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盛军 薛世团 吕思锦 张彩燕 杨晓菁 李雅楠 郭笑 王转转

盛军,薛世团,吕思锦,等. 柴达木盆地西部英雄岭页岩天文旋回识别与高沉积速率下的沉积充填响应特征[J]. 地质科技通报,2025,44(1):48-63 doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230492
引用本文: 盛军,薛世团,吕思锦,等. 柴达木盆地西部英雄岭页岩天文旋回识别与高沉积速率下的沉积充填响应特征[J]. 地质科技通报,2025,44(1):48-63 doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230492
SHENG Jun,XUE Shituan,LÜ Sijin,et al. Astrocycle identification and high sedimentation rates sedimentary filling response characteristics in the Yingxiongling shale of western Qaidam Basin[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology,2025,44(1):48-63 doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230492
Citation: SHENG Jun,XUE Shituan,LÜ Sijin,et al. Astrocycle identification and high sedimentation rates sedimentary filling response characteristics in the Yingxiongling shale of western Qaidam Basin[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology,2025,44(1):48-63 doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230492


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230492
基金项目: 中国石油勘探与生产分公司科技项目“柴达木盆地页岩油综合地质研究、技术攻关与现场试验”(2022KT0304)


  • 中图分类号: P618.12

Astrocycle identification and high sedimentation rates sedimentary filling response characteristics in the Yingxiongling shale of western Qaidam Basin

More Information
  • 摘要:

    柴达木盆地英雄岭页岩油勘探开发潜力巨大,但目前在旋回地层学方面的工作较为薄弱。为了明确英雄岭页岩的天文旋回沉积响应特征,通过对英雄岭页岩发育的下干柴沟组上段地层开展了4口井的频谱分析,综合岩心、测井、地球化学分析等方面的成果,在该套地层中识别出多组米兰科维奇旋回,并依据404.858 ka的长偏心率周期建立了英雄岭页岩“浮动”天文标尺,明确了英雄岭页岩的沉积速率与沉积充填特征。研究表明:英雄岭页岩沉积时间约为4.86 Ma、平均沉积速率达到340.44 m/Ma,高沉积速率是英雄岭页岩的重要特征之一。基于长偏心率周期分析的总有机碳含量沉积响应特征表明柴达木盆地英雄岭页岩的有机碳富集程度受沉积速率控制明显,随着沉积速率的增大,总有机碳含量呈升高趋势,当沉积速率超过450 m/Ma时,受到碎屑稀释效应影响,总有机碳含量出现显著下降。基于单一长偏心率周期的岁差旋回周期对沉积构造响应模式分析表明,当岁差参数处于最小值时,主要发育贫有机质层状灰云岩;当岁差参数处于最大值时,主要发育富有机质纹层状灰云岩。英雄岭页岩表现出的这种明显轨道强迫响应,将有助于页岩油有利层段预测,可为今后英雄岭页岩油高效勘探开发提供一些新思路。


  • 图 1  柴达木盆地英雄岭页岩油藏区域位置(a)与地层综合柱状图(b)(据文献[19]修改)

    Figure 1.  Comprehensive histogram of the location (a) and stratigraphy (b) of the Yingxiongling shale reservoir in the Qaidam Basin

    图 2  英雄岭构造西段Ⅴ油组沉积微相图

    Figure 2.  Sedimentary microfacies map of the Ⅴ Formation in the western section of the Yingxiongling structural belt

    图 3  基于La2010模型提取的古近系下干柴沟组上段轨道周期变化曲线[31]

    Figure 3.  Orbital period variation curve of the Upper Member of the Lower Ganchaigou Formation in Paleogene system extracted using La2010 model

    图 4  基于La2010模型的轨道周期变化曲线Redfit频谱分析结果

    Figure 4.  Redfit spectrum analysis results for the orbital period change curve based on the La2010 model

    图 5  英雄岭页岩柴907井GR曲线REDFIT与FFT频谱分析结果

    a. REDFIT频谱分析曲线;b. REDFIT频谱分析曲线;c. FFT频谱分析图

    Figure 5.  REDFIT and FFT spectral analysis results of the GR curve of Chai 907 well in Yingxiongling shale

    图 6  英雄岭页岩下干柴沟组上段天文年代标尺(1~12为旋回个数,下同)

    Figure 6.  Astronomical age scale of the upper section of the Lower Ganchaigou Formation within the Yingxiongling shale

    图 7  英雄岭页岩井间沉积速率对比

    Figure 7.  Comparison of sedimentation rates among wells in the Yingxiongling shale

