Nonlinear degradation of stability of Q2 loess slopes in northern Shaanxi considering rainfall conditions
降雨致灾是陕北黄土斜坡最常见的灾害之一, 揭示降雨对黄土斜坡稳定性影响特征有利于预防滑坡灾害的发生。通过一系列室内试验研究了降雨条件下陕北Q2黄土的力学特性变化特征, 并结合数值模拟分析了其对陕北黄土斜坡稳定性的影响。首先设计干湿循环试验(循环路径和次数)以模拟降雨条件(如强度、频次等); 其次通过三轴剪切试验获取陕北Q2黄土的力学性质的变化规律; 最后以陕北地区某黄土斜坡为例, 利用有限元计算并分析不同降雨条件下斜坡安全系数和塑性区的变化特征。结果表明: (1)干湿循环作用后Q2黄土的抗剪强度存在非线性劣化特征。当干湿循环次数超过一定范围后, 黄土物理力学性质参数劣化的边际效应减弱, 并趋于稳定。(2)降雨作用下黄土斜坡的稳定性呈现出随着降雨频次或降雨强度的增加而降低的趋势。(3)Q2黄土斜坡的塑性区范围随着Q2黄土力学性能的不断劣化而增大, 体现了降雨条件对黄土斜坡稳定性影响的非线性特征。研究结果为降雨型滑坡预防提供参考。
Abstract:Objective Rainfall disasters are one of the most common disasters on loess slopes in northern Shaanxi, and revealing the effects of rainfall on loess slope stability is beneficial for preventing and controlling such disasters.
Methods This research studied the mechanical properties of Q2 loess in northern Shaanxi under rainfall conditions through a series of tests. Combined with numerical simulation technology, the influence of these changes on the stability of loess slopes in northern Shaanxi was analyzed.Firstly, the drying-wetting cycles test (cyclic path and the number of cycles) was designed to simulate rainfall conditions (such as intensity, frequency, etc.).Secondly, a triaxial shear test was performed to obtain the variation law of the mechanical properties of the Q2 loess in northern Shaanxi.Finally, taking a loess slope in northern Shaanxi region as an example, finite element calculations were carried out, by which the change characteristics of the slope safety coefficients and plasticity zones under different rainfall conditions were analyzed.
Results The results show that (1) the shear strength of Q2 loess after the action of drying-wetting cycles has nonlinear deterioration characteristics. When the number of drying-wetting cycles exceeds a specific range, the marginal effect of the deterioration of the physical and mechanical property parameters of loess is weakened and tends to stabilize. (2) The stability of loess slopes decreases under the effect of rainfall, and it decreases with the increase of rainfall frequency or intensity. (3) The plastic zone of Q2 loess slopes in northern Shaanxi increases with the continuous deterioration of the mechanical properties of the Q2 loess, which reveals a nonlinear characteristic of the influence of rainfall on the stability of the loess slopes.
Conclusion The research results can provide a reference for preventing rainfall-induced landslide.
图 4 不同干湿循环作用下Q2黄土的应力-应变关系(n为干湿循环次数,路径信息见表 4,下同)
Figure 4. Stress-strain relationship of Q2 loess under different drying-wetting cycles
表 1 DBXP088斜坡中Q2黄土物理性质
Table 1. Physical propeities of Q2 loess in DBXP088 slope
指标 含水率/% 天然密度/(g·cm-3) 干密度/(g·cm-3) 比重 孔隙比/% 饱和度/% 液限/% 塑限/% 值 10.30 1.88 1.36 2.71 0.69 74.7 29.37 16.55 表 2 DBXP088斜坡中Q2黄土粒径分布特征
Table 2. Distribution of Q2 loess particles in DBXP088 slope
粒径种类 粗粒 细粒 粉粒组 黏粒组 粒径/mm ≥0.075 0.075~0.005 ≤0.005 质量分数/% 3.72 67.62 28.66 表 3 DBXP088斜坡中黄土力学参数
Table 3. Main mechanical parameters in DBXP088 slope
地层 变形模量/MPa 泊松比 黏聚力/kPa 内摩擦角/(°) 抗剪强度/kPa Q2黄土 18.09 0.29 87.38 27.90 612.33 地层 天然密度/(g·cm-3) 变形模量/MPa 泊松比 黏聚力/kPa 内摩擦角/(°) 地层厚度/m Q3黄土 1.58 5.62 0.31 31.73 23.60 5.00 表 4 干湿循环作用路径试验设计方案
Table 4. Experimental design scheme of drying-wetting cycles action path
路径编号 下限质量含水率/% 上限质量含水率/% 质量含水率幅度(上限-下限)/% 停止后质量含水率/% 路径1 4.0 18.0 14.0 10.3 路径2 4.0 24.0 20.0 路径3 4.0 30.0 26.0 表 5 Q2黄土试样编号及不同干湿循环作用下主要物理力学参数
Table 5. Number of Q2 loess samples and main physical and mechanical parameters under different drying-wetting cycles
试样标号 循环路径 循环次数/次 天然密度/(g·cm-3) 泊松比 变形模量/MPa 黏聚力/kPa 内摩擦角/(°) N-0 无干湿循环作用 0 1.88 0.29 18.09 87.38 27.9 N1-1 路径1 1 1.88 0.29 17.43 80.40 25.8 N1-2 3 1.88 0.29 16.52 74.36 23.7 N1-3 7 1.88 0.29 14.24 69.90 22.3 N1-4 10 1.88 0.29 10.17 58.66 21.7 N1-5 14 1.88 0.29 13.55 66.96 22.1 N1-6 18 1.88 0.29 10.21 70.11 22.2 N1-7 21 1.88 0.29 10.15 70.79 21.9 N2-1 路径2 1 1.88 0.29 16.69 75.72 23.7 N2-2 3 1.88 0.29 11.17 65.38 20.5 N2-3 7 1.88 0.29 10.32 51.48 19.9 N2-4 10 1.88 0.29 9.07 54.62 20.4 N2-5 14 1.88 0.29 8.23 61.81 21.1 N2-6 18 1.88 0.29 8.73 64.71 21.3 N2-7 21 1.88 0.29 8.66 60.60 21.3 N3-1 路径3 1 1.88 0.29 15.24 63.81 21.9 N3-2 3 1.88 0.29 9.82 31.73 19.8 N3-3 7 1.88 0.29 8.47 26.59 19.6 N3-4 10 1.88 0.29 6.84 38.24 20.2 N3-5 14 1.88 0.29 6.75 49.01 20.9 N3-6 18 1.88 0.29 7.43 55.09 21.2 N3-7 21 1.88 0.29 7.54 58.66 21.0 -
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