Settlement and deformation monitoring and spatio-temporal data interpolation method for urban ultra long subway tunnels under soft soil foundation
城市地铁隧道的沉降监测与收敛变形的精准监控对于保障运营安全及周边环境稳定性至关重要。传统的监测方式, 如人工巡检和固定传感器监测, 存在实时性差、数据有限等问题。以上海地铁2号线东延伸段(在软土地基下采用盾构技术建造的大型城市地下隧道工程)为例, 介绍了一种创新的无线传感网络(wireless sensor network, 简称WSN)监测技术, 针对无线传感网络监测数据可能存在缺失的问题, 提出了一种适用于无线传感网络特性的缺失值补全算法, 以填补长达8年的监测周期中可能出现的数据空白点。通过以上监测网络及算法获取了该隧道的完整监测数据及特征指标, 并揭示了软土地基盾构隧道横向收敛变形的部分影响因素。本研究在确保了监测数据的有效性和完整性的基础上, 为软土地基盾构隧道的施工安全和地铁运营安全提供了技术支持和数据保障。
Abstract:Objective Precise monitoring of settlement and convergence deformation in urban subway tunnels is crucial for ensuring operational safety and the stability of the surrounding environment. Traditional methods, such as manual inspections and fixed sensor monitoring, suffer from poor real-time performance and limited data availability.
Methods To address the limitations of traditional approaches, an innovative wireless sensor network (WSN) monitoring system is introduced in this study by taking the East Extension Section of Shanghai Metro Line 2, a large-scale urban underground tunnel constructed using shield technology in soft soil as the example. Additionally, a missing value imputation algorithm tailored to WSN characteristics is proposed to address the potential data gaps in WSN monitoring which may arise in the following 8-year monitoring period.
Results The implementation of this monitoring network and algorithm provides full data and characteristic indicators for the tunnel monitoring, which aids in revealing the influencing factors of lateral convergence deformation in shield tunnels constructed in soft soil.
Conclusion By ensuring the effectiveness and completeness of the monitoring data, this research offers technical support and data assurance for the safety of shield tunnels in soft soil and the operational safety of subways.
表 1 横向收敛变形关键参数拟合值
Table 1. Fitting values for key parameters of lateral convergence deformation
环号 主振幅/mm 主周期/d 年均增长/mm 1690环 0.352 7 352 0.356 1840环 0.325 6 376 0.342 1940环 0.692 5 362 0.168 1990环 0.884 9 367 0.571 表 2 机器学习补全方法均方差
Table 2. Mean squared error of machine learning imputation methods
方法 均方差MSE/10-5 XGBoost 39.41 随机森林 77.56 MLP 33.74 融合模型 7.869 表 3 LSTM补全模型结构
Table 3. Structure of LSTM imputation model
层数 名称 单元数 1 LSTM层 100 2 LSTM层 150 3 LSTM层 200 4 LSTM层 100 5 全连接层 100 6 Leaky ReLU激活层 — 7 输出层 — -
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