Chemical clogging pattern of hot reservoir tailwater recharge in the Guantao Formation, northern Shandong, China
地热尾水回灌是实现地热能绿色环保可持续利用的关键,但在地热尾水回灌过程中产生的堵塞问题已成为亟待攻克的难题,严重制约了砂岩热储的开发利用。为了更好地了解不同温度和时间对水化学的影响,以鲁北馆陶组砂岩热储为研究对象,利用高温高压渗流溶蚀实验平台,分别对岩样于25,45,65℃温度下开展了为期100 h的砂岩热储回灌实验,探究了回灌过程中尾水的离子浓度和pH值的演化规律,揭示了砂岩热储尾水回灌中化学堵塞过程和机理。研究结果表明,随着温度的升高,Na+浓度逐渐上升,而Ca2+和Mg2+浓度稳步下降,且随着回灌时间的延长或温度的升高,Ca2+和Mg2+浓度的减少量逐渐增加。在65℃温度下,堵塞主要由Ca2+和Mg2+与重碳酸根和碳酸根发生反应所生成的沉淀造成,因此Ca2+和Mg2+的浓度与岩石样品的渗透率和化学堵塞率呈正相关。温度越高,化学堵塞程度越高,且快速增长阶段和快速下降阶段时间越久,化学反应越强烈,化学堵塞越严重。在实际工程中,可以利用降低回灌尾水的温度,或者通过在回灌前降低尾水的pH值,降低尾水中的Ca2+、Mg2+和HCO3−浓度来减轻化学堵塞的影响。
Abstract:Objective Geothermal brine reinjection is crucial for the sustainable and environmentally friendly utilization of geothermal energy. However, reinjection blockage presents a significant challenge, particularly hindering the development of sandstone reservoirs. This study explores the impact of temperature and reinjection duration on water chemistry, with a specific focus on the Guantao Formation sandstone reservoir in northern Shandong.
Methods We employed a high-temperature and high-pressure core flow apparatus to conduct flow-through dissolution tests on rock samples at temperatures of 25℃, 45℃, and 65℃ over a period of 100 hours. By analyzing changes in ion concentration and pH in the brine during reinjection, we aimed to uncover the mechanisms of chemical blockage in sandstone reservoirs.
Results The results indicated that as the temperature rose, the concentration of Na+ ion gradually increased, while the concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions steadily declined. Prolonged reinjection time or elevated temperatures further reduced Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations. At 65℃, reactions involving Ca2+, Mg2+, bicarbonate, and carbonate ions led to precipitation, which significantly contributed to blockage. Thus, Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations were positively correlated with the permeability and chemical blockage rate of the rock samples. Longer reinjection durations and higher temperatures resulted in more severe chemical blockages.
Conclusion In practical applications, reducing the pH of the brine before reinjection or lowering temperature could alleviate chemical blockage by decreasing Ca2+, Mg2+, and HCO3− concentrations.
Key words:
- tailwater recharge /
- sandstone thermal reservoir /
- ion concentration /
- chemical clogging
表 1 岩样XRD分析结果
Table 1. XRD analysis results of the rock samples
矿物成分 质量分数/% 黏土成分 质量分数/% 黏土矿物占比/% 钠长石 32.49 伊/蒙混层 9.85 61 钾长石 24.62 蒙脱石 3.88 24 石英 24.26 高岭石 1.78 11 透闪石 2.47 伊利石 0.65 4 黏土矿物 16.16 表 2 实验条件
Table 2. Experimental conditions
围压/MPa 流速/(mL·min−1) 回灌时间/h 流体介质 温度/℃ 10 0.5 100 去离子蒸馏水 25 回灌尾水 25 回灌尾水 35 回灌尾水 45 回灌尾水 55 回灌尾水 65 表 3 各组岩样尺寸及密度参数平均值
Table 3. Average values of size and density parameters for each group of rock samples
参数 去离子水
25℃尾水回灌25℃ 尾水回灌35℃ 尾水回灌45℃ 尾水回灌55℃ 尾水回灌65℃ 直径D/cm 2.501 2.517 2.513 2.523 2.521 2.519 长度L/cm 4.985 4.987 4.988 4.992 4.995 4.989 质量m/g 41.911 42.072 43.453 43.625 42.122 42.521 横截面积
A/cm24.912 4.976 4.959 4.999 4.991 4.983 体积V/cm3 24.486 24.815 24.735 24.957 24.930 24.860 密度ρ/
(g·cm−3)1.712 1.695 1.757 1.748 1.689 1.710 表 4 25℃下尾水回灌组相关性
Table 4. Correlation between ions in the tailwater reinjection group at 25°C
皮尔逊相关性 Na+ K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl− SO42− pH Na+ 1 K+ 0.043 1 Ca2+ −0.108 0.002 1 Mg2+ 0.864** 0.374 0.220 1 Cl− −0.252 −0.654 0.508 −0.326 1 SO42− −0.187 −0.734* 0.039 −0.425 0.848** 1 pH −0.021 −0.337 −0.773* −0.368 −0.408 −0.048 1 kc 0.728 0.065 0.952** 0.763* 0.586 0.110 −0.880** $ {{k}}_{{{\mathrm{c}}}}{'} $ 0.729 0.064 0.952** 0.762* 0.587 0.110 −0.880** C 0.820* −0.151 0.923** 0.611 0.664 0.168 −0.728 Ch −0.774* 0.087 −0.812* −0.536 −0.759* −0.376 0.810* 注:**. 在 0.01 级别(双尾),相关性极显著;*. 在 0.05 级别(双尾),相关性显著,kc,kc',C,Ch的含义见正文,下同 表 5 45℃下尾水回灌组相关性
Table 5. Correlation between ions in the tailwater reinjection group at 45°C
皮尔逊相关性 Na+ K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl− SO42− pH Na+ 1 K+ −0.378 1 Ca2+ −0.047 0.683 1 Mg2+ 0.658 0.210 0.612 1 Cl− −0.434 0.818* 0.549 −0.045 1 SO42− −0.454 0.843** 0.496 −0.088 0.993** 1 pH 0.343 −0.315 −0.304 0.255 −0.787* −0.737* 1 kc −0.359 0.593 0.968** 0.993** 0.411 0.363 −0.188 $ {{k}}_{{{\mathrm{c}}}}{'} $ −0.359 0.593 0.968** 0.993** 0.411 0.363 −0.188 C −0.261 0.558 0.973** 0.931** 0.508 0.446 −0.413 Ch 0.358 −0.740 −0.991** −0.898** −0.681 −0.639 0.468 表 6 65℃回灌水驱替组离子相关性
Table 6. Correlation between ions in the tailwater reinjection group at 65°C
皮尔逊相关性 Na+ K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl− SO42− pH Na+ 1 K+ −0.399 1 Ca2+ −0.263 0.707* 1 Mg2+ 0.060 0.306 0.765* 1 Cl− −0.378 0.854** 0.549 0.147 1 SO42− −0.404 0.869** 0.586 0.167 0.998** 1 pH −0.246 0.113 0.626 0.495 0.110 0.142 1 kc −0.285 0.482 0.858* 0.844* 0.217 0.268 0.679 $ {{k}}_{{{\mathrm{c}}}}{'} $ −0.285 0.482 0.859* 0.845* 0.217 0.269 0.679 C −0.180 0.506 0.892** 0.885** 0.311 0.356 0.638 Ch 0.242 −0.728 −0.978** −0.972** −0.594 −0.631 −0.588 -
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