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海相浅层页岩气地质-工程“双甜点”测井评价方法: 以桂中坳陷北部鹿寨组为例

钟敏 黄玉越 覃英伦 陈康军 王贵文 卓色强 毕少琛 陆文师 康海晶 党文乐 赖锦

钟敏, 黄玉越, 覃英伦, 陈康军, 王贵文, 卓色强, 毕少琛, 陆文师, 康海晶, 党文乐, 赖锦. 海相浅层页岩气地质-工程“双甜点”测井评价方法: 以桂中坳陷北部鹿寨组为例[J]. 地质科技通报, 2024, 43(4): 113-127. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230615
引用本文: 钟敏, 黄玉越, 覃英伦, 陈康军, 王贵文, 卓色强, 毕少琛, 陆文师, 康海晶, 党文乐, 赖锦. 海相浅层页岩气地质-工程“双甜点”测井评价方法: 以桂中坳陷北部鹿寨组为例[J]. 地质科技通报, 2024, 43(4): 113-127. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230615
ZHONG Ming, HUANG Yuyue, QIN Yinglun, CHEN Kangjun, WANG Guiwen, ZHUO Seqiang, BI Shaocheng, LU Wenshi, KANG Haijing, DANG Wenle, LAI Jin. A logging evaluation method for geological engineering 'double sweet spot' for shallow marine shale gas: A case study of the Luzhai Formation in the northern Guizhong Depression[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2024, 43(4): 113-127. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230615
Citation: ZHONG Ming, HUANG Yuyue, QIN Yinglun, CHEN Kangjun, WANG Guiwen, ZHUO Seqiang, BI Shaocheng, LU Wenshi, KANG Haijing, DANG Wenle, LAI Jin. A logging evaluation method for geological engineering "double sweet spot" for shallow marine shale gas: A case study of the Luzhai Formation in the northern Guizhong Depression[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2024, 43(4): 113-127. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230615

海相浅层页岩气地质-工程“双甜点”测井评价方法: 以桂中坳陷北部鹿寨组为例

doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230615

广西壮族自治区重点研发计划项目“广西首个页岩气示范项目地质理论与工程技术研究” 23AB06031

广西壮族自治区国资委核心科技攻关和重大科技创新项目”广西首个页岩气区块效益化勘探开发一体化技术研究” 2060404


    钟敏, E-mail: 89296665@qq.com


    黄玉越, E-mail: hyy990924@163.com

  • 中图分类号: P618.13

A logging evaluation method for geological engineering "double sweet spot" for shallow marine shale gas: A case study of the Luzhai Formation in the northern Guizhong Depression

More Information
  • 摘要:

    桂中坳陷北部鹿寨组海相富有机质页岩是滇黔桂盆地页岩气勘探的重要接替领域, 目前在勘探初期已取得重大突破, 因此开展地质-工程一体化的评价工作极为关键。利用岩心、薄片和扫描电镜等岩石物理实验和常规、成像、核磁共振及阵列声波等测井资料, 在岩心刻度测井和小层精细划分的基础上, 分别开展了地质和工程“甜点”要素测井表征研究。通过对烃源岩品质、储层品质和工程品质叠合, 最终完成了地质-工程“双甜点”的耦合与优选。研究表明: 鹿寨组一段页岩岩性以硅质页岩、混合质页岩和灰质页岩3种类型为主。孔渗物性偏低, w(TOC)介于1%~2%之间。生物硅含量低, 硅质来源主要为陆源碎屑供给, 页岩气主要赋存在黏土矿物相关孔隙和微裂缝中, 且以吸附气为主而游离气较少。脆性指数介于20%~80%之间, 且基本均大于40%。应力差异系数介于0.26~0.50, 现今最大水平主应力方向为NNE-SSW方向。优选③小层底部页岩“甜点”层段作为水平井靶窗, 水平段实钻气测结果显示良好。研究成果能够为页岩气单井“甜点”测井评价与水平井靶窗优选提供理论指导和方法支撑。


  • 图 1  桂中坳陷构造位置及鹿寨组地层柱状图(改自文献[18])


    Figure 1.  Tectonic position of the Guizhong Depression and stratigraphic histogram of the Luzhai Formation

    图 2  桂中坳陷北部鹿寨组一段页岩矿物组分分布特征


    Figure 2.  Distribution characteristics of the mineral fractions in the First Member of the Luzhai Formation shale in the northern Guizhong Depression

