Coseismic slip distribution and 3D deformation field simulation of the Menyuan Mw 6.7 earthquake in Qinghai based on InSAR constraint
2022年1月8日, 青海省门源回族自治县发生
M w6.7地震, 地表破裂明显并导致兰新高铁停运。为研究门源地震的震源机制, 通过差分干涉测量技术(D-InSAR)处理Sentinel-1A升降轨SAR数据得到地震同震形变场, 并在InSAR形变约束下, 通过两步反演法获取了地震断层几何参数和精细同震滑动分布, 计算了同震静态库仑应力变化, 进一步分析讨论了发震构造及区域地震危险性。结果表明: InSAR LOS向同震形变场长轴呈WNW-ESE向, 初步判断具有左旋走滑的运动特征, 在其约束下的精细双断层滑动分布结果显示冷龙岭破裂段与托莱山破裂段均以高倾角左旋走滑为主; 为进一步阐明地震变形模式, 基于弹性位错模型及黏弹性分层介质模型分别模拟得到同震地表三维形变场, 考虑地壳分层结构模拟的三维形变更准确。同震库伦应力变化结果表明: 托莱山断裂西端、冷龙岭断裂东端及兰新高铁大梁隧道地震风险性增强, 未来发生破裂的风险仍较高。研究结果为进一步了解门源地震三维地壳形变及相关地震研究提供参考依据。Abstract:On January 8, 2022, a
M w 6.7 earthquake stuck Menyuan Hui Autonomous County, Qinghai Province, resulting in extensive surface ruptures and the closure of the Lanzhou-Xinjiang high-speed railway.Objective This study aims to investigate the focal mechanism of the Menyuan earthquake.
Methods D-InSAR technology was employed to process ascending and descending SAR data from Sentinel-1A, producing a coseismic deformation field. Using InSAR LOS deformation as a constraint, a two-step inversion method was applied to determine the geometric parameters of the earthquake fault and the detailed coseismic slip distribution. Additionally, the coseismic static Coulomb stress changes were calculated, and the seismogenic structure, along with the regional seismic hazard, was further analyzed.
Results The findings reveal that the long axis of the InSAR coseismic deformation field is oriented WNW-ESE, indicating left-lateral strike-slip movement. The refined double-fault slip distribution shows that both the Lenlongling and Tuolaishan rupture segments exhibit high-inclination left-lateral strike-slip motion. To better understand the seismic deformation patterns, this study employs anelastic dislocation model and a viscoelastic half-space layered medium model to simulate the three-dimensional coseismic surface deformation, incorporating more accurate three-dimensional deformation from crustal layered models. The coseismic Coulomb stress changes suggest an earthquake risk at the western end of the Tuolaishan fault, the eastern end of the Lenlongling fault, and near the Daliang tunnel of the Lanzhou-Xinjiang high-speed railway, indicating a heightened potential for future rupture.
Conclusion The research results can provide a reference for enhanced understanding of the three-dimensional crustal deformations associated with the Menyuan earthquake and the related seismic research.
图 1 2022年1月8日门源地震构造背景图[2]
Figure 1. Tectonic background of the Menyuan earthquake on January 8, 2022
图 8 不同地壳结构模型下的地表三维形变模拟及形变剖面
Figure 8. Simulation and profiles of three-dimensional surface deformation under different crustal structural models
表 1 2022年1月8日门源地震震源机制解
Table 1. Focal mechanism solution of the Menyuan earthquake on January 8, 2022
来源 经度/(°) 纬度/(°) 深度/km 走向/(°) 倾角/(°) 滑动角/(°) 震级Mw USGS 101.278 37.815 13.0 104/13 88/75 15/178 6.6 GCMT 101.31 37.800 14.8 104/14 82/89 1/172 6.7 李振洪等[9] — — 5 104, 109 80, 80 0 6.7 YANG等[10] — — — — 82 — 6.7 LI等[8] 101.28 37.812 4 106, 89 86, 83 -5, -1 6.6 许光煜等[11] 101.28 37.790 0.24 106.5 80.4 3.70 6.6 于仪等[12] 101.28 37.780 5 109 86 0.79 6.6 郑瑞等[13] — — 104.2 87.8 1 6.6 周甜等[14] 101.28 37.790 4 109.23, 86.6 88.28, 84.16 - 6.62 本研究双断层模型 101.28 37.800 4.48 109.61, 88.7 84.44, 82.16 -1.51, 1.83 6.65 注:USGS.美国地质调查局(United States Geological Survey);GCMT.全球地震矩张量目录(global centroid-moment-tensor project);GCMT和USGS都有2个节面结果; 下同 表 2 SAR影像参数
Table 2. SAR image parameters
卫星 震前日期 震后日期 时间间隔/d 基线间距/m 极化方式 模式 入射角/(°) 方位角/(°) Sentinel-1A 2022/01/05 2022/01/17 12 -36.00 vv 升轨 35.86 -13.29 2021/12/29 2022/01/10 12 55.10 vv 降轨 38.48 193.28 表 3 均匀滑动模型反演参数
Table 3. Inversion parameters of the uniform slip model
名称 长度/m 宽度/m 深度/m 倾角/(°) 走向/(°) X中点/m Y中点/m 下限 15 000.0 1 000.0 1 000.0 0.00 0.00 -20 000.00 -20 000.00 上限 30 000.0 20 000.0 20 000.0 90.00 180.00 20 000.00 20 000.00 最优值 25 513.6 9 935.9 10 848.4 84.44 109.61 2 112.04 3 581.91 置信度2.5% 24 343.5 7 699.6 8 745.7 84.50 109.60 2 117.99 3 609.28 置信度97.5% 25 530.0 9 907.1 10 822.0 85.57 109.71 2 201.78 3 959.65 表 4 区域分层黏弹性模型参数
Table 4. Regional layered viscoelastic model parameters
分层 厚度/km vp/(km·s-1) vs/(km·s-1) 密度/(km·m-3) ηk/(1018 Pa·s) ηm/(1019Pa·s) 上地壳Ⅰ 0.22 3.51 1.63 2 110.0 — — 上地壳Ⅱ 18.49 6.03 3.50 2656.6 — — 中地壳 18.50 6.41 3.69 2719.3 5.0 1.0 下地壳Ⅰ 16.75 7.41 4.23 2837.2 5.0 1.0 下地壳Ⅱ — 8.08 4.73 3375.4 5.0 1.0 注:vp为纵波速度;vs为横波速度;ηk为代表短期变形的开尔文体瞬态黏滞系数;ηm为长期变形的麦克斯韦尔体稳态黏滞系数 -
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