Interwell interference analysis and well spacing optimization of tight oil wells based on geological engineering integration
随着新井加密以及老井重复压裂的实施, 井间距缩小、单井改造规模扩大, 井间干扰程度高, 严重影响压裂效果及产量。为解决井间干扰程度评价及预防控制等问题, 应用地质工程一体化模拟技术, 综合利用三维位移不连续裂缝扩展方法及嵌入式离散裂缝技术, 建立水平井组地质工程一体化模拟模型, 评价单井及井组压裂改造后动用范围, 开展井间干扰程度影响因素分析。结果表明: (1)基质渗透率高于0.3×10-3 μm2、裂缝半长大于100 m、裂缝间距小于40 m, 压裂改造范围明显变大, 井间干扰程度越明显; (2)随着井间距增加, 井间干扰程度不断变弱, 当井间距增加到400 m时, 井间干扰对单井最终可采储量(EUR)的影响可以忽略; (3)当井间距大于400m时, 井组累计产油量降低幅度变大, 需要优化合理井间距来平衡区块采收率和单井累计产油量的关系。研究结果可为井距优化及重复压裂技术应用提供有效指导。
Abstract:With the implementation of infilling new wells and refracturing existing ones, the spacing between wells has decreased, the scale of stimulation for individual wells has expanded, and the level of interference among wells has heightened, significantly impacting fracturing effectiveness and production.
Objective Addresses issues related to evaluating and preventing interference between wells,
Methods based on an integrated geological engineering workflow, 3D DDM and EDFM technologies have been comprehensively used to establish an integrated geological engineering simulation model for horizontal well groups. Then, the operating range of single wells and well groups following fracturing stimulation was evaluated, and factors affecting the degree of interference between wells were analysed.
Results The findings indicate that (1) when the matrix permeability exceeds 0.3×10-3 μm2, the half-length of fractures is greater than 100 m, and the spacing between fractures is less than 40 m, a largerrange of fracturing transformation correlates with an increased degree of interwell interference. (2) As the well spacing increases, the degree of interwell interference diminishes. At a spacing of 400 m, the impact of interwell interference on a single well's EUR can be ignored. (3) It is essential to balance the relationship between the block recovery rate and cumulative production of a single well by optimizing and determining appropriate well spacing.
Conclusion The above research results can provide valuable insights for optimizing well spacing and enhancing the effectiveness of repeated fracturing technology.
表 1 地质模型基本参数
Table 1. Geological model parameters
属性 数值 属性 数值 有效厚度/m 18 含油饱和度/% 54.2 油藏埋深/m 1 520 原油黏度/(mPa·s) 7.3 平均孔隙度 0.09 原始地层压力/MPa 15.8 平均渗透率/(10-3μm2) 0.82 原油饱和压力/MPa 5.6 -
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