Infrasound early warning model for debris flow in a typical drainage basin in Beijing mountainous area
次声是泥石流监测预警的有效手段, 目前常用的阈值预警法仅考虑了个别次声时频特征, 容易造成误报和漏报。因此, 需综合考虑多种次声时频特征, 提升泥石流次声预警准确度。基于北京市草甸水村泥石流的次声监测数据, 分析了该流域泥石流次声和环境次声的时频特征差异, 并基于随机森林算法构建了泥石流次声识别模型。结果表明, 泥石流次声的有效声压为0.4~1.0 Pa, 环境次声的有效声压多低于0.1 Pa, 但噪音会引起声压上升至0.4 Pa以上; 噪音次声能量多集中在低于6 Hz的频段, 泥石流次声在6~15 Hz频段的能量明显高于噪音次声。因此, 泥石流次声的甄别需综合考虑时频域的多个特征, 重点是6~15 Hz频段对应的能量。基于随机森林算法, 以有效声压、6~15 Hz有效声压、短时过零率、主频、主频振幅为特征变量构建的泥石流次声识别模型
AUC 值为0.99, 对测试数据识别准确率为90.0%, 相比传统声压阈值法提升了15.0%。研究结果说明随机森林模型能够较为精准地甄别泥石流次声信号, 适用于北京山区的泥石流次声预警, 可为其他区域的泥石流次声预警研究提供参考。Abstract:Objective Infrasound is an effective approach for debris flow warning. Traditional threshold-based warning methods focus solely on individual infrasound characteristics, which can lead to false alarms or missed detections. Thus, incorporating multiple time-frequency characteristics is essential to improve warning accuracy.
Methods Infrasound data from Caodianshui Village, Beijing, were analyzed to differentiate the infrasound characteristics of debris flows from environmental background. A random forest algorithm was employed to establish an infrasound warning model for debris flows.
Results The effective pressure of debris flow infrasound ranges from 0.4 to 1.0 Pa, while environmental infrasound typical remains below 0.1 Pa, though noise can raise it above 0.4 Pa.Noise infrasound energy is primarily concentrated below 6 Hz, whereas debris flow infrasound exhibits significantly higher energy in the 6-15 Hz. Therefore, comprehensive time-frequency characteristics, especially the energy in the range of 6-15 Hz, should be considered when identifying debris flow infrasound. Using effective infrasound pressure, infrasound pressure within 6-15 Hz, zero crossing rate, dominant frequency, and its amplitude as characteristic variables, a debris flow warning model was constructed based on a random forest algorithm. The model achieved an
AUC of 0.99, with a 90% recognition accuracy for test data, a 15% improvement over threshold methods.Conclusion The random forest-based infrasound warning model substantially improves warning accuracy for debris flows and is applicable to typical basins in the Beijing mountainous areas. This approach offers a valuable reference for infrasound-based debris flow warning research in other areas.
表 1 次声传感器技术参数
Table 1. Technical parameters of the infrasound sensor
序号 参数类型 参数值 1 采样频率/Hz 50 2 频率响应范围/Hz 1~25 3 灵敏度/(mV·Pa-1) 50 4 动态上线范围/Pa 100 5 传感器本底噪声/dBa < 16 表 2 次声时频特征部分样本数据
Table 2. Partial sample data of infrasound time-frequency characteristics
样本序号 短时过零率/% 有效声压/Pa 6~15 Hz频段有效声压/Pa 主频/Hz 主频振幅/Pa 是否为泥石流次声 1 31.75 0.56 0.35 6.24 0.32 1(是) 2 39.68 0.48 0.25 5.46 0.16 1(是) 3 26.98 0.65 0.24 2.34 0.46 0(否) 4 36.51 0.11 0.07 1.56 0.06 0(否) 5 28.57 0.03 0.01 0.78 0.02 0(否) 表 3 随机森林算法和声压阈值法的混淆矩阵
Table 3. Confusion matrixes of random forest algorithm and pressure threshold method
随机森林算法 真实值 泥石流次声 非泥石流次声 预测值 泥石流次声 6 2 非泥石流次声 0 12 声压阈值法 真实值 泥石流次声 非泥石流次声 预测值 泥石流次声 6 5 非泥石流次声 0 9 注:表中数据为对应类别的样本数目 -
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