Shaking table test of dynamic responses and failure mechanism of hanging wall and footwall on rock slope across reverse faults
Abstract:Objective Near-fault landslides frequently result in catastrophic consequences under strong earthquakes, Among them, the dynamic response characteristics of earthquake-induced landslides under the influence of reverse fault activity are complex and destructive. However, there is a lack of systematic understanding, both domestically and internationally, concerning the influence of the presence and dislocation of faults on the dynamic response and failure mechanism of earthquake-induced landslides, specifically under thrust earthquakes.
Methods In this study, the large-scale shaking table tests were conducted on rock slopes considering weak reverse fault dislocation to simulate the fault dislocation process of cross–reverse fault slopes. Combined with particle image velocity (PIV) technology, the differences in the dynamic response law and failure mechanism between the hanging wall and footwall of cross-reverse fault slopes under the influence of seismic waves with varying amplitudes and frequencies were analyzed deeply.
Results The results show that with increasing loading amplitude and frequency, the slope amplification factors of the model increase nonlinearly. During the reverse fault dislocation process, the model slope experiences significant damage, with notable increases in amplification factors for both the hanging wall and footwall. Specifically, the peak acceleration of the hanging wall is amplified by a factor of 1.24, whereas that of the footwall increases by a factor of 1.13. Based on PIV observations, the failure mechanism of the model slope was discovered: the hanging wall was dominated by tension failure, and the tensile cracking failure was concentrated in the middle-higher edge of the slope. On the conteary, the failure of the footwall is caused mainly by tension and then shear. The footwall produces penetrating tensile-shear cracks under the friction and extrusion of the hanging wall.
Conclusion The model tests have effectively revealed the dynamic response laws and failure mechanisms of cross-reverse fault slopes under the action of fault dislocation. The observations revealed distinct hanging wall and footwall effects, and the fault dislocation process intensified these effects in the model slope, significantly impacting the landslide failure mechanism. This study experimentally explores the hanging wall and footwall effects, as well as the failure mechanisms, of cross-reverse fault slopes, considering the reverse fault dislocation mechanism.
图 7 断层上下盘东西向峰值加速度衰减特征(据文献[31]修改)
Figure 7. Attenuation characteristics of EW peak acceleration on the hanging wall and footwall
表 1 模型边坡相似关系
Table 1. Similarity relations of model slope
参数 相似关系 相似系数 备注 长度l $ {C}_{l} $ 100 基本量纲 密度ρ $ {C}_{\rho } $ 1 基本量纲 弹性模量Ε $ {C}_{{E}} $ 100 基本量纲 泊松比μ $ {C}_{\mu } $ 1 黏聚力c $ {C}_{c}={C}_{{E}} $ 100 内摩擦角φ $ {C}_{\varphi} $ 1 应力σ $ {C}_{{\sigma }}={C}_{{E}} $ 100 应变ε $ {C}_{\varepsilon} $ 1 位移u $ {C}_{u}={C}_{l} $ 100 速度v $ {C}_{v}={\mathrm{C}}_{\rho }^{-0.5}{\mathrm{C}}_{{E}}^{0.5} $ 10 位移加速度a $ {{C}_{a}=C}_{{E}}{\mathrm{C}}_{l}^{-1}{\mathrm{C}}_{{E}}^{-1} $ 1 时间t $ {C}_{t} $=Cl$ {\mathrm{C}}_{\rho }^{0.5}{\mathrm{C}}_{{E}}^{-0.5} $ 10 频率ƒ $ {{C}_{f}=\mathrm{C}}_{t}^{-1} $ 0.1 表 2 模型边坡主要物理力学参数
Table 2. Physico-parameters of model slope
岩性 类型 密度/(g·cm−3) 弹性模量/MPa 内摩擦角/(°) 黏聚力/kPa 泊松比 灰岩 原型 2.56 5×103~1×104 40 1×104~5×104 0.20~0.35 模型 2.56 56.3 40 120 0.23 断层 原型 2.00 — 18~23 50~100 0.29~0.34 模型 2.00 1 20 5.29 0.32 表 3 输入地震波加载工况
Table 3. Loading sequences of seismic waves
编号 加载波形 振幅/g 频率/Hz 备注 1 正弦波 0.1 5 2 汶川波 0.1 3 正弦波 0.2 5 4 汶川波 0.2 5 正弦波 0.3 5 6 汶川波 0.3 7 正弦波 0.3 7 8 汶川波 0.3 9 正弦波 0.3 12 10 汶川波 0.3 11 正弦波 0.3 15 12 汶川波 0.3 13 正弦波 0.4 12 14 汶川波 0.4 15 汶川波 0.5 错动前 16 汶川波 0.5 断层错动 17 正弦波 0.5 12 18 正弦波 0.6 12 19 正弦波 0.7 12 20 正弦波 0.8 12 21 正弦波 0.9 12 -
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