Pore and fracture characteristics of low-maturity continental shale and its significance for shale oil occurrence: A case study of Shahejie Formation in Qingnan Sag, Jiyang Depression
济阳坳陷低演化页岩油资源潜力巨大, 是继中高成熟页岩油成功突破后的重要领域之一。为了明确低演化陆相页岩孔缝特征及对页岩油赋存的意义, 以济阳坳陷外围青南洼陷沙河街组沙三下-沙四上纯上亚段为例, 综合运用薄片观察、有机碳测试、X射线衍射(XRD)分析、溶剂抽提、低温N2吸附、高压压汞、扫描电镜、能谱元素等多种技术, 在划分页岩岩相基础上, 探讨了低演化页岩孔隙类型、大小、分形特征及影响因素, 明确了裂缝发育特征, 阐明了页岩孔缝对页岩油赋存的重要意义。结果表明: 研究区页岩总有机碳质量分数
w (TOC)多在1.0%~4.0%, 矿物组分以长英质矿物为主, 其次为黏土矿物和碳酸盐矿物。孔隙类型以墨水瓶孔、平板狭缝孔为主, 包括石英粒间孔、黏土矿物片间孔、白云石晶间孔等, 孔径多小于200 nm, 呈多峰分布, 主要集中在2~50, 50~80, 100~200 nm。页岩储层发育较多的水平层理缝、高角度缝和网状缝, 多被沥青充填或浸染, 裂缝有利于页岩油的赋存和运移。富长英质矿物岩相通常比富黏土矿物岩相具有更高的孔体积和比表面积, 长英质矿物对孔隙有积极贡献, 且随热演化程度的增加, 孔体积和比表面积呈先降低后增加的趋势。当镜质体反射率R o>0.6%时, 页岩油含量显著增加, 主要与有机质开始大量生烃有关。水平层理缝、石英颗粒粒间孔、白云石和方解石晶间孔是页岩油有利的储集和赋存空间。Abstract:Low-maturity shale oil has great resource potential in Jiyang Depression and has become an important field after the successful breakthrough of medium- to high-maturity shale oil.
Objective The purpose of this paper is to clarify the pore and fracture characteristics of low-maturity continental shale and their significance to shale oil occurrence.
Methods By studying the E
s 3x and Es 4scs members in Qingnan Depression, Jiyang Depression, this study combines thin section observation, TOC content, XRD analysis, solvent extraction, low-temperature N2 adsorption, high-pressure mercury injection, scanning electron microscope observation and EDS analysis to classify the shale lithofacies, characterize the pore and fracture development, and illustrate the importance of shale pores and fractures for shale oil occurrence.Results The TOC content is mostly in the range of 1.0%-4.0%, and the mineral composition mainly includes felsic minerals, followed by clay and carbonate minerals. The major pore types are ink-bottle-shaped pores and plate-parallel-shaped pores, including quartz intergranular pores, clay mineral interlamellar pores, and dolomite intercrystalline pores. The major pore sizes are mostly less than 200 nm and exhibit a multipeak distribution, which is concentrated in the ranges of 2-50 nm, 50-80 nm and 100-200 nm. Horizontal bedding fractures, vertical fractures and network fractures developed in the studied shales and were mostly filled or contacted by bitumen.Felsic-rich shale lithofacies usually have a greater pore volume and specific surface area than clay-rich lithofacies, and felsic minerals positively contribute to pore development. The pore volume and specific surface area first decreased and then increased with increasing thermal maturity. When
R o>0.6%, the shale oil content increases significantly, which is mainly related to the large amount of hydrocarbon generation in organic matters.Conclusion Horizontal bedding fractures, quartz intergranular pores, and dolomite and calcite intercrystalline pores are favourable storage and occurrence spaces for shale oil.
