Ore-bearing discrimination of granite rock masses in the Nanling area via data-driven models
Abstract:Objective As a significant component of mineralization, granite plays a critical role in understanding the geochemical processes of tungsten-tin mineralization and distinguishing the ore-bearing of rock masses.
Methods This study collected both major and rare earth element data from tungsten-bearing granite, tungsten-tin-bearing granite, and non-ore-bearing granite in the Nanling area, with 466 groups of datasets of 42 rock masses in total. The geochemical characteristics among three types of rock masses were summarized and compared. A data-driven approach integrating with machine learning techniques was used to explore the relationship between ore-bearing properties and geochemical characteristics. The restricted Boltzmann model was employed to train an autoencoder neural network to eliminate dimensional differences between major and rare earth elements, allowing for feature extraction. Then, these features were subsequently input into random forests and multilayer BP neural networks to develop AE-RF and AE-BP classification models for ore-bearing evaluation. The importance of classification features was derived from random forests.
Results Results indicate that tungsten-bearing granite exhibits a slightly higher evolution degree compared against tungsten-tin-bearing granite, and non-ore-bearing granite displays the lowest evolution degree. Both two models achieved high accuracy (>90%) on testing datasets, with the better application performance of AE-BP model on the blind testing set. Six rock masses were randomly selected as the blind test set, 13 out of 20 groups of rock masses had an accuracy rate above 80%, two of them had accuracy between 70% and 80%, and two had accuracy between 50% and 70%, while rest four rock masses showed accuracy below 50%. Major elements such as iron, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium, along with light and heavy rare earth elements, were important for distinguishing the three rock mass types. Machine learning effectively identified the ore-bearing properties of these granite types.
Conclusion Results reveal that geochemical characteristic similarities and tungsten-tin type differences can lead to incorrect classifications, with the Beitou rock mass showing metallogenic potential. The major elements are pivotal in determining the ore-bearing potential, while the light rare earth content can distinguish tungsten-bearing from tungsten-tin-bearing rock masses. The differentiation and evolution degree of magma is related to ore potential, while mantle-derived material can better distinguish characteristics between tungsten and tungsten-tin contents.
表 1 岩体数据来源
Table 1. Rock mass data sources
岩体名称 样本数量 岩体类型 来源 彭公庙 14 不含矿岩体 于玉帅等[38] 万洋山 13 不含矿岩体 季文兵[39] 寨背 5 不含矿岩体 陈培荣[40] 水头 2 不含矿岩体 于扬等[41] 单观嶂 4 不含矿岩体 张庆林等[42] 大富足 10 不含矿岩体 张万良[43] 广平 5 不含矿岩体 王泰山等[44] 塔山 16 不含矿岩体 杜云等[45] 摩天岭 12 不含矿岩体 徐争启等[46] 五团 16 不含矿岩体 吴疆[47] 乐洞 6 不含矿岩体 曹豪杰等[2] 鹅婆 5 不含矿岩体 郭娜欣等[48] 大吉山第一期 5 不含矿岩体 蒋国豪[49] 富城 18 不含矿岩体 任海涛[50] 永丰 5 不含矿岩体 杨世文等[51] 杨村 4 不含矿岩体 邓必荣等[52] 陂头 5 不含矿岩体 范春方等[53] 清溪 7 不含矿岩体 王丽丽[54] 隆市 5 不含矿岩体 杨世文等[51] 古嶂 3 不含矿岩体 吴兴星等[55] 西华山 11 含钨岩体 李光来[56] 牛岭-樟斗 12 含钨岩体 丰成友等[57] 九龙脑 19 含钨岩体 郭春丽等[58] 西华山第二期 11 含钨岩体 吕科等[59] 荡坪 4 含钨岩体 杨競红等[60] 漂塘 5 含钨岩体 华仁民等[61] 盘古山 7 含钨岩体 方贵聪等[62] 黄沙 11 含钨岩体 李光来[56] 大吉山第二期 2 含钨岩体 蒋国豪[49] 淘锡坑 21 含钨岩体 蔡运花等[63]、邹欣[3]、杨帆等[64] 铁山垅-生龙口 3 含钨岩体 李光来[56] 茅坪 6 含钨岩体 朱明波等[65] 红岭 13 含钨岩体 吴剑[66]、刘红娜[67] 梅子窝 16 含钨岩体 姜海等[68] 瑶岭 13 含钨岩体 李社宏等[69] 大吉山第三期 11 含钨岩体 华仁民等[61] 千里山 18 含钨锡岩体 仝立华[70] 柿竹园 7 含钨锡岩体 甘秋玲[71] 姑婆山 28 含钨锡岩体 刘风雷[72]、冯佐海[73] 花山 50 含钨锡岩体 顾晟彦等[74]、张雪峰等[75]、
姚巍等[76]、秦拯纬等[77]骑田岭 19 含钨锡岩体 李晓敏等[78]、李超[79] 王仙岭 19 含钨锡岩体 徐慢[80] 表 2 2种模型测试集分类正确率
Table 2. Classification accuracy of the two model test sets
模型 AE-BP AE-RF 准确率/% 90.51 89.57 精准率/% 88.33 89.05 召回率/% 82.83 89.33 表 3 盲测试集分类结果
Table 3. Blind test set classification results
实验编号 岩体名称 样本数量 岩体类别 AE-BP正确率/% AE-RF正确率/% BP正确率/% 实验一 彭公庙 14 不含矿岩体 100.0 71.4 85.0 西华山 11 含钨岩体 90.9 90.9 81.8 柿竹园 7 含钨锡岩体 42.9 14.3 57.1 实验二 万洋山 13 不含矿岩体 84.6 69.2 76.9 牛岭-樟斗 12 含钨岩体 100.0 100.0 58.3 姑婆山超单元 13 含钨锡岩体 76.9 0 76.9 实验三 鹅婆 5 不含矿岩体 80.0 80.0 100.0 永丰 5 不含矿岩体 100.0 40.0 80.0 大吉山第二、三期 13 含钨岩体 100.0 100.0 83.3 花山超单元 10 含钨锡岩体 70.0 0 70.0 实验四 五团 16 不含矿岩体 68.8 93.8 62.5 黄沙 11 含钨岩体 90.9 100.0 100.0 千里山 18 含钨锡岩体 11.1 0 77.8 实验五 摩天岭 12 不含矿岩体 83.3 0 91.6 红岭 13 含钨岩体 53.8 100.0 30.8 王仙岭 19 含钨锡岩体 21.1 0 0 实验六 陂头 5 不含矿岩体 40.0 40.0 0 古嶂 3 不含矿岩体 100.0 100.0 100.0 瑶岭 13 含钨岩体 84.6 84.6 61.5 骑田岭 19 含钨锡岩体 84.2 54 84.2 -
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