K SA)与土壤影响因子的关系可定量表示为:K SA=-0.744X 1-0.224X 2+0.704X 3; 而在砂土中为:K SA=-0.724X 1-0.222X 2;在黄土中为:K SA=-0.291X 1-0.268X 2;在红土中为:K SA=-0.589X 1-0.338X 2(X 1为土壤含水率;X 2为粒径;X 3为有机质含量)。研究成果有利于深入认识三氯乙烯在我国典型土壤中土-气界面上的分配行为及土壤因子对其产生影响的规律,为土-气分配过程中多因素耦合影响量化和健康风险评估提供理论依据。Abstract:Objective Soil-air partitioning is a critical process influencing the environmental fate of volatile organic pollutants and a significant contributor to the risk of respiratory exposure.
Methods Four typical soils-loess, red soil, black soil and sand were used to identify the soil factors affecting the partitioning of trichloroethylene. The partitioning behaviour of trichloroethylene at the soil-atmosphere interface was quantitatively investigated by single-factor controlled batch experiments, and the quantitative relationship between the trichloroethylene soil gas partition coefficient and soil factors was determined.
Results The results showed significant differences in the soil-gas partition coefficients of the four typical soils (black soil>red soil>sandy soil>loess soil). The main influencing factors for the partition coefficient of black soil were primarily particle size, water content, and organic matter content. Whereas, for the other three soils, the main factors were particle size and water content.
Conclusion The relationships between the soil gas partition coefficient of TCE and soil factors in black soil can be quantitatively expressed as follows:
K SA=-0.744X 1-0.224X 2+0.704X 3; sand:K SA=-0.724X 1-0.222X 2; loess:K SA=-0.291X 1-0.268X 2; and red soil:K SA=-0.589X 1-0.338X 2 (X 1: water content;X 2: particle size;X 3: organic matter content). These research aids in a deeper understanding of the distribution behaviour of trichloroethylene at the soil-atmosphere interface in typical soils in China and the influence of soil factors and provide a theoretical basis for the quantification of multifactor coupling effects and health risk assessment in the process of soil gas partitioning. -
表 1 土壤物理化学指标
Table 1. Physical and chemical indicators of soil
土壤物理化学性质指标 黄土 砂土 红土 黑土 有机质wB/% 0.016 5 0.396 0.155 18.354 土壤最大持水能力/% 44.8 41.0 52.5 130.1 平均粒度/μm 19.04 8.61 8.69 36.96 BET比表面积/(m2·g-1) 19.10 11.38 45.27 1.72 矿物种类和质量分数/% 蒙脱石 — 1.20 2.65 — 伊利石 6.90 17.20 4.95 14.20 角闪石 0.80 1.20 — — 高岭石 — — 4.35 — 绿泥石 12.10 11.05 — 8.50 石英 38.30 43.55 39.90 41.90 钾长石 3.65 3.35 0.80 3.10 斜长石 16.00 21.00 2.80 32.30 方解石 21.40 1.45 — — 三水铝石 — — 29.25 — 锐钛矿 — — 1.40 — 白云石 0.85 — — — 赤铁矿 — — 13.90 — 注:表中“—”表示未检出 -
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