Abstract:Objective Changes in subsurface redox environment can affect the adsorption and desorption of heavy metals in soils; however, the underlying mechanisms of these effects remain unclear.
Methods In this work, montmorillonite with different redox environments was prepared, and the effects of different redox environments on cadmium adsorption were assessed via static adsorption experiments and various characterization techniques.
Results The results revealed minimal changes in the redox properties of both reduced montmorillonite M-RD and oxidized montmorillonite M-OX. The strongest redox reaction was observed in reduced reoxidized montmorillonite M-RO, which showed a gradual decrease in the reducing properties. M-RD exhibited superior cadmium adsorption compared to M-OX; however, upon reoxidation, some adsorbed cadmium was released from M-RD, although the adsorption was still more effective than in M-OX. Re-exposure of M-RD to oxygen initiated an oxidation reaction, generating numerous hydroxyl radicals, a phenomenon not observed in M-OX or M-RD alone.
Conclusion Upon reoxidation of M-RD, changes occurred in the characteristic absorption peaks associated with Fe(Ⅱ)-Fe(Ⅱ)-Fe(Ⅱ)-Fe(Ⅱ)-Fe(Ⅱ)-OH rearrangement-OH bending vibrations and the Si-O tetrahedral structure, indicating structural uptake of montmorillonite. This suggests that Fe(Ⅱ) in the structure lost electrons, transforming into Fe(Ⅲ), thereby causing a structural change in montmorillonite. These changes led to increased specific surface area, pore volume, and average pore size of montmorillonite, ultimately affecting its adsorption capacity. The altered redox conditions weakened the adsorption of Cd, causing its release from montmorillonite. Uncovering the mechanisms of cadmium adsorption and desorption affected by redox conditions in subsurface environments can provide theoretical insights for the remediation and treatment of soil pollution in dynamic redox settings.
Key words:
- cadmium /
- redox /
- adsorption resolution /
- hydroxyl radicals.
表 1 三种材料吸附前后的比表面积、孔容及平均孔径
Table 1. Specific surface area, pore volume and average pore size before and after adsorption of the three materials
编号 比表面积/(m2·g−1) 孔容/(cm3·g−1) 平均孔径/nm M-OX0 14.619 0.052 4.129 M-RD0 6.804 0.022 3.885 M-RO0 9.522 0.037 4.154 M-OX48 16.050 0.027 3.884 M-RD48 4.059 0.037 3.933 M-RO48 7.618 0.038 4.126 -
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