Landslide susceptibility evaluation in Badong County based on weights of evidence method
摘要: 巴东县城由于其特殊的地理位置和特有的地质条件,使之成为滑坡灾害多发地带,严重威胁着巴东县城的发展,因此,有必要对巴东县城进行滑坡易发性评价研究。首先,基于GIS平台分别提取影响滑坡发生发育的各指标因子(地层岩性、地形地貌、地质构造、水文地质条件等),并划分证据层;其次,采用证据权法分别计算各证据层的权重及后验概率;然后将单元各证据层后验概率进行叠加,生成滑坡易发性分区图;最后,使用自然断点法将研究区按滑坡易发程度分为极高易发区、高易发区、中易发区、低易发区与极低易发区5类,极高易发区与高易发区面积之和约占研究区总面积的33%,其中86%的已有滑坡发生在极高易发区和高易发区,利用成功率曲线检验表明区划效果较好。Abstract: Because of its special geographical location and special geological conditions, Badong County becomes a prone zone of geological hazards, especially landslide disasters. It is necessary to research landslide susceptibility evaluation, because of its serious threat to the development of Badong County.First, we extracted the influence factors of the formation and development of landslide respectively and divided the evidence layer on GIS.The influence factors include the formation lithology, geographic and geomorphic conditions, geological structure, and hydrogeological conditions.The weights of evidence method was applied to calculate the weights of each layer of evidence and posterior probability respectively.Then, distribution chart of landslide susceptibility was generated by overlaying posterior probability of evidence layer of each unit. Finally, according to Natural Breaks law, the researched region was divided into five categories:extremely high, high, moderate, low, and extremely low by landslide susceptibility.The sum area of extremely high and high is about 33% of the total area and about 86% of existing landslides occurred in extremely high prone area and high prone area.The result shows good by using the success rate curve test that division.
Key words:
- landslide /
- weights of evidence method /
- posterior probability /
- susceptibility zonation
表 1 各评价指标的相关性
Table 1. Correlation coefficients of each factor
评价指标 地层 坡度 坡向 坡面曲率 坡高 断层 水系 植被指数 地层 1 坡度 0.152 5 1 坡向 -0.022 5 0.097 7 1 坡面曲率 -0.005 4 0.020 4 0.006 1 1 坡高 0.188 1 -0.004 0 0.012 1 -0.005 6 1 断层 -0.209 9 -0.085 8 0.032 2 -0.001 8 -0.108 8 1 水系 0.237 3 -0.058 1 -0.068 6 0.011 3 0.103 7 0.087 0 1 植被指数 0.193 9 0.230 3 0.039 0 -0.007 4 0.123 3 -0.027 2 0.006 5 1 表 2 相关性划分标准[25]
Table 2. Division standard of correlation
高相关性 中等相关性 低相关性 不相关 r≥0.8 0.5≤r<0.8 0.3≤r < 0.5 r<0.3 表 3 各评价指标证据层权重及后验概率
Table 3. Weights of evidence and posterior probability of evidence layer of each factor
指标 证据层 W+ W- Ci P后验 地层 J1x - 0.050 0 - - T3s -2.936 3 0.015 6 -2.951 9 0.003 6 T2b4+5 -1.295 1 0.076 6 -1.371 7 0.017 1 T2b3 0.694 7 -0.715 1 1.409 9 0.219 3 T2b2 0.319 9 -0.109 5 0.429 4 0.095 3 T2b1 - 0.031 4 - - T1j3 - 0.146 9 - - T1j2 - 0.118 5 - - T1j1 - 0.003 6 - - 坡度 ≤3° 0.194 2 -0.011 2 0.205 4 0.086 0 (3°,15°] 0.035 7 -0.004 7 0.040 5 0.073 9 (15°,30°] 0.261 4 -0.464 5 0.726 0 0.136 7 (30°,42°] -0.862 5 0.160 3 -1.022 8 0.026 8 (42°,57°] -2.473 7 0.045 5 -2.519 2 0.006 1 > 57° - 0.002 4 - - 坡向 [0°,30°] 0.366 9 -0.099 2 0.466 0 0.137 3 (30°,150°] -0.205 7 0.067 3 -0.273 0 0.070 6 (150°,225°] 0.397 8 -0.113 9 0.511 8 0.142 8 (225°,330°] -0.329 9 0.082 6 -0.412 6 0.062 0 >330° -0.449 2 0.055 7 -0.504 9 0.056 9 坡面曲率 ≤-7 - 0.000 8 - - (-7,-3] -0.387 3 0.005 8 -0.393 1 0.039 4 (-3,3] 0.014 0 -0.557 2 0.571 2 0.097 2 (3,7] -0.708 4 0.006 5 -0.714 9 0.028 9 >7 - 0.000 7 - - 坡高 ≤300 m 1.309 4 -1.019 8 2.329 2 0.408 5 (300,500]m -0.259 2 0.109 2 -0.368 5 0.044 5 (500,700]m -2.090 9 0.273 3 -2.364 2 0.006 3 >700 m - 0.234 5 - - 断层 ≤600 m -0.443 7 0.319 4 -0.763 2 0.043 0 (600,1 100]m 0.550 1 -0.419 9 0.970 0 0.202 7 (1 100,1 800]m -0.327 4 0.053 8 -0.381 2 0.061 8 >1 800 m - 0.003 9 - - 水系 ≤100 m -0.409 5 0.016 5 -0.425 9 0.055 6 (100,200]m -0.060 6 0.003 1 -0.063 7 0.077 9 (200,500]m 0.021 8 -0.001 2 0.023 0 0.084 4 >500 m - -0.124 4 - - 植被指数 ≤10 0.692 4 -0.042 2 0.734 6 0.201 2 (10,80] 0.300 0 -0.086 2 0.386 1 0.151 0 (80,90] 0.058 2 -0.104 7 0.162 9 0.089 6 (90,240] -0.286 2 0.383 8 -0.670 0 0.058 2 (240,255] -1.405 9 0.037 7 -1.443 6 0.027 7 说明:“-”说明该证据层中无滑坡发生,后验概率为0 表 4 各易发性等级栅格统计及滑坡比率计算
Table 4. Grid statistics and landslide ratio of each level of susceptibility
易发性等级 各等级内栅格总数b/个 各等级内滑坡栅格数c/个 各等级内栅格总数占研究区栅格比例d/% 各等级内滑坡栅格占总滑坡栅格比例e/% 滑坡比率
(e/d)极低易发区 70 028 0 13.18 0 0 低易发区 140 416 574 26.43 1.18 0.044 7 中易发区 140 678 6 355 26.48 13.09 0.494 1 高易发区 109 649 15 901 20.63 32.74 1.586 2 极高易发区 70 446 25 734 13.26 52.99 3.995 9 -
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