Identification and genetic mechanism of recharge sources in groundwater-rich area of Changxiao karst water system in Jinan City
为识别济南长孝岩溶水系统岩溶地下水富集区补给源并揭示其富水机制, 利用水化学方法和自组织神经网络(SOM-KM)耦合法揭示研究区岩溶地下水补给源和空间分布规律, 利用端元混合模型定量计算富水区岩溶地下水的补给源贡献比; 并结合地形地貌、地质构造、地层岩性及汇水条件探究岩溶地下水富集机制。结果表明, 汇集排泄区岩溶地下水与南部补给区、侧向径流区岩溶地下水和黄河水水化学特征皆具相似性, 水力联系密切, 指示汇集排泄区岩溶地下水接受南部山区、侧向径流岩溶地下水和黄河水三源补给, 枯水期三者补给贡献率分别为75.09%、21.02%、3.89%。汇集排泄区碳酸盐岩分布广泛且裂隙岩溶发育, 尤其在马集-孝里-归德一带, 加之该地区岩溶地下水补给源丰富, 且在岩溶地下水自东南向西北径流过程中, 在北部受砂岩泥岩阻水地层的阻滞, 地下水汇聚于可溶岩与非可溶岩接触带, 形成地层阻滞型岩溶地下水富水构造。通过揭示长孝岩溶水系统岩溶地下水富集机制, 可为后续准确计算可采资源量、济南市保泉供水提供科学支撑。
Abstract:Objective and methods In this study, the hydrochemical method and self-organized neural network (SOM-KM) coupling method were employed to identify recharge sources and reveal the water-rich mechanism in the karst groundwater-rich area of the Changxiao karst water system in Jinan City. The contribution ratio of karst groundwater recharge sources in the karst groundwater-rich area was quantitatively calculated using the end-element mixed model. The enrichment mechanism of karst groundwater is explored by combining with topography, geological structure, stratigraphic lithology, and catchment conditions.
Results The results showed that the karst groundwater in the catchment drainage area had similar water chemistry to that in the southern recharge area, the karst groundwater in the lateral runoff area, and the Yellow River, indicating a close hydraulic connection. This implies that the karst groundwater in the catchment drainage area is recharged by three sources: The southern mountain area, the karst groundwater in the lateral runoff area, and the Yellow River. The contribution ratios of the three components are 75.09%, 21.02%, and 3.89%, respectively. Carbonate rocks are widely distributed, and fissured karst is well developed in the accumulation and discharge areas, especially in the Maji-Xiaoli-Guide area. Moreover, there are abundant karst groundwater recharge sources in this area. During the runoff process of karst groundwater from southeast to northwest, it is impeded by sandstone and mudstone in the north. As a result, it accumulates in the contact zone between soluble rock and insoluble rock, thus forming impeded-type karst groundwater-rich structures.
Conclusion Revealing the enrichment mechanism of karst groundwater in the Changxiao karst water system can provide scientific support for accurate calculations of recoverable resources and the protection of the springs in Jinan.
