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李刚 王聪 解科峰 伍杭 牛宏

李刚,王聪,解科峰,等. 镉在不同氧化还原环境中的吸附解吸行为[J]. 地质科技通报,2025,44(1):241-250 doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20240369
引用本文: 李刚,王聪,解科峰,等. 镉在不同氧化还原环境中的吸附解吸行为[J]. 地质科技通报,2025,44(1):241-250 doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20240369
LI Gang,WANG Cong,XIE Kefeng,et al. Adsorption and desorption behavior of cadmium in different redox environments[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology,2025,44(1):241-250 doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20240369
Citation: LI Gang,WANG Cong,XIE Kefeng,et al. Adsorption and desorption behavior of cadmium in different redox environments[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology,2025,44(1):241-250 doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20240369


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20240369




  • 中图分类号: X142

Adsorption and desorption behavior of cadmium in different redox environments

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  • 图 1  蒙脱石吸附过程中Fe(Ⅱ)/Fe(Ⅲ)曲线

    M-OX. 氧化态蒙脱石;M-RD. 还原态蒙脱石;M-RO为还原再氧化蒙脱石;下同

    Figure 1.  Fe2+/Fe3+ curves during the adsorption by montmorillonite

    图 2  蒙脱石对Cd的吸附曲线


    Figure 2.  Adsorption curves of Cd by montmorillonite

    图 3  蒙脱石吸附过程中羟基自由基的变化曲线

    Figure 3.  Change curve of hydroxyl radicals during the adsorption by montmorillonite

    图 4  三种材料吸附前后的氮气洗脱附等温线

    Figure 4.  Nitrogen adsorption and desorption isotherms before and after adsorption of the three materials

    图 5  三种材料吸附前后的介孔孔径分布图

    Figure 5.  Mesoporous pore size distribution before and after adsorption of the three materials

    图 6  三种材料吸附前后的XRD谱图

    Figure 6.  XRD pattern before and after adsorption of the three materials

    图 7  三种材料吸附前的FTIR谱图

    Figure 7.  FTIR pattern before adsorption of the three materials

    图 8  M-RO材料在吸附反应前、后的红外光谱图

    Figure 8.  FTIR pattern of M-RO materials before and after the adsorption reaction

    表  1  三种材料吸附前后的比表面积、孔容及平均孔径

    Table  1.   Specific surface area, pore volume and average pore size before and after adsorption of the three materials

    编号 比表面积/(m2·g−1 孔容/(cm3·g−1 平均孔径/nm
    M-OX0 14.619 0.052 4.129
    M-RD0 6.804 0.022 3.885
    M-RO0 9.522 0.037 4.154
    M-OX48 16.050 0.027 3.884
    M-RD48 4.059 0.037 3.933
    M-RO48 7.618 0.038 4.126
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