UCS 值)从43.83 kPa提高到加固后的69.92 kPa,经历20次冻融循环,加固试样的UCS 值为未加固试样1.48倍,且加固试样冲刷侵蚀量远小于未加固试样的一半。研究表明微生物诱导生成的碳酸钙沉积物能够有效填充土体内部孔隙,黏结松散土颗粒,从而大幅提高土体强度,有效削弱冻融对土体的破坏作用。虽然冻融循环作用周期增加使得土体的加固效果逐渐劣化,但在短期冻融环境下,MICP加固后土体仍具有较高的强度,并能有效抵抗雨水的冲刷侵蚀作用。-
- 微生物诱导碳酸钙沉积(MICP) /
- 微生物加固土 /
- 冻融循环 /
- 雨水冲刷
Abstract:Objective The microbial induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) technology has received widespread attention from the academic community and has also made certain progress in the field of soil reinforcement. After MICP, the overall performance of the soil is improved, but the cyclic effect of winter freezing and spring thawing gradually loosens the soil structure, resulting in a decrease in soil strength, erosion resistance, and water retention capacity. Currently, there is limited research on the impact of freeze-thaw cycles on the properties of MICP stabilized soil.
Methods This study investigated the effects of freeze-thaw cycles on the unconfined compressive strength (
UCS ), erosion resistance, and water retention capacity of soil treated with MICP under different conditions. The surfaces of the samples were treated via the spray method, and then, some samples were subjected to erosion tests. TheUCS and water evaporation rate of the samples under different numbers of freeze-thaw cycles were tested. Combining the mechanism of soil resistance to erosion damage and the test results of samples subjected to freeze-thaw cycles, the reasons for the deterioration of reinforced soil properties due to freeze-thaw cycles were investigated.Results The results revealed that the
UCS of the sample increased from 43.83 kPa to 69.92 kPa after MICP treatment. After 20 freeze-thaw cycles, theUCS value of the MICP-treated sample was 1.48 times greater than that of the uncured sample, and the erosion amount of the MICP-treated sample was much less than half of that of the uncured sample. Research has shown that microbial induced calcium carbonate deposits can effectively fill the internal pores of the soil and bind loose soil particles, significantly improving the soil strength and effectively weakening the destructive effect of freeze-thaw cycles on the soil.Conclusion Although the reinforcement effect of the soil gradually deteriorated due to the increase in the number of freeze-thaw cycles, the MICP-treated soil still had high strength in a short-term freeze-thaw environment and could effectively resist the erosion effect of rainwater.
表 1 试验用土物理性质
Table 1. Physical properties of the test soil
$ {I}_{{\mathrm{P}}} $相对密度
$ {d}_{{\mathrm{s}}} $45.3 28.5 16.8 16.8 2.65 表 2 试样信息
Table 2. Specimen information
试样规格 编号 是否MICP处理 冻融周期/次 数量 冲刷试样
(9 cm×9 cm×1.8 cm)A组 A00 是 0 1 A05 5 1 A10 10 1 A15 15 1 A20 20 1 B组 B00 否 0 1 B05 5 1 B10 10 1 B15 15 1 B20 20 1 无侧限抗压试样
(直径36 mm,高80 mm)C组 C00 是 0 3 C05 5 3 C10 10 3 C15 15 3 C20 20 3 D组 D00 否 0 3 D05 5 3 D10 10 3 D15 15 3 D20 20 3 表 3 菌液和胶结液用量
Table 3. Amounts of bacterial solution and cement solution
试样名称 注入液 单次注入量/mL 注入次数 无侧限抗压试样 菌液 40 1 胶结液 40 5 冲刷试样 菌液 74 1 胶结液 74 5 -
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