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俞映月 吴世强 郑有恒 郭丽彬

俞映月, 吴世强, 郑有恒, 郭丽彬. 江汉盆地陈沱口凹陷始新统盐湖古环境对富有机质岩相发育的控制[J]. 地质科技通报, 2024, 43(5): 70-80. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230481
引用本文: 俞映月, 吴世强, 郑有恒, 郭丽彬. 江汉盆地陈沱口凹陷始新统盐湖古环境对富有机质岩相发育的控制[J]. 地质科技通报, 2024, 43(5): 70-80. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230481
YU Yingyue, WU Shiqiang, ZHENG Youheng, GUO Libin. Paleoenvironmental controls on organic-rich lithofacies of Eocene saline lacustrine in the Chentuokou Depression, Jianghan Basin[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2024, 43(5): 70-80. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230481
Citation: YU Yingyue, WU Shiqiang, ZHENG Youheng, GUO Libin. Paleoenvironmental controls on organic-rich lithofacies of Eocene saline lacustrine in the Chentuokou Depression, Jianghan Basin[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2024, 43(5): 70-80. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230481


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230481

中国石油化工股份有限公司项目“东部富油气凹陷及周缘资源评价” P23234




  • 中图分类号: P618. 13

Paleoenvironmental controls on organic-rich lithofacies of Eocene saline lacustrine in the Chentuokou Depression, Jianghan Basin

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  • 摘要:

    江汉盆地新沟嘴组下段Ⅱ油组广泛发育页岩与白云岩互层的烃源岩, 近期该层系页岩油勘探获得了重大突破, 但盐湖沉积背景下沉积的膏盐对于孔隙的影响制约了页岩油的勘探开发, 明确低膏盐富有机质岩相发育的控制因素对页岩油勘探具有重要意义。选取陈沱口凹陷的C1系统取心井作为研究对象, 通过岩心及岩石薄片的观察鉴定, 全岩矿物组成质量分数、有机碳及地球化学元素含量测定, 对C1井新沟嘴组下段Ⅱ油组的岩相类型、沉积环境和有机质富集主控因素进行了系统研究, 建立了适合江汉盆地新沟嘴组盐湖相岩相划分方案和沉积模式。结果表明: C1井新沟嘴组下段Ⅱ油组共发育4类7种岩相, 分别为富碳细纹层状白云岩、富碳粗纹层状白云岩、含碳块状白云岩; 富碳细纹层状混合质页岩、富碳粗纹层状混合质页岩; 含碳粗纹层状粉砂岩; 贫碳块状膏盐岩。古气候、古盐度与古氧化还原协同演化控制了岩相发育的多样性, 有机质富集的主控因素为还原性古水介质环境。页岩油勘探有利岩相为富碳(含碳)粗纹层(细纹层)状白云岩(混合质页岩), 有利岩相的沉积环境为咸水、还原的半深湖环境。陈沱口凹陷新沟嘴组下段Ⅱ油组富有机质岩相发育控制因素及其沉积环境的揭露, 可为江汉盆地相关凹陷新沟嘴组页岩油勘探提供借鉴和参考。


  • 图 1  江汉盆地主要构造及地层框架示意图

    Figure 1.  Tectonic seeting and stratigraphic framework of Jianghan Basin

    图 2  江汉盆地细粒沉积岩岩相划分方案示意图

    a.沉积岩有机碳质量分数划分;b.沉积岩沉积构造划分;c, d.沉积岩矿物组成三端元分类图

    Figure 2.  Lithofacies classification of fine-grained saline lacustrine rocks in Jianghan Basin

    图 3  江汉盆地新沟嘴组盐湖相沉积模式图

    Figure 3.  Sedimentary model of saline lacustrine sediments of Xingouzui Formation in Jianghan Basin

    图 4  C1井新下段Ⅱ油组各沉积环境古盐度指标(a)、古气候因子(b)、古氧化还原指标(c)、膏盐量(d)和有机碳含量(e)箱线图

    Figure 4.  Boxplots of paleosalinity(a), paleoclimate factors(b), anoxia index(c), gypsum salt(d), and organic carbon content(e) in oil group Ⅱ of Lower Member of Xingouzui Formation, Well C1

    图 5  C1井新下段Ⅱ油组各环境因子与膏盐量相关系数热力图

    Figure 5.  Heat map of correlation coefficient between environmental factors and gypsum salt content in oil group Ⅱ of Lower Member of Xingouzui Formation, Well C1

    图 6  C1井新下段Ⅱ油组1小层岩相古环境综合柱状图

    Figure 6.  Stratigraphic column of lithofacies and paleoenvironment, first layer of oil group Ⅱ of Lower Member of Xingouzui Formation, Well C1

    图 7  C1井新下段Ⅱ油组各环境因子与有机碳含量相关系数热力图

    Figure 7.  Heatmap of correlation coefficient between environmental factors and organic carbon content in oil group Ⅱ of Lower Member of Xingouzui Formation, Well C1

    表  1  江汉盆地盐湖细粒沉积岩岩相划分方案

    Table  1.   Lithofacies classification criterion of fine-grained rocks in saline lacustrine of Jianghan Basin

    划分依据 标准 命名
    有机碳质量分数 w(TOC)≤0.5%
    0.5% < w(TOC) < 1%
    沉积构造 纹层厚度≤1 mm
    纹层厚度>1 mm
    矿物成分 w(岩盐+膏类) < 50%
    (10% < w(岩盐+膏类) < 50%)
    碳酸盐矿物、长英质矿物、黏土矿物 含膏盐 碳酸盐岩、长英质碳酸盐岩、泥质碳酸盐岩、粉砂岩、钙质粉砂岩、泥质粉砂岩、黏土质泥(页)岩、长英质泥(页)岩、钙质泥(页)岩、混合质页岩
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  陈沱口凹陷C1井新下段Ⅱ油组1小层主要岩相类型及特征

    Table  2.   Main lithofacies and features of oil group Ⅱ of Lower Member of Xingouzui Formation in Well C1, Chentuokou Depression

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  • 收稿日期:  2023-08-21
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