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周艺颖 欧阳正平 徐子东 王文梅 杨勇昌 王江思 黄泽佼 马荣林 梁海艳 林毅

周艺颖,欧阳正平,徐子东,等. 琼西南九所地热田水文地球化学特征及成因[J]. 地质科技通报,2025,44(1):216-228 doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20240242
引用本文: 周艺颖,欧阳正平,徐子东,等. 琼西南九所地热田水文地球化学特征及成因[J]. 地质科技通报,2025,44(1):216-228 doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20240242
ZHOU Yiying,OUYANG Zhengping,XU Zidong,et al. Hydrogeochemical characteristics and genesis of Jiusuo geothermal field in southwestern Hainan, China[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology,2025,44(1):216-228 doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20240242
Citation: ZHOU Yiying,OUYANG Zhengping,XU Zidong,et al. Hydrogeochemical characteristics and genesis of Jiusuo geothermal field in southwestern Hainan, China[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology,2025,44(1):216-228 doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20240242


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20240242




  • 中图分类号: P314.1

Hydrogeochemical characteristics and genesis of Jiusuo geothermal field in southwestern Hainan, China

More Information
  • 摘要:

    海南岛地热资源丰富,以往的地热勘查大多停留在生产层面,而对地热水化学成分的来源、水-岩作用、多方法评价热储温度和地热田成因机制等未深入研究。基于前人资料的深入分析,可以加深对成因机制的认识,为地热田开发提供参考。利用离子的比值及相关性、Piper图、F浓度分布图、硅-焓图解与SiO2混合模型和硅-焓方程法,探讨了九所地热田热水化学组分的来源、阳离子交换、F成因、热储温度和循环深度,提出了成因概念模型。结果显示:热水化学类型为SO4·HCO3-Na 型;SO42−主要源于安山岩、流纹岩区硫化物氧化;含F矿物溶解、离子交换是F浓度的控制因素;热储温度99~169℃,冷水混合比例80%~93%,冷、热水混合前蒸汽损失的质量分数约10%;循环深度1.8~3.8 km。概念模型揭示:热水沿构造运移,从花岗岩区流向安山岩、流纹岩区,同时汲取热能,发生矿物溶滤和离子交换,导致F、SO42−等组分浓度改变,引起水化学类型演化,在水力差和浮力差双重驱动下上升,于地下浅部与孔隙冷水混合存储于沉积盖层之下形成地热田。关于琼西南地热田的热源是否存在幔源热的问题目前没有充分证据,需进一步深入研究。


  • 图 1  九所地热田取样位置和区域地质概况

    Figure 1.  Sampling location and regional geological overview of the Jiusuo geothermal fields

    图 2  九所及邻近地热田热水Piper图(a)及F质量浓度分布(b)

    a. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ代表水化学类型分组;b. 各地热田的ρ(F)取平均值,地热水的流动路径依据文献[7,17]绘出

    Figure 2.  Piper diagram (a) and F concentration distribution (b) of geothermal water in Jiusuo and neighboring areas

    图 3  地热水离子交换的判定

    Figure 3.  Determination of ion exchange in geothermal water

    图 4  地热水中SO42−来源的判断

    Figure 4.  Determination of the source of SO42− in geothermal water

    图 5  F/Clc(Na+)与ρ(F)关系图

    Figure 5.  Plots of F/Cl versus F concentration, and Na+ concentration versus F concentration

    图 6  硅-焓图解与二氧化硅混合模型确定热储温度(D1~D5为点编号)

    Figure 6.  Geothermal reservoir temperature determined by silicon-enthalpy diagram with silica mixing model

    图 7  硅-焓方程计算出的热储温度和冷水混入比例

    Figure 7.  Geothermal reservoir temperature and cold water mixing ratios calculated by silicon-enthalpy equations

    图 8  δD−δ18O关系图(a)及钻孔深度和温度关系图(b)

    GMWL. 全球雨水线;LMWL2. 海南岛雨水线;LMWL1. 雷州半岛雨水线

    Figure 8.  δD−δ18O relationship of gethermal water (a) and relationship between depth and temperature of borehole (b)

    图 9  九所地热系统概念模型


    Figure 9.  A conceptual model of the Jiusuo geothermal system

    表  1  九所及邻近地热田水化学参数表

    Table  1.   Hydrochemical parameters of geothermal fields in Jiusuo and neighboring areas

