Tracing of the sources of dissolved organic matter in coastal groundwater based on fluorescent indices and end-element mixing analysis
摘要: 滨海地下水中溶解性有机质(DOM)长期受到陆源、海洋源等多种有机质混合,定量评估其来源对认识滨海地区碳迁移转化具有重要意义。本研究选取江苏连云港市为研究区,利用同位素示踪和光谱指数识别了地下水DOM来源,并通过光谱指数与端元混合模型(EMMA)定量评估了不同端元对滨海地下水DOM的贡献占比。结果表明,滨海地下水DOM受河水DOM、海水DOM和沉积物可溶性有机质混合影响,三个端元贡献占比分别为44%±22%、33%±10%和22%±13%。研究区北侧地下水受到海水混入和淡水补给共同影响,地下水DOM具有较高海水DOM贡献占比和自生源特征;而研究区南侧地下水咸化严重,高盐度地下水在径流过程中促进了沉积物可溶性有机质释放,地下水DOM具有较高的沉积物可溶性有机质贡献占比和腐殖化特征。本研究为滨海地下水DOM来源的计算提供了评估方法。Abstract: Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in coastal groundwater is derived from multiple sources including marine water, river and leachate from sediments. Quantitative estimation of the contribution of difference sources to coastal groundwater is importing for understanding the carbon reactive transport in the coastal area. Isotopic tracer, fluorescent indices, and end-element mixing analysis (EMMA) were used to identify the sources of DOM in coastal groundwater and quantify their contributions. The results showed that DOM in coastal groundwater was mainly originated from DOM in river water, seawater and sediments, with contributions of 44.0% ± 22.2%、33.0% ± 10.8% and 22.9% ± 13.1%, respectively. Groundwater collected from the north part of study is affected by both seawater intrusion and fresh water recharge, showing a high proportion of seawater DOM and autogenous characteristics. In the south part, groundwater has higher total dissolved solids (TDS), saline water releases DOM in sediments, showing higher proportion of DOM in sediments and humification characteristics. This study demonstrates the DOM in coastal groundwater is affected by hydrodynamic and hydrogeological conditions. End-element mixing analysis based on fluorescent indices can efficiently quantify the sources of DOM in coastal groundwater, which provides a new perspective and assessment method for the study of terrestrial-oceanic carbon cycle.
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