Geophysical characterization of complex geopressure systems in unconventional reservoirs: A case study of the Jurassic reservoir in the Fuxing area
异常地层压力预测是油气开发中面临的难点问题之一, 随着页岩油气和致密砂岩气等非常规储层开发的不断深入, 地层压力系统的复杂程度不断增大, 同一地区超压和负压并存的现象时有发生, 对复杂压力系统进行准确刻画具有重要的应用价值。针对复兴地区侏罗系页岩气储层和致密砂岩储层所形成的2套超压系统和1套负压系统, 分析了超压和负压的地球物理响应特征和敏感弹性参数, 发现泥岩地层的体变模量在负压-超压区间与地层压力具有良好的相关性, 据此提出一种基于泥岩体变模量的超压和负压一体化预测方法, 并利用测井数据和地震数据计算了单井压力曲线和三维地层压力数据体。该方法的关键在于利用超压和负压地层的泥岩进行一体化压力预测, 降低岩性变化因素的影响; 其次, 选取与异常压力物理机制具有直接关联的体变模量作为预测参数, 提高预测模型的精度。根据测井和地震压力预测结果, 研究区东岳庙段强超压系统的压力保存条件较好, 压力结构特征稳定, 压力系数最大约为2.0;凉高山组超压系统的压力保存条件相对较差, 压力结构特征横向差异较大, 压力系数最大约为1.65;凉高山组负压系统压力系数约为0.5~1.0, 且与下伏超压系统存在一定的耦合作用。对比超压和负压钻井实测数据, 研究区单井压力曲线与三维地层超压和负压预测结果均达到较高的吻合度。
Abstract:Objective The prediction of abnormal formation pressure is a challenging issue in oil and gas development. With the continuous development of unconventional reservoirs such as shale gas and tight sandstone gas, the complexity of geopressure systems has increased. The coexistence of overpressure and underpressure in the same area often occurs, making it important to accurately characterize complex pressure systems.
Methods In this work, two sets of overpressure systems and one set of underpressure systems formed in the Jurassic shale gas reservoir and tight sandstone reservoir in the Fuxing area were analysed. The geophysical responses and sensitive elastic parameters of overpressure and underpressure were analysed. The bulk modulus of the mudstone formation was strongly correlated with the formation pressure over the underpressure-overpressure interval. Based on this, an integrated prediction method for overpressure and underpressure based on the bulk modulus of mudstone was proposed and applied in this area by using well log and seismic data. The key of this method is to use the mudstone of overpressure and underpressure formations for integrated pressure prediction, reducing the influence of lithological changes. Second, the bulk modulus, which is directly related to the physical mechanism of abnormal pressure, was selected as the input parameter to improve the accuracy.
Results According to the results of pressure prediction in the study area, the preservation conditions of the strong overpressure system in the Dongyuemiao Member are good, the pressure structure is stable, and the maximum pressure coefficient is approximately 2.0. The preservation conditions of the overpressure system in the Lianggaoshan Formation are relatively poor, with large lateral differences in pressure structure characteristics, and the maximum pressure coefficient is approximately 1.65; the pressure coefficient of the underpressure system in the Lianggaoshan Formation is approximately 0.5 to 1.0, and it has a certain coupling effect with the underlying overpressure system.
Conclusion The predictions of overpressure and underpressure using well logs and seismic data in the study area both achieved high agreement with the measured data.
Key words:
- unconventional reservoir /
- geopressure prediction /
- Fuxing area /
- shale gas /
- tight sand /
- complex geopressure system /
- geophysics
图 2 复兴地区侏罗系地层沉积柱状图和地层压力特征(压力系统划分参考了国内常用分类标准[26])
Figure 2. Characteristics of the lithology, sedimentary facies and geopressure for the Jurassic in the Fuxing area
图 10 复兴地区东岳庙段强超压系统(a)、大安寨段常压-弱超压系统(b)、凉高山组超压系统(c)和凉高山组负压系统压力系数(d)平面图
Figure 10. Maps of pressure coefficients for the strong ovepressure system in Dongyuemiao Member(a), the normal and weak overpressure system in Da′anzhai Member(b), the overpressure system in Liangganshan Formation(c), the underpressure system in Lianggaoshan Formation(d) of the Fuxing area
表 1 单井和地震压力预测精度
Table 1. Predicted accuracy of single well and seismic pressure
井名 类型 地层 岩性 实测压力系数 单井压力系数预测 单井预测精度/% 地震压力系数预测 地震预测精度/% XY1井 超压 凉二段 页岩 1.48 1.43 96.6 1.53 96.6 TY1井 凉二段 页岩 1.25 1.31 95.1 1.19 95.2 FY10井 东一段 页岩 1.93 1.87 96.9 1.95 98.9 Zh1井 负压 凉三段 砂岩 0.60 0.57 95.0 0.58 96.7 FL1井 凉二段 砂岩 0.83 0.87 95.2 0.92 89.1 TL201井 凉三段 砂岩 0.70 — — 0.63 90.0 注:TL201井无横波测井资料,无法采用体变模量法进行单井地层压力预测 -
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