页岩油微运移是指石油由页岩层系中的富有机质层产生, 并向其紧邻且孔渗性较好的贫有机质层发生短距离运移的现象。勘探实践显示, 微运移可有效改善贫有机质层含油性及其品质, 甚至优于部分富有机质页岩层系, 是页岩油勘探突破的重要层段。因此, 对页岩油微运移现象进行系统研究具有必要性。在回顾国内外已有研究基础之上, 首先明确了页岩油微运移的示踪主要包括岩石热解参数、烃组分、生物标志化合物、非烃化合物、同位素等指标, 基本原理是根据运移烃与滞留烃地球化学性质分异进行判别。分析表明, 微运移会导致贫有机质页岩层系生烃活化能分散状分布, 生烃门限偏早, 且轻组分以游离态在贫有机质层中的聚集可进一步增加生油层和储油层烃组分分异程度, 进而影响页岩含油性与可动性特征。基于油气运移及其地质色层效应, 揭示了微运移贯穿油气生成、排出和滞留全过程, 是连接页岩层系各个油气聚集要素的桥梁, 影响了页岩油的差异富集。综合地球化学和地球物理方法是未来开展页岩层系中微运移精细识别的有效途径, 将为揭示陆相页岩油动态差异富集提供新视角。
Abstract:Significance The micromigration of shale oil refers to the phenomenon in which oil is generated in organic-rich layers and expelled at short distances to adjacent, preferable porous and permeable, organic-lean layers in shale systems. Micromigration can effectively improve the oil content and quality of organic-lean layers, even surpassing some organic-rich shale layers based on the exploration practices. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a systematic study on the micromigration phenomenon of shale oil.
Progress Based on the current research progress, this paper first identifies the main tracers of shale oil micromigration, which include rock pyrolysis parameters, hydrocarbon components, biomarkers, NSO compounds, as well as isotopes. The fundamental principle relies on fractionation between migrated hydrocarbons and retained hydrocarbons based on their geochemical properties. Analysis revealed that micromigration can lead to a dispersed distribution of hydrocarbon generation activation energy in organic-lean shale layers, resulting in an earlier hydrocarbon generation threshold. Moreover, the accumulation of light hydrocarbons in a free state in organic-lean layers can further increase the difference of hydrocarbon components between generative units and in-source reservoirs, thereby affecting the oil-bearing and mobility characteristics of shale. Based on the effects of petroleum migration and geological zonation, this paper reveals that micromigration occurs throughout the entire process of hydrocarbon generation, expulsion, and retention. It serves as a bridge connecting all elements of petroleum accumulation within shale systems, influencing the differential enrichment of shale oil.
Conclusions and Prospects Comprehensive geochemical and geophysical methods are effective ways to identify micromigration in shale systems and will provide a new perspective for revealing the dynamic differential enrichment of lacustrine shale oil.
Key words:
- shale oil /
- micromigration tracing /
- geochemistry /
- enrichment of shale oil
图 1 页岩源内微运移过程示意(据文献[30])
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the micromigration process in shale
图 2 抽提前后岩石热解图谱随时间的变化曲线(据文献[32])
Figure 2. Rock-eval traces before and after extraction as a function of time
图 3 阿拉斯加北斜坡盆地三叠系舒布利克组页岩有机碳和岩石热解数据在剖面上的变化(据文献[38]修改)
Figure 3. Variations in total organic carbon and rock-eval pyrolysis data on a profile for the Triassic Shublek Formation shale in the Northern Slope Basin of Alaska
图 5 鄂尔多斯盆地长7段页岩各层段内族组分以及正构烷烃相对质量分数的分布(据文献[46])
Figure 5. Relative content of chemical composition and distribution of n-alkanes content in each interval of the Chang 7 Member shale in the Ordos Basin
图 6 Wolfcamp页岩中干湿指数(C1/C1-5)、含油指标(C4+5/C1-5)和有机质类型指标(iC5/nC5)在富有机质硅质泥页岩(黄色)、钙质泥页岩(红色)和贫有机质碳酸岩(蓝色)剖面上的演化(据文献[21])
Figure 6. Evolution of dryness, oil content index, and organic matter type in the Wolfcamp shale on the profile of organic-rich siliceous shale, calcareous shale, and organic-poor carbonate rock
图 7 南襄盆地泌阳凹陷核桃园组3段生物标志化合物关系图(数据来源于文献[30])
Figure 7. Relationship diagram of biomarker compounds in the 3rd Member of the Hetaoyuan Formation in the Biyang Sag, Nanxiang Basin
图 8 Barnett页岩层系中非烃化合物(a)和部分N1O1、N1O2类化合物(b)的相对含量在烃源单元与储层单元中的分布(据文献[57]修改)
红色填充的矩形代表储层单元,绿色填充的三角形代表烃源单元、红色三角形代表烃源单元和储层单元之间的过渡层;R代表烷基的个数[CH2]R(R=0, 1, 2, 3…)
Figure 8. istribution of NSO compound contents in the Barret Shale source(a) and distribution of compounds of N1O1 and N1O2 in the source and reservoir sections(b)
图 9 南襄盆地核桃园组3种页岩类型的碳同位素分布图(据文献[5])
Figure 9. Carbon isotope distribution maps of three shale types in the Hetaoyuan Formation of the Nanxiang Basin
图 10 江汉盆地潜江组某盐间页岩代表性岩心样品估算的活化能分布直方图(据文献[35])
Figure 10. Histogram of the estimated activation energy distribution for representative core samples of a salt shale in the Qianjiang Formation of the Jianghan Basin
图 11 江汉盆地潜江组某盐间页岩代表性岩心样品的生烃演化史曲线(据文献[35])
Figure 11. Hydrocarbon generation and evolution history curve of representative core samples of a salt shale in the Qianjiang Formation of the Jianghan Basin
图 12 激光共聚焦原油轻质、重质组分分布图(据文献[64])
a, b.纹层状页岩共聚焦扫描及有机质三维建模;c~f.纹层状页岩共聚焦扫描,以及轻质、重质组分及其叠合显示
Figure 12. Distribution of light and heavy components of crude oil from laser confocal scanning
图 13 鄂尔多斯盆地Z22井长7段页岩地球化学参数柱状图(据文献[69]修改)
Figure 13. Geochemical parameters column of the seventh Member of the Yanchang Formation of Well Z22 in the Ordos Basin
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