: 鲁北地区馆陶组热储采灌量分别为40, 60, 80, 100 m3/h时, 不发生热突破的合理采灌井距分别为290, 330, 360, 390 m。研究表明: (1)在鲁北层状传导型砂岩热储地区, 对概念模型进行简化处理后, 数值模拟计算结果可靠, 可以在该地区建立合理采灌井距计算APP; (2)水热数值模拟是合理采灌井距计算的有力手段, 能够确定开采量、回灌量、回灌温度、采灌井距等地热开发利用工程的关键参数, 有利于实现地热资源可持续开发利用。
Abstract:Objective In order to accomplish the objective of sustainable development and utilization of geothermal energy, it is imperative to elucidate the optimal production-reinjection well spacing considering varying quantities and temperatures of reinjection.
Methods The thermal reservoir of the Guantao Formation in northern Shandong Province is selected as the research subject, and a conceptual model and mathematical model for layered thermal reservoir development are established. COMSOL Multiphysics multifield coupling simulation software is employed to develop a geothermal production-reinjection well spacing calculator. The accuracy of the model is validated through parameter fitting and simulation results.
Results Based on the software APP development function, which is guided by the input of ordinary users, the relevant parameter input was simplified for ease of use, leading to the establishment of an application for calculating geothermal production-reinjection well spacing. In contrast to previous studies that solely focused on production-reinjection well spacing, this study calculates optimal spacings under various conditions to meet real-world operational needs. The results indicate that the optimal production-reinjection well spacings, without experiencing thermal breakthrough are 290, 330, 360 m and 390 m at flow rates of 40, 60, 80 and 100 m3/h respectively.
Conclusion In the layered conductive sandstone thermal reservoir area of northern Shandong, a reliable geothermal production-reinjection well-spacing calculator was developed through simplification of the conceptual model and credible numerical simulation results. Hydrothermal numerical simulation serves as a robust approach to determine rational production-reinjection well spacings, which are crucial parameters for geothermal development and utilization projects including exploitation quantity, recharge quantity, injection temperature, and production-reinjection well spacing. These determinations contribute to the sustainable development and utilization of geothermal resources.
图 1 鲁北地质构造图(据文献[15]修改)
a.鲁西北平原; b.济阳坳陷; c.临清坳陷; d.沧县隆起; e.内黄凸起; f.埕宁凸起; g.黄骅坳陷; h.冀中坳陷; i.渤中坳陷; j.辽河坳陷
Figure 1. Geological structure map of northern Shandong
表 1 德州市水文家园回灌井地层层序
Table 1. Stratigraphic sequence of reinjection well at the hydrological site in Dezhou
地层 深度/m 厚度/m 岩性 第四系(Q) 0 260 黏土、粉砂岩、中细砂岩 新近系 明化镇组(N2m) 260 890 泥岩、中细砂岩 馆陶组(N1g) 上段 1 150 169 泥岩与细砂岩互层 下段 1 319 217 砂砾岩 古近系 东营组(E3d) 1 536(未揭穿) 8.5 泥岩 表 2 模型参数取值列表
Table 2. List of model parameter values
参数 取值 描述 参数 取值 描述 din/mm 177.8 回灌井井径 Qin/(m3·h-1) 60 回灌量 dpro/mm 177.8 开采井井径 Qout/(m3·h-1) 60 开采量 L/m 180 采灌井间距 Hm/m -80 水位标高 qc/(W·m-2) 0.062 9 大地热流密度 cp/(J·kg-1·K-1) 909 热储层比热容 htop/m 1 319 储层顶板埋深 kc/(W·m-1·K-1) 2.1 储层热导率 H/m 217 热储层厚度 ρden/(kg·m-3) 2 000 热储层密度 Kk/10-3 μm2 1 000 储层渗透率 Th/℃ 35 回灌尾水温度 kr 0.22 孔隙率 Tout/℃ 54.4 井口温度 t/a 100 计算时长 t1/Ms 1 输出时间间隔 -
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