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含煤地层下薄砂体分布预测方法: 以东海西湖凹陷PB地区为例

罗盼 李九生

罗盼, 李九生. 含煤地层下薄砂体分布预测方法: 以东海西湖凹陷PB地区为例[J]. 地质科技通报, 2024, 43(6): 258-270. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230663
引用本文: 罗盼, 李九生. 含煤地层下薄砂体分布预测方法: 以东海西湖凹陷PB地区为例[J]. 地质科技通报, 2024, 43(6): 258-270. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230663
LUO Pan, LI Jiusheng. Prediction method of thin sand reservoir with coal bearing: An example from PB area of Xihu Sag at East China Sea[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2024, 43(6): 258-270. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230663
Citation: LUO Pan, LI Jiusheng. Prediction method of thin sand reservoir with coal bearing: An example from PB area of Xihu Sag at East China Sea[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2024, 43(6): 258-270. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230663

含煤地层下薄砂体分布预测方法: 以东海西湖凹陷PB地区为例

doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230663

    罗盼, E-mail: 446114137@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: P618.13

Prediction method of thin sand reservoir with coal bearing: An example from PB area of Xihu Sag at East China Sea

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  • 摘要:

    在河流-潮汐双向水流控制的沉积环境之下, 西湖凹陷PB地区平湖组含油气地层中普遍发育薄煤层, 煤层导致储层的地震振幅、相位、频率均会发生一定变化。为明确PB地区煤层的发育对储层识别的具体影响以及储层识别的有效手段, 以地震、测井资料为研究基础, 在开展储层叠前、叠后地震响应特征的基础上, 基于去煤层反射系数地震响应特征分析和基于波动方程的叠后地震正演, 在厘清煤层发育对储层特征影响的前提下, 采用岩石物理多参数交会分析, 以探索研究区储层岩性识别的敏感参数、定门槛值。结果表明, 当储层厚度均小于调谐厚度时, 对地震数据进行90°相位旋转, 煤层对储层影响能一定程度地减弱。针对研究区含薄煤层的薄储层, 采用宽频谱反演-叠前Vp/Vs-叠前AVO三步走逐级优质储层预测流程, 能较好地刻画研究区含气砂体展布范围。


  • 图 1  西湖凹陷区域构造位置图(a), PB地区区域构造图(b)和PB地区地质综合柱状图(c)

    Figure 1.  Structural outline of Xihu Sag(a) and PB area(b), the comprehensive geological column of PB area(c)

    图 2  砂岩、煤层及其组合的地震响应特征

    Figure 2.  Seismic response characteristics of sandstone, coal seam and their combinations

    图 3  PB地区实钻井平湖组钻遇煤层层数分布直方图(a~c)和平湖组P10b煤层分布平面图(d)

    Figure 3.  Statistics of coal seam thickness and number of coal seams encountered(a-c) and distribution plan of P10b coal seam(d) in the Pinghu Formation in actual drilling in PB area

    图 4  煤层与砂岩组合特征分析


    Figure 4.  Analysis of the characteristics of the combination of coal seam and sandstone

    图 5  煤层与砂泥薄互层及泥岩组合特征分析


    Figure 5.  Analysis of the characteristics of combination between coal seam and thin sand mud interbed, and combination between coal seam and mudstone

    图 6  含煤层储层楔形模型正演模拟结果


    Figure 6.  Forward modeling results of wedge model of coal-bearing seam reservoir

    图 7  90°相位旋转的楔形模型正演模拟结果

    Figure 7.  Forward modeling results of wedge model with a 90° phase rotation

    图 8  反射系数奇偶分解(a)和拓宽频谱原理图(b)

    Figure 8.  Schematic diagram of reflection coefficient odd-even decomposition(a) and widening spectrum(b)

    图 9  常规反演与宽频谱反演效果对比图


    Figure 9.  Comparison chart of conventional inversion and wide-spectrum inversion

    图 10  平湖组纵横波速度比与纵波阻抗交会分析结果(a, c, e)和纵横波速度比频率直方统计图(b, d, f)

    a, b.P2~P6段分析结果;c, d.P7~P11段分析结果;e, f.P12段分析结果;砂组层位见图 1c

    Figure 10.  Intersection analysis results of P-to-S wave velocity ratio and P-wave impedance in Pinghu Formation, along with a histogram of P-to-S wave velocity ratio

    图 11  D井过井地震剖面(a)和宽频谱反演剖面(b)及反演Vp/Vs剖面(c)

    Figure 11.  Seismic profile(a), wide spectrum inversion profile(b) and inversion Vp/Vs profile(c) across Well-D

    图 12  E井过井AVO正演与过井道集AVO分析结果(a)及F井过井AVO梯度G结果(b)

    Figure 12.  AVO forward modeling and AVO analysis results across Well-E(a) and the result of AVO inversion across Well-F(b)

    图 13  P10b储层预测效果分析


    Figure 13.  Analysis of P10b reservoir predictions

    表  1  PB地区已钻井数据统计的岩石物理参数

    Table  1.   Petrophysical parameters of the statistics of drilled wells in the PB area

    参数 砂岩 泥岩 煤层
    纵波速度Vp/(m·s-1) 4 100 3 600 3 000
    密度DEN/(g·cm-3) 2.45 2.60 2.20
    横波速度Vs/(m·s-1) 2 500 2 130 1 730
    纵波阻抗AI(g·cm-3·m·s-1) 10 045 9 360 6 600
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  • 收稿日期:  2023-11-29
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