    地热田 样品编号 K+ Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl SO42− CO32− HCO3 NO3 F
    千家 Q-ZK1 3.2 40.1 57.3 11.8 19.4 8.9 0.0 290.0 4.8 0.8
    福报 F-ZK2 2.9 25.4 75.4 4.0 15.9 7.3 0.0 296.0 <0.2 0.3
    F-ZK4 1.1 28.8 63.4 12.1 28.7 29.3 16.0 207.0 5.0 0.4
    崖城 Y-8 3.9 135.0 8.9 0.5 30.2 123.0 16.0 133.0 1.6 11.0
    Y-1 3.4 136.0 7.4 0.3 27.2 121.0 11.0 138.0 1.4 11.0
    Y-7 3.5 139.0 8.6 0.4 28.7 125.0 16.0 127.0 0.3 11.0
    Y-ZK1 3.6 140.0 7.3 0.4 28.2 118.0 15.0 128.0 0.6 18.0
    Y-ZK2 6.1 54.2 42.1 4.4 25.1 43.4 9.8 184.0 2.1 4.6
    Y-ZK3 5.0 135.0 11.9 0.9 29.5 123.0 20.0 139.0 <0.2 16.0
    九所 J-B03 2.9 79.1 9.8 0.9 26.6 6.2 15.0 173.0 2.1 0.7
    J-B05 1.4 82.4 5.9 0.6 17.2 <0.2 5.0 198.0 2.7 0.7
    J-A04 1.7 134.0 9.3 0.4 26.2 137.0 9.4 110.0 <0.2 12.0
    J-ZK1a 1.8 129.0 9.6 0.5 24.6 132.0 14.0 129.0 1.4 8.3
    J-ZK1b 2.0 134.0 9.0 0.4 26.2 141.0 19.0 105.0 6.3 12.0
    J-ZK2a 2.5 104.0 9.5 0.9 19.7 73.2 14.0 172.0 8.6 0.9
    J-ZK2b 2.0 137.0 8.4 0.6 26.2 130.0 19.0 110.0 4.4 12.0
    J-ZK2c 3.0 154.0 9.0 0.5 32.8 166.0 14.0 110.0 3.3 19.0
    J-ZK3a 2.9 127.0 13.0 0.7 27.9 157.0 9.4 101.0 5.0 9.0
    J-ZK3b 2.1 144.0 10.5 0.4 29.5 157.0 14.0 101.0 3.3 19.0
    J-ZK3c 3.4 150.0 7.7 0.4 32.8 167.0 14.0 96.7 5.4 19.0
    下载: 导出CSV
    地热田 样品编号 温度/°C pH TDS SiO2 修正SiO2 δ18OV-SMOW/‰ δDV-SMOW/‰ 水化学类型
    千家 Q-ZK1 42 8.21 354 HCO3-Ca·Na
    福报[17] F-ZK2 47 7.56 502 HCO3-Ca
    F-ZK4 35 8.39 440 HCO3-Ca
    崖城[7] Y-8 55 7.00 466 SO4·HCO3-Na
    Y-1 50 8.10 457 SO4·HCO3-Na
    Y-7 57 8.09 465 SO4·HCO3-Na
    Y-ZK1 58 8.46 470 SO4·HCO3-Na
    Y-ZK2 34 8.35 315 SO4·HCO3-Na
    Y-ZK3 46 8.14 477 SO4·HCO3-Na
    九所 J-B03 35 8.43 252 21.6 HCO3-Na
    J-B05 36 8.96 234 18.8 HCO3-Na
    J-A04 44 8.72 420 34.2 29.7 −7.84 −53.5 SO4·HCO3-Na
    J-ZK1a 45 8.72 415 27.5 23.6 −7.84 −52.8 SO4·HCO3-Na
    J-ZK1b 45 8.81 444 35.7 29.9 −7.86 −53.2 SO4·HCO3-Na
    J-ZK2a 39 8.85 359 30.6 −7.50 −51.6 HCO3·SO4-Na
    J-ZK2b 40 8.85 422 24.3 20.5 −7.94 −53.0 SO4·HCO3-Na
    J-ZK2c 41 8.73 507 49.3 43.1 −8.09 −52.8 SO4·HCO3-Na
    J-ZK3a 42 8.68 443 29.4 −7.94 −53.9 SO4·HCO3-Na
    J-ZK3b 42 8.71 476 45.4 39.7 −8.10 −53.3 SO4·HCO3-Na
    J-ZK3c 38 8.75 509 57.5 50.5 −8.11 −52.2 SO4·HCO3-Na
    J-A06(望楼河) 28 7.01 131 45.2 −3.71 −25.8
    雨水 −6.33 −38.9
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    表  2  硅-焓图解与二氧化硅混合模型绘图数据

    Table  2.   Mapping data for silicon-enthalpy diagram with silica mixing model

    T/°C 100°C下蒸气足量
    点编号 修正后焓/
    13.5 209.3 56.3 234.4 A 115.0 37.9
    26.6 314.0 78.8 330.7 D1 419.0 127.5
    48.0 419.1 100.9 423.3 D2 607.0 127.5
    80.0 525.0 122.5 514.4 D3 607.0 115.0
    125.0 632.2 143.5 604.3 D4 419.0 68.0
    185.0 741.1 163.9 693.0 D5 485.0 68.0
    265.0 852.4 184.4 780.9
    365.0 966.7 204.3 870.4
    486.0 1085.2 223.7 962.0
    614.0 1210.0 240.7 1042.0
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    表  3  不同方法计算的热储温度

    Table  3.   Temperature of geothermal reservoir calculated by different methods

    样品编号 硅-焓方程法热储
    J-ZK2c 123 0.87 116 0.85 120 0.86
    J-ZK3b 99 0.80 98 0.79 99 0.80
    J-ZK3c 194 0.94 144 0.91 169 0.93
    均值 139 0.87 119 0.85 129 0.86
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