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陈双玲 于京都 郑民 王小娟 吴晓智 王建

陈双玲,于京都,郑民,等. 一种规模序列法中对油气藏规模变化系数(k)改进的取值技术及应用实例[J]. 地质科技通报,2025,44(1):15-24 doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230371
引用本文: 陈双玲,于京都,郑民,等. 一种规模序列法中对油气藏规模变化系数(k)改进的取值技术及应用实例[J]. 地质科技通报,2025,44(1):15-24 doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230371
CHEN Shuangling,YU Jingdu,ZHENG Min,et al. An improved method for determining the coefficient of resource scale variation (k) in reservoir size sequential analysis and its application case[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology,2025,44(1):15-24 doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230371
Citation: CHEN Shuangling,YU Jingdu,ZHENG Min,et al. An improved method for determining the coefficient of resource scale variation (k) in reservoir size sequential analysis and its application case[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology,2025,44(1):15-24 doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230371


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230371
基金项目: 中国石油西南油气田分公司科技专项“四川盆地中西部地区致密气勘探开发理论及关键技术研究”课题1:“四川盆地中西部地区致密气成藏条件及物探关键技术研究”(2022ZD01-01);中国石油勘探开发研究院科技专项“四川盆地陆相致密气资源潜力评价与计算”(101022hx0001b25004)




  • 中图分类号: P618.13

An improved method for determining the coefficient of resource scale variation (k) in reservoir size sequential analysis and its application case

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  • 图 1  潜在序列号与油气藏规模变化系数(k)交会图(c=1时)

    Figure 1.  Cross-plot between the potential number with the sequence and the coefficient of the resource scale variation (k) under the condition of c=1

    图 2  潜在序列号与油气藏规模变化系数(k)交会图(c=3时)

    Figure 2.  Cross-plot between the potential number with the sequence and k under the condition of c=3

    图 3  对规模序列法中油气藏资源规模变化系数(k)及已知油气藏序列号分析的Python程序流程设计图

    Figure 3.  Design of the Python workflow for analyzing k and the sequential number for the reservoir size sequential method

    图 4  川中金秋气区盐亭区块(应用实例)盆地位置示意图

    Figure 4.  Location of the Yanting Block (application case) of the Jinqiu gas-producing area located in the central part of Sichuan Basin

    图 5  应用实例潜在序列号与气藏规模变化系数(k)交会图(c=3时)

    Figure 5.  Cross-plot between the potential number with the sequence and k under the condition of c=3 (application case)

    图 6  已知气藏规模预测值和实际值交会图

    Figure 6.  Cross-plot between forecast and actual values at the scale of gas resources

    图 7  应用实例天然气资源规模与规模序列号交会图

    a. 气藏规模与序列号交会图;b. 累计气藏规模与序列号交会图

    Figure 7.  Acquired sequence of gas resources for the application case

    表  1  针对某算例c=1条件下潜在序列号对油气藏规模变化系数(k)的映射关系

    Table  1.   Correlations of the potential number with the sequence and the coefficient of the resource scale variation (k) under the condition of c=1 for a certain study case

    kb kc kd
    2 1.2765 2.1173 2.4509
    3 0.8054 1.3358 1.5464
    4 0.6382 1.0586 1.2255
    5 0.5497 0.9119 1.0556
    6 0.4938 0.8191 0.9482
    7 0.4547 0.7542 0.8730
    8 0.4255 0.7058 0.8170
    9 0.4027 0.6679 0.7732
    ··· ··· ··· ···
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    表  2  针对某算例c=3条件下潜在序列号对油气藏规模变化系数(k)的映射关系

    Table  2.   Correlations of the potential number with the sequence and the coefficient of the resource scale variation (k) under the condition of c=3 for a certain study case

    kb kc kd
    4 3.0755 5.1014 5.9053
    5 1.7321 2.8729 3.3257
    6 1.2765 2.1173 2.4509
    7 1.0442 1.7321 2.0050
    8 0.9021 1.4963 1.7321
    9 0.8054 1.3358 1.5464
    ··· ··· ··· ···
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    表  3  不同技术特点对比

    Table  3.   Contrast in traits among different means

    特点 本次研究提出的方法 矩阵计算 直接赋值
    结果客观性 基于已发现资源规模数据;计算相对客观 对地质经验依赖程度高;相对更主观
    计算复杂程度 不需要进行矩阵计算,可利用常用办公软件实现图解 需要进行多次矩阵计算 利用经验直接确定
    计算复杂程度低 计算复杂程度高 计算复杂程度低
    分析步长设置 不需要人工设定 需要人工设定 不需要人工设定
    精细程度 不需要迭代,无分析步长,精细程度高 需要迭代,分析步长之间的部分被略过 经验判定,精细化程度低
    分析结果形式 对不同条件下对k取值的解集,相对更完整,利于评价与优选 解集中的单个解
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    表  4  川中金秋气区盐亭区块侏罗系沙溪庙组6号砂组已发现资源规模

    Table  4.   Scale of discovered reservoirs in the 6th group of Jurrasic Shaximiao Formation in the Yanting Block of the Jinqiu gas-producing area located in the central part of Sichuan Basin

    已发现气藏名称 JQ23 JQ517 JQ518 JQ507 JH51-ST1 ZQ2
    96.88 0.78 6.87 3.67 6.86 35.07
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    表  5  应用实例k、已知气藏规模序列号、最小经济气藏规模对应序列号求解结果

    Table  5.   Results acquired from the calculation analysis of the cofficient of the resource scale variation (k), sequential number of discovered reservoirs and sequential number corresponding to the minimum economic gas reservoir size for the application case

    分析次数(即参数c的取值) 求解结果
    已知气藏的规模序列号 气藏规模变化系数k 最小经济气藏规模条件下所对应规模序列号
    1 [1, 3, 17, 17, 32, 174] 0.9345 280
    2 [2, 5, 21, 21, 37, 149] 1.1201 220
    3 [3, 6, 18, 18, 28, 79] 1.4721 107
    4 [4, 8, 24, 24, 37, 105] 1.4735 142
    5 [5, 9, 23, 23, 33, 81] 1.7328 104
    20 [20, 31, 63, 63, 83, 161] 2.3129 194
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    表  6  行列式-矩阵迭代算法结果与所提出方法中相应解对比情况

    Table  6.   Contrast between the results of determination-matrix iteration and the corresponding solution from the proposed method

    已发现气藏规模序列号 天然气资源规模/108m3
    实际规模 行列式-矩阵迭代算法应用结果k=1.7321 所提出方法应用相应解k=1.7328
    标准差 0.07590.0428
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    表  7  应用实例的气藏序列分析结果

    Table  7.   Results obtained from the analysis for the application case of the reservoir size sequential method

    1 488.2074 1.4721 0.5
    2 175.9779
    3 96.8800
    4 63.4325
    5 45.6721
    6 35.0700
    7 27.8314
    8 22.8647
    9 19.2249
    ··· ···
    105 0.5167
    106 0.5095
    107 0.5025
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