    图 3  桂中坳陷北部鹿寨组一段页岩矿物体积分数测井计算

    Figure 3.  Logging calculation of the mineral content in the First Member of the Luzhai Formation shale in the northern Guizhong Depression

    图 4  桂中坳陷北部鹿寨组一段页岩w(TOC)区间分布(a)、实测w(TOC)与测井计算w(TOC)交会图(b)

    Figure 4.  Distribution of TOC content intervals(a), measured TOC values logging calculated TOC values(b) in the First Member of the Luzhai Formation shale in the northern Guizhong Depression

    图 5  桂融页1井鹿寨组一段页岩样品核磁共振(a)和氮气吸附(b)特征

    a.核磁共振T2谱特征; b.氮气等温吸附曲线

    Figure 5.  NMR(a) and nitrogen adsorption(b) characteristics of shale samples from the First Member of the Luzhai Formation in Well GRY1

    图 6  桂中坳陷北部鹿寨组一段页岩储集空间特征

    a.石英与黏土矿物之间发育少量粒间孔,1 385.5 m,桂融地2井;b.石英与黏土矿物之间发育少量粒间孔,1 385.5 m,桂融地2井;c.石英内部可见少量孤立粒内孔,1 380 m,桂融地2井;d.方解石内部发育不规则状溶蚀孔,1 611.85 m,桂融页1井;e.方解石内部可见少量溶蚀孔,1 389 m,桂融地2井;f.草莓状黄铁矿晶间孔被有机质充填,1 626.75 m,桂融页1井;g.块状有机质中可见孤立分散状有机质孔,1 620.37 m,桂融页1井;h.有机质内部可见不规则状有机质孔,1 385.5 m,桂融地2井;i.伊蒙混层发育层间孔缝,1 620.37 m,桂融页1井

    Figure 6.  Characteristics of reservoir space in the First Member of the Luzhai Formation shale in the northern Guizhong Depression

    图 7  桂中坳陷北部鹿寨组一段页岩甲烷等温吸附特征(a)和兰氏参数与w(TOC)交会图(b)

    a.研究区鹿寨组一段页岩样品甲烷等温吸附曲线; b.Langmuir体积、Langmuir压力与w(TOC)交会图

    Figure 7.  Methane isothermal adsorption characteristics, Langmuir parameters and TOC content cross-plot in the First Member of the Luzhai Formation shale in the northern Guizhong Depression

    图 8  桂中坳陷北部鹿寨组一段页岩岩心裂缝发育特征

    a.高角度充填裂缝, 1 367.45 m,桂融地2井;b.顺层滑脱缝,1 399.85 m,桂融地2井;c.镜面擦痕,1 609.38 m,桂融页1井;d.层理缝被黄铁矿充填, 1 403.55 m,桂融地2井;e.层间页理缝,1 598.62 m,桂融页1井;f.网状裂缝,1 611.03 m,桂融页1井

    Figure 8.  Characteristics of core fractures in the First Member of the Luzhai Formation shale in the northern Guizhong Depression

    图 9  桂融页1井鹿寨组一段页岩裂缝测井识别与评价

    Figure 9.  Logging identification and evaluation of fractures in the First Member of the Luzhai Formation shale in the northern Guizhong Depression

    图 10  基于地层倾角测井的井壁崩落法确定研究区现今地应力方向

    Figure 10.  In situ stress direction determined by the wall caving method based on a diplog in the study area

    图 11  桂融页1井鹿寨组一段页岩地质-工程“双甜点”测井评价

    Figure 11.  Logging evaluation of the geological engineering "double sweet spot" of the First Member of the Luzhai Formation shale in Well GRY1

    表  1  研究区鹿寨组一段页岩地质-工程“双甜点”测井划分标准

    Table  1.   Log division standard of the shale geological engineering "double sweet spot" of the Luzhai Formation in the study area

    类别 地质“甜点” 工程“甜点”
    烃源岩品质 储层品质 工程品质
    评价指标 w(TOC)/% 有效孔隙度/% 总含气量/(m3·t-1) 脆性指数/% 应力差异系数
    Ⅰ类 >2 >2.5 >1.5 >55 <0.3
    Ⅱ类 [1, 2] [1, 2.5] [1, 1.5] [45, 55] [0.3, 0.4]
    Ⅲ类 <1 <1 <1 <45 >0.4
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