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徐东浩 秦兰芝 李峻颉 蔡坤 谢晶晶

徐东浩, 秦兰芝, 李峻颉, 蔡坤, 谢晶晶. 西湖凹陷平北斜坡带平湖组层序构型差异及控砂模式[J]. 地质科技通报, 2024, 43(4): 154-166. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20240027
引用本文: 徐东浩, 秦兰芝, 李峻颉, 蔡坤, 谢晶晶. 西湖凹陷平北斜坡带平湖组层序构型差异及控砂模式[J]. 地质科技通报, 2024, 43(4): 154-166. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20240027
XU Donghao, QIN Lanzhi, LI Junjie, CAI Kun, XIE Jingjing. Sequence stratigraphic architectures and sand-body distribution models of the Pinghu Formation in the Pingbei slope belt of the Xihu Depression[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2024, 43(4): 154-166. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20240027
Citation: XU Donghao, QIN Lanzhi, LI Junjie, CAI Kun, XIE Jingjing. Sequence stratigraphic architectures and sand-body distribution models of the Pinghu Formation in the Pingbei slope belt of the Xihu Depression[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2024, 43(4): 154-166. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20240027


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20240027


中国海洋石油集团“十四五”重大科技项目“弧后盆地深层/超深层油气成藏条件与成藏机制研究——西湖凹陷” KJGG2022-0402


    徐东浩, E-mail: xudh6@cnooc.com.cn

  • 中图分类号: P618.13

Sequence stratigraphic architectures and sand-body distribution models of the Pinghu Formation in the Pingbei slope belt of the Xihu Depression

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  • 摘要:

    平北斜坡带是西湖凹陷岩性油气藏勘探的重点区带之一, 但实际勘探过程中存在岩性砂体厚度小、横向变化大等问题, 亟需开展不同构造单元内地层发育样式、沉积中心变迁、砂体发育机制等构造-沉积响应研究。基于最新钻井、测井及覆盖全区的高精度三维地震资料, 开展了平北斜坡带平湖组三级层序-体系域高精度层序地层研究。基于古地貌、断裂体系的差异, 划分了平北斜坡带构造-沉积单元, 分析了不同单元内层序构型下断裂组合样式、地层接触关系、沉积充填样式的差异, 探讨了不同层序构型差异的控制因素和控砂模式。研究表明, 平北斜坡带可以划分为断裂陡坡型、对向断阶型、反向断阶型、顺向断阶型4种层序构型, 层序构型差异受物源供给强弱变化、断裂体系活动差异、微古地貌转换调节、基准旋回迁移变化等控制, 形成了4种砂体发育模式。通过不同构造单元层序构型差异和控砂机制研究, 对于推动西湖凹陷平北斜坡带岩性油气藏领域勘探进程意义重大。


  • 图 1  区域构造特征(a)、研究区断裂、剖面与井位分布(b)及地貌单元特征(c)

    Figure 1.  Regional tectonic characteristics (a), fault, profile and well location distributions (b), and geomorphological characteristics (c)

    图 2  西湖凹陷新生代地层综合柱状图以及平湖组三级层序地层单元

    Figure 2.  Comprehensive column of Cenozoic strata and third-order sequence stratigraphic unit of the Pinghu Formation in the Xihu Depression

    图 3  西湖凹陷平北地区B-5井平湖组层序界面综合识别

    HST. 高位体系域; TST. 海侵体系域; LST. 低位体系域

    Figure 3.  Comperhensive identification of the Pinghu Formation sequence in Well B-5 in the Pingbei area, Xihu Depression

    图 4  西湖凹陷平北斜坡带A区地震层序地层特征

    Figure 4.  Seismic sequence stratigraphic characteristics of area A of the Pingbei slope belt, Xihu Depression

    图 5  西湖凹陷平北斜坡带B区和C区地震层序地层特征

    Figure 5.  Seismic sequence stratigraphic characteristics of areas B and C of the Pingbei slope belt, Xihu Depression

    图 6  西湖凹陷平北斜坡带D区地震层序地层特征

    Figure 6.  Seismic sequence stratigraphic characteristics of area D of the Pingbei slope belt, Xihu Depression

    图 7  A-1-A-2-A-3井钻井层序连井剖面

    Figure 7.  Sequence stratigraphic correlation section of wells A-1, A-2 and A-3

    图 8  D-1-D-2-D-4-D-3-D-6井钻井层序连井剖面

    Figure 8.  Sequence stratigraphic correlation sections of wells D-1, D-2, D-4, D-3 and D-6

    图 9  西湖凹陷平北斜坡平湖组层序平面分布图

    Figure 9.  Distribution map of the Pinghu Formation stratigraphic sequence in the Pingbei slope of the Xihu Depression

    图 10  西湖凹陷平北地区断裂陡坡型层序构型

    Figure 10.  Sequence stratigraphic architecture of steep fault slope type in the Pingbei area, Xihu Depression

    图 11  西湖凹陷平北地区对向断阶型层序构型

    Figure 11.  Sequence stratigraphic architecture of opposite fault step type in the Pingbei area, Xihu Depression

    图 12  西湖凹陷平北地区反向断阶型层序构型

    Figure 12.  Sequence stratigraphic architecture of reversal step fault type in the Pingbei area, Xihu Depression

    图 13  西湖凹陷平北地区顺向断阶型层序构型

    Figure 13.  Sequence stratigraphic architecture of forward step fault type in the Pingbei area, Xihu Depression

    图 14  西湖凹陷平北地区差异层序构型下控砂模式图

    Figure 14.  Sand-body distribution models under different sequence configurations in the Pingbei area, Xihu Depression

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