图 5 黄河水位岩溶地下水监测井-柳河圈村X30水位动态曲线对比图(位置见图 1)
Figure 5. Comparison of dynamic water level curves between Yellow River water level and karst groundwater monitoring well X30 in Liuhe Quan Village
图 10 钻孔涌水量与距断裂(或接触带)距离幂函数关系曲线图(钻孔位置见图 1)
Figure 10. Power function relationship curve between borehole water inflow and the distances boreholes and fracture/contact zone
图 11 水文地质钻孔裂隙岩溶发育段与涌水量统计图(钻孔位置见图 1)
Q.第四系;O1t.土峪组; O2b.北庵庄组; O2d.东黄山组; O2w.王阳山组; ∈4O1s.三山子组; ∈.寒武系; Ar3γ.新太古界; N.新近系;下同
Figure 11. Statistics of fissure/karst development section in hydrogeological borehole and water inflow
图 12 阻滞型富水构造形成机理图(剖面位置见图 1)
Figure 12. Formation mechanism of the impeded water-rich structure
表 1 岩溶地下水及黄河水水化学指标
Table 1. Hydrochemical indices of karst groundwater and Yellow River water
样品区 TDS Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ K+ Cl- SO42- HCO3- NO3- 水化学类型 ρB/(mg·L-1) 南部补给区 最大值 825.13 183.00 43.20 26.50 8.76 81.20 210.00 377.00 154.00 HCO3·SO4-Ca 最小值 482.58 92.90 9.64 11.10 0.10 23.50 88.00 274.00 19.50 平均值 630.33 156.13 27.78 15.32 0.70 50.34 135.13 316.00 77.92 标准差 105.56 28.33 9.86 5.70 0.44 22.71 33.67 33.65 40.42 变异系数 0.17 0.18 0.35 0.37 0.63 0.45 0.25 0.11 0.52 侧向径流区 最大值 842.38 189.00 40.70 44.50 1.04 119.00 142.00 444.00 63.30 HCO3-Ca·Mg 最小值 361.00 71.10 23.12 22.50 0.40 28.00 33.80 278.00 11.50 平均值 502.68 108.50 28.77 30.50 0.75 54.43 66.63 345.81 24.78 标准差 60.96 6.99 6.08 10.67 0.20 4.39 3.66 90.91 22.24 变异系数 0.12 0.06 0.21 0.35 0.27 0.08 0.05 0.26 0.90 汇集排泄区 最大值 1179.36 270.00 47.90 57.70 7.26 124.00 228.00 487.00 272.00 HCO3-Ca
HCO3·SO4-Ca最小值 343.56 78.80 15.00 11.30 0.063 23.30 13.20 213.00 4.85 平均值 634.42 156.14 25.98 23.88 1.03 66.00 105.05 322.49 104.08 标准差 246.78 64.34 10.00 13.51 1.54 33.00 62.58 77.13 86.88 变异系数 0.39 0.41 0.38 0.57 1.50 0.50 0.60 0.24 0.83 黄河 586.00 57.70 26.70 96.90 4.13 103.00 188.00 176.00 13.6 SO4·Cl·HCO3-Na·Ca 表 2 补给源计算参数及补给源贡献率计算结果
Table 2. Calculation parameters of recharge sources and calculation results of contribution ratios from recharge sources
样品区 ρ(TDS)/(mg·L-1) ρ(Ca2+)/(mg·L-1) 补给源贡献率/% 汇集排泄区岩溶地下水富集区 505.03 120.50 — 南部补给区 533.19 134.63 75.09 侧向径流区 389.44 81.66 21.02 黄河水 586.00 57.70 3.89 表 3 钻孔涌水量与距断裂(或接触带)距离(钻孔位置见图 1)
Table 3. Borehole water inflow and the distances from boreholes and fractured/contact zone
钻孔编号 钻孔位置 距断裂(或接触带)距离/m 含水层代号 单井涌水量/(m3·d-1) 降深/m CC6 曹楼水厂 1 500 ∈4O1sa+∈4O1sb 12 240 2.58 CX57 长孝水源地 1 460 O2b 14 432 3.41 CX15 长孝水源地 390 O2b 14 040 1.77 X51 薛庄水厂 2 500 O2b 8 928 0.95 ZG3 赵官镇葛庄西150 m 4 669 O2b+O2g 6 000 16.00 X31 马集镇齐庄社区 5 000 O2w 7 018 2.71 X27 孝里镇孝里三村 10 000 O2b 6 960 1.53 X4 双泉镇段店村 10 800 ∈3z 6 171 1.74 注:∈4O1sa+∈4O1sb.山子山a段+b段;O2b.北庵庄组;O2g.阁庄组;O2w.王阳山组;∈3z.张夏组 -
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