    图 8  英雄岭页岩典型年纹层镜下特征

    a. 柴2-4井2820.06 m;b. 柴2-4井2848.88 m;c. 狮60井3336.55 m;d. 柴906井3225.43 m;e. 柴906井3237.18 m;f. 狮60井3454.61 m

    Figure 8.  Typical varve of the Yingxiongling shale observed under microscopy

    图 9  英雄岭页岩典型井w(TOC)测试结果

    a. w(TOC)测试结果分布图;b. w(TOC)与沉积速率交会图。A,B,C为分区代号

    Figure 9.  Distribution of TOC content test results for typical wells in the Yingxiongling shale

    图 10  柴908井TOC分析结果与岁差频率周期(P1~P9为岁差周期;Ⅰ~Ⅴ,Ⅶ~Ⅷ为w(TOC)分段编号)

    Figure 10.  TOC analysis results and precession frequency period for Chai 908 well

    图 11  柴908井岩心照片

    a. 柴908井在相对高沉积速率下(727.7 m/Ma)的岩心照片(以厚层状灰云岩为主夹块状砂质条带);b. 柴908井在相对低沉积速率下(413.26 m/Ma)的岩心照片(以纹层状灰云岩为主)

    Figure 11.  Core photos of Chai 908 well

    图 12  英雄岭页岩岁差旋回影响的沉积响应模式

    Figure 12.  Sedimentary response mode affected by the precession cycle of the Yingxiongling shale

    表  1  柴达木盆地英雄岭页岩40~30 Ma期间理论天文周期比例表

    Table  1.   Theoretical astronomical cycle ratio of the Yingxiongling shale in the Qaidam Basin during the 40-30 Ma period

    天文周期 时间/ka 岁差/("·a−1) 轴斜率 偏心率
    18.192 22.262 53.996 57.241 62.305 95.238 124.688 404.858
    偏心率 404.858 22.255 18.186 7.498 7.073 6.498 4.251 3.247 1.000
    124.688 6.854 5.601 2.309 2.178 2.001 1.309 1.000
    95.238 5.235 4.278 1.764 1.664 1.529 1.000    
    轴斜率 62.305 3.425 2.799 1.154 1.088 1.000
    57.241 3.147 2.571 1.060 1.000
    53.996 2.968 2.425 1.000          
    岁差("·a−1) 22.262 1.224 1.000            
    18.192 1.000              
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    表  2  英雄岭页岩油井深度序列优势旋回频率与天文理论轨道周期对照表

    Table  2.   Comparison of dominant cycle frequency and astronomical theoretical orbital period of depth sequence in Yingxiongling shale oil well

    柴907井 柴13井 柴10井 柴908井
    误差/% 旋回地层
    误差/% 旋回地层
    误差/% 旋回地层
    404.858 1.000 138.63 1.000 102.04 1.000 102.669 1.000 137.005 1.000
    124.688 3.247 44.42 3.120 3.89 30.76 3.317 2.16 30.608 3.354 3.31 43.424 3.155 2.83
    95.238 4.251 32.59 4.253 0.05 23.23 4.393 3.34 24.183 4.246 0.13 32.349 4.235 0.37
    62.305 6.498 21.39 6.482 0.25 16.06 6.353 2.24 15.702 6.539 0.62 20.796 6.588 1.39
    57.241 7.073 19.26 7.199 1.78 14.49 7.040 0.46 14.566 7.049 0.34 19.148 7.155 1.16
    53.996 7.498 18.47 7.506 0.11 13.64 7.482 0.21 13.485 7.613 1.54 17.841 7.679 2.42
    22.262 18.186 7.89 17.564 3.42 6.25 16.326 10.23 6.692 15.343 15.63 8.404 16.302 10.36
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    表  3  柴达木盆地英雄岭页岩与国内其他盆地沉积速率对比

    Table  3.   Comparison of sedimentary rates between the Yingxiongling shale in the Qaidam Basin and other domestic basins

    盆地 层段 沉积速率/(m·Ma−1 数据来源
    松辽盆地 青一段 86.96 文献[47]
    青一段 85.1~99.02 文献[43]
    登二段 162 文献[48]
    鄂尔多斯盆地 长7段 26.1 文献[46]
    二连盆地 腾格尔组 44~145 文献[45]
    珠江口盆地 珠海组 72.5~165 文献[44]
    恩平组 80~187.5
    文昌组 78.8~166.3
    渤海湾盆地 沙四上亚段 105~147 文献[9]
    沙三下亚段 78.5~86.6 文献[14]
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