图 1 济阳坳陷青南洼陷区域构造(a)与地层发育特征(b)(图a自文献[16]修改)
Figure 1. Structural (a) and stratigraphic development characteristics (b) of Qingnan Sag in Jiyang Depression
图 3 青南洼陷莱64井沙河街组沙三下-沙四上纯上亚段典型页岩沉积构造
a. 2 709.6 m,沙三下亚段,层状构造,单偏光;b. 3 664.0 m,沙四上纯上亚段,纹层状构造,单偏光;c. 3 818.7 m,沙四上纯上亚段,纹层状构造,单偏光;d. 2 710.6 m,沙三下亚段,块状构造,单偏光;e. 3 152.8 m,沙四上纯上亚段,块状构造,单偏光;f. 3 460.1 m,沙四上纯上亚段,块状构造,单偏光
Figure 3. Typical shale sedimentary structures in the Es3x and Es4scs members in Well Lai 64, Qingnan Sag
图 5 青南洼陷莱64井沙河街组沙三下-沙四上纯上亚段页岩孔隙类型
a. 2 709.0 m,粒间孔和黏土矿物片间孔;b. 3 664.0 m,粒间孔;c. 3 664.0 m,粒内孔和边缘溶蚀孔;d. 3 664.0 m,黏土矿物片间孔;e. 3 664.0 m,有机质内部孔隙不发育;f. 3 746.8 m,白云石晶间孔;g. 3 746.8 m,含有机质纹层状泥质混合页岩纹层内部;h. 3 746.8 m,含有机质纹层状泥质混合页岩纹层界面处;i. 3 818.7 m,有机质内部孔隙不发育
Figure 5. Shale pore types of the Es3x and Es4scs members in Well Lai 64, Qingnan Sag
图 6 青南洼陷莱64井沙河街组沙三下-沙四上纯上亚段典型页岩N2吸附孔径分布特征
a. 2 709.6 m, 富有机质层状长英质页岩;b. 3 155.3 m,富有机质块状泥质混合页岩;c. 3 664.0 m, 含有机质纹层状泥质混合页岩;d. 3 746.8 m,含有机质纹层状泥质混合页岩;e. 3 747.7 m,富有机质层状泥质混合页岩;f. 3 818.7 m,富有机质纹层状泥质混合页岩
Figure 6. Typical pore size distribution of the Es3x and Es4scs members in Well Lai 64, Qingnan Sag
图 12 青南洼陷莱64井沙河街组沙三下-沙四上纯上亚段裂缝发育特征
a. 3 664.0 m,含有机质纹层状泥质混合页岩, 单偏光;b. 3 746.8 m,含有机质纹层状泥质混合页岩,单偏光;c. 3 664.0 m,含有机质纹层状泥质混合页岩,单偏光;g. 3 818.7 m,富有机质纹层状泥质混合页岩;h. 图g中黄色方框视域;d、e、f、i分别为a、b、c、h同视域荧光图像
Figure 12. Fracture development characteristics of the Es3x and Es4scs members in Well Lai 64, Qingnan Sag
图 13 青南洼陷莱64井沙河街组沙三下-沙四上纯上亚段页岩洗油前后氮气吸附-脱附曲线
a. 2 709.6 m,富有机质层状长英质页岩;b. 3 155.3 m,富有机质块状泥质混合页岩;c. 3 347.0 m,含有机质纹层状泥质粉砂岩;d. 3 664.0 m,含有机质纹层状泥质混合页岩;e. 3 747.7 m,富有机质层状泥质混合页岩;f. 3 818.7 m,富有机质纹层状泥质混合页岩;蓝色箭头指未洗油页岩氮气吸附-脱附曲线回滞环(2条蓝色线之间所夹的区域),红色箭头指洗油后页岩氮气吸附-脱附曲线回滞环(2条红色线之间所夹的区域)
Figure 13. Nitrogen adsorption-desorption curves before and after oil washing in the Es3x and Es4scs members in Well Lai 64, Qingnan Sag
表 1 青南洼陷沙河街组沙三下-沙四上纯上亚段页岩分形维数汇总
Table 1. Fractal dimension of the Es3x and Es4scs members in Qingnan Sag
样品深度/m P/Po<0.45 P/Po>0.45 拟合公式 R2 D1 拟合公式 R2 D2 2 709.6 y=-0.383 6x+2.438 5 0.995 3 2.616 y=-0.141 9x+0.255 09 0.969 9 2.858 3 155.3 y=-0.628 5x+0.972 7 0.999 2 2.371 y=-0.328 2x+1.106 2 0.980 4 2.671 3 664.0 y=-0.643 0x+0.957 6 0.999 8 2.357 y=-0.247 1x+1.198 4 0.947 7 2.753 3 746.8 y=-0.729 3x-0.301 7 0.995 3 2.27 y=-0.380 6x-0.181 8 0.977 7 2.619 3 747.7 y=-0.906 2x-0.151 5 0.996 6 2.093 y=-0.297 7x+0.126 1 0.957 9 2.702 3 818.7 y=-0.764 6x-0.414 7 0..994 1 2.235 y=-0.381 6x-0.311 0 0.978 8 2.618 -
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