Characteristics and geodynamic background of the coal-controlled structural patterns in the Qianyingzi Coalmine, Huaibei Coalfield
钱营孜矿井位于淮北煤田宿县矿区的西部, 毗邻徐宿弧形推覆构造南段的外缘带。为认识该矿井构造变形与演化规律、动力学机制以及指导未来资源探采方向提供重要地质依据。利用最新的矿井地质勘探与生产资料, 对钱营孜矿井开展构造格架和控煤构造样式分析, 划分矿井构造期次, 讨论构造发育的区域大地构造背景。结果表明, 矿井内石炭纪-二叠纪含煤地层总体呈一轴向NNE、向SSW仰起的宽缓向斜; 矿井内断裂构造非常发育, 逆断层数量大于正断层, 2类断层的走向均以NE至NNE向为主, 其次为NS向; 矿井构造格架显著受控于数条NS向至NE向的大型断层, 自西向东受南坪断层、F22、F17、DF200及双堆断层等主干断层的分割, 呈现东、西分带特征; 矿井控煤构造样式可以划分为挤压、伸展和走滑3个类型, 以及逆冲牵引褶皱、对冲式构造、冲起构造、叠瓦状构造、地堑、地垒、阶梯状断层、正花状构造、羽状雁列式构造9个亚类型; 构造组合分析表明, F17断层除逆冲活动之外, 还存在显著的平移活动。矿井构造可划分为5期, 从早到晚分别为: 轴向NNE的冯家向斜、近NS向逆断层、NNE向逆-左行平移断层及NE向逆断层、近NS向正断层、NE向正断层。矿井内第1, 2期缩短构造分别是印支期华北克拉通与华南板块汇聚过程中的前陆变形及随后陆-陆碰撞造山变形的影响结果; 第3期压扭性构造与西太平洋区伊泽奈崎板块早白垩世初向东亚大陆边缘快速斜向俯冲有关; 第4, 5期伸展构造则是早白垩世以来中国东部强烈伸展背景下发育而成。
Abstract:The Qianyingzi Coalmine is located on the west of the Suxian Mining area of the Huaibei Coalfield, adjacent to the outer edge of the southern segment of the Xu-Su Arc Nappe Belt.
Methods Based on the latest geological exploration and production data, this paper analysed the structural framework and coal-controlled structural patterns of the Qianyingzi Coalmine, divided the tectonic stages, and discussed the geotectonic background of the coalmine structures,
Objective which provides an important geological basis for the understanding of the tectonic deformation and evolution of the coalmine, the geodynamic mechanism and the prediction of exploration directions.
Results The results show that the Carboniferous-Permian coal-bearing formations in the mine are generally a gentle syncline with an NNE-trending axis. The faults in the mine are well developed, and the number of reverse faults is greater than that of normal faults. Both of these faults are mainly NE to NNE, followed by NS. The structural framework of this mine is significantly controlled by several large NS to NE-striking faults and is segmented from west to east by major faults, including the Nanping, F22, F17, DF200 and Shuangdui faults, which exhibit the characteristic of east and west zonation. The coal-controlled structural patterns in the mine can be classified into three types, namely, compressional, extensional and strike-slip. And the coal-controlled patterns can be further divided into nine subtypes, namely, thrust drag folds, hedge structures, pop-up structures, imbricate structures, grabens, horsts, step faults, positive flower structures and pinnated en-echelon structures. The analysis of structural combinations shows that the F17 fault has not only thrusting motion but also significant transcurrent activity.
Conclusion The structural deformation of coal-bearing formation in the Qianyingzi Coalmine can be divided into five stages: the Fengjia Syncline with an NNE-trending axis, nearly NS-striking reverse faults, NNE-striking reverse-sinistral faults and NE-striking reverse faults, nearly NS-striking normal faults, and NW-SE-striking normal faults. Combined with the results of previous studies on the regional tectonic background, the first and second shortening structures in this mine are the results of foreland deformation during the convergence of the North China Craton and South China Plate and subsequent continent-continent collisional deformation during the Indosinian period. The third stage compresso-shear structures are related to the rapid oblique subduction of the Izanagi Plate toward the East Asian continental margin at the beginning of the Early Cretaceous in the Western Pacific. The fourth and fifth stage extensional structures developed against a strong extensional background in eastern China during the Early Cretaceous.
图 3 钱营孜矿井地震勘探地质解译剖面图(剖面位置见图 2)
Figure 3. Geological cross-sections interpreted from the seismic profiles in the Qianyingzi Coalmine
图 5 钱营孜矿井主要褶皱与断层叠加变形过程示意图
Figure 5. Schematic diagrams of the development history of major folds and faults in the Qianyingzi Coalmine
表 1 钱营孜矿井主要断层特征统计
Table 1. Statistics of major fault characteristics in the Qianyingzi Coalmine
断层名称 断层性质 位置 构造分级 走向 倾向 倾角/(°) 最大落差/m 区内延伸长度/m 南坪断层 正断层 西部边界 一级 NE NW 70 >1 000 75 000 双堆断层 正断层 东南边界 一级 NE NW 70 >1 000 >3 000 F22 正断层 冯家向斜西翼 二级 NS W 65~75 350 >6 500 DF200 逆断层 东部边界 二级 NS E 45~50 >1 500 10 000 QSF211 逆断层 邻近东部边界 三级 NS W 35~55 200 3 000 F25 逆断层 邻近西部边界 三级 NE SE 45~50 160 5 000 F51 逆断层 冯家向斜西翼 三级 NE SE 50~55 135 3 000 F15 逆断层 冯家向斜西翼 三级 NS W 45~50 65 3 400 F17 逆断层 冯家向斜东翼 二级 NS~NNE E~SEE 50~55 300 10 000 F17-1 逆断层 F17断层东盘 三级 NNE SEE 50~55 110 3 900 F17-2 逆断层 F17断层西盘 三级 NNE SEE 50~55 135 3 900 DF165 逆断层 F17断层东盘 三级 NNE NWW 50~55 55 1 700 QSF189 逆断层 F17断层东盘 三级 NE SE 35~55 80 1 700 表 2 钱营孜矿井控煤构造样式类型
Table 2. Classification of coal-controlled structural patterns in the Qianyingzi Coalmine
类型 亚类型 控煤作用 挤压构造组合样式 逆冲牵引褶皱 逆断层上、下盘的煤层均呈不对称褶皱变形,上盘煤层整体埋深变浅,靠近逆断层煤层揉皱变形强烈,层厚不稳定 对冲式构造 对冲的逆断层上盘煤层因抬升变浅,所夹共用下降盘的煤层被掩覆,且多呈向形弯曲 冲起构造 冲起断块内的煤层因进一步抬升而变浅,且多呈背形弯曲 叠瓦状组合 含煤地层整体被抬升,但被分割成若干断块,断块内煤层产状改造显著,常伴生较多次级逆断层,构造较复杂 伸展构造组合样式 地堑 地堑内煤层埋深增大,整体对煤层产状影响不大 地垒 地垒上的煤层因抬升变浅,整体对煤层产状影响不大 阶梯状断层 含煤地层被分割成若干断块,埋深依次加大,断块内煤层产状变化不大 走滑构造组合样式 正花状构造 构造带内含煤地层整体呈背形弯曲,抬升变浅,伴生较多次级逆断层,构造复杂,靠近断层产状改造显著 羽状雁列式构造 靠近主干断层的含煤地层破坏程度增大,构造复杂;平行于主干断层的剖面上,含煤地层可呈次级叠瓦状构造组合;垂直于主干断层的剖面上,含煤地层呈冲起构造组合或正花状构造组合特征 -
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