Safety analysis of geothermal water recharge coupled with CO2 geological storage system
在圈闭良好的水热型地热储层, 开展CO2随回灌水同时注入储层的研究, 既具有经济效益又具有碳封存的环境效益。建立了3D储层模型, 对不同井距、地层倾角、筛管位置和采灌速率下CO2突破时间以及富含CO2的盐水在储层中的运移情况进行了研究。结果表明: (1)在采灌速率为20 kg/s, 20 a运行时间内井距为1 200 m时CO2未突破; (2)在倾斜地层中, 当回灌井位于开采井下游时, 随地层倾角增加, CO2突破时间延长, 沿地层下倾方向碳酸水运移距离增大; (3)综合考虑筛管位置对突破时间和突破后开采井中CO2质量分数的影响, 回灌井筛管位于储层上部30 m、开采井筛管位于储层下部30 m时, 有利于CO2地质封存的安全性和有效性; (4)采灌速率对CO2突破时间影响较大, 当采灌速率为12 kg/s时, CO2未突破; 当采灌速率增加到28 kg/s时, 突破时间缩短到11.8 a。因此, 在实际工程应用中可以通过对操作参数和地层固有特性的研究延缓CO2突破, 提高CO2地质封存安全性。
Abstract:Objective In well-trapped hydrothermal geothermal reservoirs, the research on injecting CO2 into reservoirs simultaneously with recharge water is carried out, which has both economic and environmental benefits for carbon sequestration.
Methods A 3D reservoir model was established to study the CO2 breakthrough time and the migration of CO2-rich brine in a reservoir under different well spacings, formation inclination angles, sieve tube positions and exploitation and reinjection rates.
Results The results show that (1) when the exploitation and reinjection rate is 20 kg/s and the well spacing is 1 200 m within 20 years of operation, there is no CO2 breakthrough. (2) In inclined formations, when the recharge well is located downstream of the production well, as the formation inclination angle increases, the CO2 breakthrough time increases, and the migration distance of carbonated water increases along the downdip direction of the formation. (3) Considering the impact of the screen position on the breakthrough time and CO2 mass fraction in the production well after breakthrough, it is beneficial to ensure the safety and effectiveness of CO2 geological storage when the recharge well sieve tube is located 30 m above the reservoir and the production well sieve is located 30 m below the reservoir. (4) The exploitation and reinjection rates have greater impacts on the CO2 breakthrough time. When the exploitation and reinjection rate is 12 kg/s, there is no CO2 breakthrough. When the exploitation and reinjection rate increases to 28 kg/s, the breakthrough time decreases to 11.8 years.
Conclusion Therefore, in practical engineering applications, the CO2 breakthrough time can be delayed, and the safety of CO2 geological storage can be improved through the study of operating parameters and the inherent characteristics of the formation.
Key words:
- geothermal water recharge /
- CO2 geological storage /
- delayed breakthrough /
- safety
图 8 筛管位置对CO2突破时间的影响(方案参数见表 2, 下同)
Figure 8. Effect of sieve tube position on CO2 breakthrough time
表 1 储层及注入参数[23]
Table 1. Reservoir and injection parameters
主要参数 参数取值 孔隙度/% 20 水平渗透率/10-3 μm2 600 垂直渗透率/10-3 μm2 30 岩石密度/(kg·m-3) 2 650 岩石热传导率/(W·m-1·℃-1) 2.5 岩石比热容/(J·kg-1·℃-1) 920 回灌温度/℃ 35 CO2注入速率/(kg·s-1) 0.8 地热水回灌速率/(kg·s-1) 12~28 表 2 不同方案的参数设置
Table 2. Parameter settings for different solutions
方案 回灌井位置/m 开采井位置/m 井距/m 地层倾角/(°) 筛管位置/m 采灌速率/(kg·s-1) 备注 1 500 -500 1 000 0 60 20 基础方案 2 300 -300 600 0 60 20 井距 3 400 -400 800 0 60 20 4 600 -600 1 200 0 60 20 5 700 -700 1 400 0 60 20 6 500 -500 1 000 2 60 20 地层倾角 7 500 -500 1 000 4 60 20 8 500 -500 1 000 6 60 20 9 500 -500 1 000 8 60 20 10 500 -500 1 000 10 60 20 11 500 -500 1 000 0 回灌井:储层上部30 m
开采井:储层上部30 m20 筛管位置 12 500 -500 1 000 0 回灌井:储层上部30 m
开采井:储层下部30 m20 13 500 -500 1 000 0 回灌井:储层下部30 m
开采井:储层上部30 m20 14 500 -500 1 000 0 回灌井:储层下部30 m
开采井:储层下部30 m20 15 500 -500 1 000 0 60 12 采灌速率 16 500 -500 1 000 0 60 16 17 500 -500 1 000 0 60 24 18 500 -500 1 000 0 60 28 -
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