Joint bending stiffness and internal force calculation of assembled pipe jacking
摘要: 随着顶管断面尺寸不断增大,管节的运输问题逐渐突显,拼装式顶管技术可以有效解决该问题。在现有拼装式结构接头基础上,提出了拼装式顶管管节横向接头的连接方式,并以螺栓拼装式管节为研究对象,建立了横向接头抗弯刚度计算模型,结合盾构管片梁-弹簧模型,提出了拼装式管节结构计算方法。其内力计算结果表明:拼装式和整体式管节内力分布规律基本一致;拼装式管节的侧壁弯矩小于整体式管节,顶部和底部弯矩大于整体式管节,二者内力无急剧变化;从内力分布与大小看,拼装式管节是可用的。Abstract: With the increasing of the cross section area of pipe jacking, the transportation problem of pipe is becoming more and more serious.And the assembled pipe jacking technology can effectively solve this problem.Based on the existing assembled structural joints, the connection method of the assembled pipe transverse joint is put forward.Then, the bending stiffness model of transverse joint in bolt assembled pipe is established, and the structural calculation method of assembled pipe is put forward with reference to the beam-spring model of shield segment.The results of internal force show that the internal force distribution of assembled and integral pipe is basically the same; the bending moment of the side wall of the assembled pipe is less than that of the integral pipe, while the bending moment at the top and bottom is greater than that of the integral pipe and there is no sharp change in their internal forces; in terms of internal force distribution and value, the assembled pipe is available.
Key words:
- assembled pipe jacking /
- transverse joint /
- bending stiffness /
- beam-spring model
表 1 圆形顶管计算参数
Table 1. Parameters of circular pipe jacking
项目 取值 管节几何参数 管节尺寸:内径3.5 m,外径4.14 m,壁厚0.32 m,管节长度b=2.5 m;
接头接缝面尺寸:h1=0.03 m,h2=0.07 m,h3=0.14 m,h4=0.22 m,h5=0.26 m,h6=0.30 m螺栓参数 单侧设置3颗8.8级M30弯曲螺栓,lb=0.55 m,Eb=2.1×105 MPa,fb=640 MPa,抗拉强度为800 MPa,T0=80 kN 管周荷载 q1=95 kPa,q2=119.127 kPa,q3=29.8 kPa,q4=68.126 kPa,自重q5=7.86 kPa 接头荷载及抗弯刚度 M=-132.5 kN·m,N=511.25 kN,根据接头抗弯刚度模型情况(7),Kθ=25 863.8 (kN·m)/rad 表 2 矩形顶管计算参数
Table 2. Parameters of rectangular pipe jacking
项目 取值 管节几何参数 管节尺寸:外尺寸6.9 m×4.2 m,壁厚0.5 m,管节长度b=1.5 m;
接头接缝面尺寸:h1=0.03 m,h2=0.075 m,h3=0.23 m,h4=0.395 m,h5=0.44 m,h6=0.48 m螺栓参数 单侧设置2颗10.9级M36弯曲螺栓,lb=0.55 m,Eb=2.1×105 MPa,fb=900 MPa,抗拉强度为1 000 MPa,T0=80 kN 管周荷载 q1=107 kPa,q2=119 kPa,q3=29.8 kPa,q4=66.918 kPa 接头荷载及抗弯刚度 M= -279.6 kN·m,N=513.6 kN,根据接头抗弯刚度模型情况(7),Kθ=30 786.2 (kN·m)/rad -
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