Significance of inclusions and fluid evolution of the porphyry-skarn copper-molybdenum deposit in Tongshankou, Daye, Hubei
摘要: 为了提供矽卡岩岩浆成因证据,丰富多成因矽卡岩理论,并研究湖北大冶铜山口铜钼矿床成矿流体性质,以包裹体的岩相学观察为基础,结合高温流体包裹体显微测温和激光拉曼光谱分析,对铜山口矿床矽卡岩矿化进行了研究。结果表明:在早期矽卡岩矿物石榴石中发现了丰富的晶质和非晶质熔融包裹体、熔体-流体包裹体,表明天然岩浆珠滴被矽卡岩矿物晶格缺陷捕获,其中含有石榴石、黄铜矿等子矿物,且早期流体包裹体均一温度超过500℃,为早期矽卡岩岩浆熔体成因提供了重要证据。矽卡岩成矿早期以岩浆作用为主,晚期以热液作用为主,且熔-流转换的过程主要发生在干矽卡岩阶段,早期岩浆熔体中富含成矿物质,为矿区深部成矿提供了物质基础。
- 铜山口铜钼矿床 /
- 岩浆成因矽卡岩 /
- 熔融包裹体和熔体-流体包裹体 /
- 高温流体包裹体测温 /
- 激光拉曼分析
Abstract: Magma-skarn is an important genetic type among the multi-genesis of skarns. Based on petrographic observation and thermal microscopy temperature measurement of inclusions, combined with laser Raman spectroscopy, characteristics of ore-forming fluids at the Tongshankou porphyry-skarn copper-molybdenum deposit has been studied. This study aims to provide evidence for the formation of the magma-genetic skarn and further to unveil the melt-flow conversion processes and metal enrichment mechanism of ore-forming fluids. A vast amount of crystalline and amorphous melt inclusions and melt-fluid inclusions the melt inclusions have been found in the skarn minerals, e.g. garnet in the early stage, indicating that the magma droplets could have been trapped by the early skarn minerals. These inclusions could provide essential evidence for the magmatic genesis of the early skarns. With the comparison of different types of inclusions in the skarn minerals at each stage, it is believed that the skarn is dominated by magmatic genesis in the early stage, and the hydrothermal genesis in the late stage. Moreover, the processes of melt-flow conversion mainly occur in the prograde skarn stage. Ore minerals, e.g. chalcopyrite, found in the melt inclusions through the laser Raman analysis indicate that the skarn magma is rich in ore-forming materials at the Tongshankou deposit, which could aid in the deep prospecting and exploration in this area. -
图 1 鄂东南地区地质及矿产分布简图
Figure 1. The diagram of geological and mineral distribution in southeastern Hubei
图 4 铜山口矿床部分矿石组构及围岩蚀变照片
Figure 4. Partial ore structure and rock alteration photo of Tongshankou deposit
图 9 流体包裹体均一温度与盐度散点图(据文献[29]修改)
Figure 9. Homogeneous temperature and salinity scatter plot of fluid inclusions
表 1 蚀变分带与矿化特征
Table 1. The characteristics of alteration zone and mineralization
蚀变带 钾化带 钾化硅化带 绢英岩化带 矽卡岩带 矽卡岩化带 蛇纹石化带 绿泥石化带 大理岩带 矿化类型 浸染状钼(铜)矿化 浸染、细脉状钼(铜)矿化 细脉(网脉)、浸染状钼(铜)矿化 块状、粗脉及稠密网脉状铜(钼)矿化 粗脉、稀疏网脉状铜矿化 细脉(网脉)状铜矿化 细脉状铜矿化 星点状铜矿化 表 2 包裹体激光拉曼测试数据
Table 2. Statistics of laser Raman analytical results for melt inclusions and fluid-melt inclusions
标本编号 主矿物 包裹体编号 测试结果 拉曼特征分峰波数/cm-1 2306-2-b-J 石榴石 2306-2-1 Cal+Px+H2O Cal:1 087
Px:1 011、663
H2O:3 430~3 4582306-2-2 Hem Hem:1 320 2306-2-3 Cal Cal:1 085 2306-2-4 Ccp Ccp:291、321 2306-2-b-B 石榴石 2306-2-5 Px Px:1 014、667 2306-2-6 NaCl+Hem Hem:1 313
NaCl:无特征波峰,根据晶形判断2306-2-e-B 石榴石 2306-2-7 Cal+Hem Cal:1 087
Hem:1 3172306-2-e-J 石榴石 2306-2-8
Cal:1085注:Hem.赤铁矿,其余矿物代号同图 4 -
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